Write a for loop that iterates over all the elements of linkedin and prints out every element separately. Do this in two ways: using the loop version 1 and the loop version 2 in the example code above.
primes <- c(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13)
# loop version 1
for (p in primes) {
# loop version 2
for (i in 1:length(primes)) {
Then here is the code for list, notice that the loop mentioned above is for vector, so just []
but here:
Looping over a list is just as easy and convenient as looping over a vector. There are again two different approaches here:
primes_list <- list(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13)
# loop version 1
for (p in primes_list) {
# loop version 2
for (i in 1:length(primes_list)) {
Notice that you need double square brackets - [[ ]] - to select the list elements in loop version 2.
Then we have a metric
fist we need paste(), here is the basic principle of paste:
a <- "Hello"
b <- 'How'
c <- "are you? "
print(paste(a,b,c, sep = "-"))
print(paste(a,b,c, sep = "", collapse = ""))
[1] "Hello How are you? "
[1] "Hello-How-are you? "
[1] "HelloHoware you? "
# The tic-tac-toe matrix ttt has already been defined for you
# define the double for loop
for (i in 1:nrow(ttt)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(ttt)) {
print(paste("On row",i,"and column",j,"the board contains",ttt[i,j]))
Note: how to use paste “,”connect i and j rather than directly put them in the sentence: “on the row....”
# The linkedin vector has already been defined for you
linkedin <- c(16, 9, 13, 5, 2, 17, 14)
# Adapt/extend the for loop
for (li in linkedin) {
if (li > 10&li<=16) {
print("You're popular!")
} else {
print("Be more visible!")
# Add if statement with break
print("This is ridiculous, I'm outta here!")
# Add if statement with next
print("This is too embarrassing!" )
we have to know: break SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE {}!!!!!!!!
Then we should write for loop:
use split(),
!!!!remember the sequence!!!!!!! if (condition) must be ended by {}, do not put 2 if sentences in the same {} (that is where I made the mistake)
# Pre-defined variables
rquote <- "r's internals are irrefutably intriguing"
chars <- strsplit(rquote, split = "")[[1]]
# Initialize rcount
rcount <- 0
# Finish the for loop
for (char in chars) {
if (char=="r"){
# Print out rcount