中次药在治疗常见病、 多发病和疑难病等方面独具 优势,在治疗传染性疾病方 面也有良好效果,并以其费 用低,厅效好、副作用小等 特点,深受中国公众喜爱《 在医疗卫生保健中发挥着不 可替代的重要作用:
Given its unique advantages in treating common, frequently occurring and complicated diseases and effectiveness in dealing with infectious diseases, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is popular among the Chinese public for its low cost, desirable curative effects and mild side effects. TCM plays an irreplaceable role in China’s medical and healthcare endeavors.
国家把人才培养作为中 医药事业发展的根本,加强 名老中医药专家学术思想和 经验继承工作以及优秀中医 临床人才培养
The state considers the training of qualified professionals as the cornerstone for the development of TCM. Efforts have been enhanced its efforts to pass down the academic achievements and experience of renowned senior TCM experts and train high-caliber clinical professionals.
积极利用现代科学技术, 推进中医药的理论和技术创 新,在中医基础理论、临床 诊疗、中药技术等领域取得 重要成果
China has promoted theoretical and technical innovations in TCM through the application of modern science and technology. It has made important achievements in areas such as basic TCM theory, clinical diagnosis and treatment, and TCM pharmaceutical technology.
中医药对外医疗、教育、 科技合作不断扩大,已传播 到世界上160多个国家和地 区。“中医针灸列入人类 非物质文化遗产代表作名录, 中医药典籍蕨帝内经 1
学纲II 列入联合国教科文 组织世界记忆遗产名录
Cooperation in TCM application, education and technology with foreign countries has steadily expanded. Now, more than 160 countries and regions around the world have access to TCM. TCM acupuncture and moxibustion have been recognized as a representative of humanity, while TCM classics Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon and Compendium of Materia Medica have been included in the UNESCO Memory of the World list.
北京大学第三医院始建 于1958年,是卫生部部管的 集医疗、教学、科研和预防 保健为一体的现代化综合性〔级甲等医院
The Peking University Third Hospital was founded in 1958 under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. It is a modernized and comprehensive upper first-class hospital integrating medical services, education, research, disease prevention and health promotion.
北医三院拥有国内最强 的脊柱外科和中国大陆成立 最早、亚洲最大的牛殖医学 中心之一,中国大陆首例试 管婴儿在此诞生:消化料在 溃疡病和早期胃癌的诊疗领 域居国内前列
The hospital leads the country in spinal surgery. Its Reproductive Medicine Center, the very first of its kind in China’s mainland, is one of the largest in Asia. The first “test-tube baby” in the mainland was born here. The Gastroenterology Department is among the top providers of ulcer and early stomach cancer diagnosis and treatment services in China.
2013年,年门急诊量' 达382万余人次,年出院患 者7.9万余人次,年手术量达 4.8万余例次,平均住院日为 6.37天在北医三院住院患 者中,三分之一以上是来自 全国各地的疑难杂症患者
In 2013, outpatient and emergency visits to the hospital totaled more than 3.82 million. The number of patients it discharged exceeded 79,000. More than 48,000 operations were carried out, with the average length of stay standing at 6.37 days. More than a third of the hospital’s inpatients are patients with complicated conditions from all over the country.
作为北京大学临床医学 院,每年1000余名医学生、 300余名博上生、硕士生在此 进入临床学习.同时,每年 40个左右的国家级继续 教育'项目吸引了全国各地 3000余名学员.
As a clinical medical school for Peking University, the hospital admits some 1000 medical students and 300 candidates for PhD and master’s degrees for clinical studies every year. Moreover, it offers some 40 national-level continuing medical education programs that attract over 3000 participants nationwide annually.