Humans have two types of abilities –physical and cognitive. In the past, machines competed with humans mainly inraw physical abilities, while humans retained an immense edge over machines incognition. Hence as manual jobs in agriculture and industry were automated, newservice jobs emerged that required the kind of cognitive skills only humanspossessed: learning, analysing, communicating and above all understanding humanemotions. However, AI is now beginning to outperform humans in more and more ofthese skills, including in the understanding of human emotions. We don’t knowof any third field of activity – beyond the physical and the cognitive – wherehumans will always retain a secure edge.
It is crucial to realise that the AIrevolution is not just about computers getting faster and smarter. It isfuelled by breakthroughs in the life sciences and the social sciences as well.The better we understand the biochemical mechanisms that underpin human emotions,desires and choices, the better computers can become in analysing human behaviour,predicting human decisions, and replacing human drivers, bankers and lawyers.