For years the beautiful Renaissance buildings in Palitito have been damaged by exhaust from the many tour buses that come to the city. There has been little parking space, so most buses have idled at the curb during each stop on their tour, and idling produces as much exhaust as driving. The city has now provided parking that accommodates a third of the tour buses, so damage to Palitito's buildings from the buses' exhaust will diminish significantly.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?
(A) The exhaust from Palitito's few automobiles is not a significant threat to Palitito's buildings.
(B) Palitito's Renaissance buildings are not threatened by pollution other than engine exhaust.
(C) Tour buses typically spend less than one-quarter of the time they are in Palitito transporting passengers from one site to another.
(D) More tourists come to Palitito by tour bus than by any other single means of transportation.
(E) Some of the tour buses that are unable to find parking drive around Palitito while their passengers are visiting a site.
A. 尾气对建筑不是很大的威胁
B. 建筑没有尾气之外其他的威胁
C. 大巴用来运送乘客的时间占总时间比例小
D. 坐大巴来的人比坐其他任何交通工具来的人都多
E. 有些找不到停车位的汽车在城外开着转
这题有坑易错, 选项招人魂魄。
A 选项跟原文条件抬杠,原文逻辑链在尾气的范畴之内说事儿,你上来直接把尾气危害给灭了,这是不对的。那同学问,这题如果问的是削弱,是不是A就对了?A也不能削弱,因为即使尾气不是很大的威胁,采取措施仍然能够减少尾气危害,原文逻辑链就依然成立,不能被削弱。
B B选项离开了原文逻辑链讨论的范畴:尾气。尾气之外有没有威胁,都跟此刻的讨论无关。
C 运乘客的时间少→idle的时间就多→能停车的话减少的排放量就多→对建筑物的危害减少 正确
D 其他交通工具不是我们关心的对象,不要东拉西扯
E 该选项特别容易读错,drive around P 是在城外转,drive around in P是在城里开车转,在城里开车转就是补充了额外的条件,这个额外条件就是加强逻辑链的。但是在城外转就是无关的,出范围了。