Tip # 1: Give a snapshot of your work history.
I started off my career as a Financial Analyst five years ago with XYZ Company where I performed full-cycle accounting duties,month-end close procedures and assisted with budgeting and forecasting on a monthly basis...
Tip #2: Make your mini stories achievement-oriented.
keywords:achievement such as saving time,saving money,improving processes,improving profitability
In that role,a major accomplishment I'm most proud of was that I was able to reduce the time spent on month-end procedures by developing an Excel model which automated a major accounting process .This resulted in a time savings of approximately 1 day per month
Tip #3. Tell the employer what you KNOW about this role.
keywords:brainwash the employer into understanding why you are the one and only and perfect fit
I understand that for this position of Finance Manager that you're hiring for,you're looking for someone with strong process improvement skills...
Tip #4. Finally, tell the employer WHY you’re the RIGHT fit for what they need.
Overall ,due to my strong background and achievements in successfully identifying gaps and creating effiencies,I am confident I'll be able to succeed in this role you're hiring for