- IDE:Visual Studio 2015
- Language: C++
打开VS2015,创建新工程,选择"Win32 Project",命名为UnicodeFileLib
新建项目 -
勾选Static Library和MFC选项,若不需要MFC类库,可以不选。
直接点“添加” 按钮
如图,将类命名为“CUnicodeFile”,点击“完成” 按钮。
#pragma once #include <set> #include "stdafx.h" #define FOR_READ 0x10 #define FOR_WRITE 0x11 #define FOR_RE_WR 0x12 class CUnicodeFile { public: CUnicodeFile(void); ~CUnicodeFile(void); BOOL Load(TCHAR* pFileName, USHORT operateType); VOID Release(VOID); BOOL CheckUnicodeFile(); BOOL SkipUnicodeFlag(VOID); VOID SetUnicodeFlag(VOID); static BOOL Delete(CUnicodeFile& fileDel); static BOOL Delete(CString strFileName); CString GetFileName(VOID); CString GetFileNameExt(VOID); FILE *GetFilePointer(VOID); VOID SetFlag(USHORT flag); USHORT GetFlag(VOID); BOOL ReadLine(CString& cstr); BOOL WriteLine(CString cstr); BOOL WriteSet(std::set< CString > *pCStringSet); VOID WriteLineEnd(VOID); int Seek(LONG offset, int origin); LONG TellOffset(VOID); VOID WriteAWord(TCHAR ch); BOOL ReadAWord(TCHAR& ch); int WriteBuffer(const void* buffer, size_t itemSize, size_t count); int ReadBuffer(void* buffer, size_t itemSize, size_t count); BOOL Flush(VOID); BOOL GetFileAsBuffer(CString strFileName); protected: // The flag for operate type. FOR_READ, for reading; FOR_WRITE, for writing USHORT m_fileOperateFlag; // The pointer for file which will be operated FILE* m_pFile; // The file name CString m_strFileName; // The file name extension CString m_strFileNameExt; // The temp TCHAR buffer TCHAR* m_pBuffer; };
#include "stdafx.h" #include "UnicodeFile.h" #include <iostream> #define MAXCHARS 511 #define Succeeded TRUE #define Failed FALSE /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : CUnicodeFile ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Construct function ** Input : None ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUnicodeFile::CUnicodeFile(void) { m_fileOperateFlag = 0; m_pFile = NULL; m_pBuffer = NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : CUnicodeFile ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : ** Input : None ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CUnicodeFile::~CUnicodeFile(void) { // Do nothing } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : Load ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2010/1/8 ** Description : Init the attribute of the object ** Input : pFileName, the file name buffer operateType, the operate method ** Output : TRUE or FALSE **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::Load(TCHAR* pFileName, USHORT operateType) { // Save the file name m_strFileName = pFileName; // Get the file name extension int find = m_strFileName.ReverseFind('.'); if (find == -1) { m_strFileNameExt.Empty(); } else { m_strFileNameExt = m_strFileName.Mid(find + 1).Trim(); } // Set the operate method m_fileOperateFlag = operateType; switch (operateType) { case FOR_READ: _wfopen_s(&m_pFile, pFileName, TEXT("rb")); break; case FOR_WRITE: _wfopen_s(&m_pFile, pFileName, TEXT("wb")); break; case FOR_RE_WR: _wfopen_s(&m_pFile, pFileName, TEXT("w+")); // The file must exist break; default: break; } if (m_pFile == NULL) { /*std::cout << "Can not open the file" << pFileName << std::endl; system( "pause" );*/ CString str = _T("Can not open the file "); str.Append(pFileName); AfxMessageBox(str); return FALSE; } m_pBuffer = new TCHAR[MAXCHARS]; return TRUE; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : Release ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2010/1/8 ** Description : Free the resurce ** Input : None ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CUnicodeFile::Release(VOID) { if (m_pBuffer != NULL) { delete[] m_pBuffer; } m_strFileName = _T(""); fclose(m_pFile); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : CheckUnicodeFile ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2011/3/21 ** Description : Check if the file is Unicode file ** Input : None ** Output : TRUE or FALSE **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::CheckUnicodeFile() { TCHAR ch = fgetwc(m_pFile); if (ch == 0xfeff) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : Release ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2010/1/15 ** Description : Delete file from disk ** Input : fileDel, the CUnicodeFile object ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::Delete(CUnicodeFile& fileDel) { CString strName = fileDel.GetFileName(); if (strName.IsEmpty()) { AfxMessageBox(_T("The file is release...")); return FALSE; } int num = strName.GetLength(); char* operate = new char[num + 5]; operate[0] = 'D'; operate[1] = 'e'; operate[2] = 'l'; operate[3] = ' '; int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { operate[4 + i] = (char)LOWORD(strName.GetAt(i)); } operate[4 + i] = '\0'; fileDel.Release(); system(operate); delete[] operate; return TRUE; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : Release ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2010/1/15 ** Description : Delete file from disk ** Input : strFileName, the file name ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::Delete(CString strFileName) { int num = strFileName.GetLength(); char* operate = new char[num + 5]; operate[0] = 'D'; operate[1] = 'e'; operate[2] = 'l'; operate[3] = ' '; int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { operate[4 + i] = (char)LOWORD(strFileName.GetAt(i)); } operate[4 + i] = '\0'; system(operate); delete[] operate; return TRUE; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : CUnicodeFile ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Get the file pointer ** Input : None ** Output : The file pointer **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FILE* CUnicodeFile::GetFilePointer(VOID) { return m_pFile; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : GetFlag ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Get the file operate flag ** Input : None ** Output : The flag **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ USHORT CUnicodeFile::GetFlag(VOID) { return m_fileOperateFlag; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : SetFlag ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Set the file operate flag ** Input : flag, the flag for reading or writing ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CUnicodeFile::SetFlag(USHORT flag) { m_fileOperateFlag = flag; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : ReadLine ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Read a line information into the cstr ** Input : cstr, the string for getting the string ** Output : Succeeded, Failed, **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::ReadLine(CString& cstr) { CString str; cstr.Empty(); //The file can not for reading if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_WRITE) { return Failed; } do { if (fgetws(m_pBuffer, MAXCHARS, m_pFile) == NULL) { //Modify by Barry on 2011-01-21. if (cstr.IsEmpty()) { return Failed; } else { break; } } str = m_pBuffer; cstr.Append(str); } while (str.Find(0x000a) == -1); if (cstr.GetAt(cstr.GetLength() - 1) == 0x000a) { cstr.Delete(cstr.GetLength() - 1); } else { //AfxMessageBox( _T("Read a part of line...") ); } if (cstr.GetAt(cstr.GetLength() - 1) == 0x000d) { cstr.Delete(cstr.GetLength() - 1); } else { //AfxMessageBox( _T("Read a part of line...") ); } return Succeeded; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : WirteLine ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Write the string cstr into the file ** Input : cstr, the string will be wrote into the file ** Output : Succeeded,Failed, **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::WriteLine(CString cstr) { //The file can not for writing if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_READ) { return Failed; } fputws(cstr.GetBuffer(0), m_pFile); WriteLineEnd(); return Succeeded; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : WirteSet ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Write the set vector into the file ** Input : pCStrintSet, the set pointer ** Output : Succeeded,Failed, **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::WriteSet(std::set< CString > *pCStringSet) { //The file can not for writing if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_READ) { return Failed; } CString cstr; std::set< CString >::iterator it; for (it = pCStringSet->begin(); it != pCStringSet->end(); it++) { WriteLine(*it); } return Succeeded; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : WirteLine ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Write a line end into the file ** Input : None ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CUnicodeFile::WriteLineEnd(VOID) { //The file can not for writing if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_READ) { return; } fputwc(0x000d, m_pFile); fputwc(0x000a, m_pFile); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : SkipUnicodeFlag ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Skip over the Unicode flag ** Input : None ** Output : Succeeded,Failed, **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::SkipUnicodeFlag(VOID) { // The file can not for reading if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_WRITE) { return Failed; } // Check if the file is Unicode file if (!CheckUnicodeFile()) { CString str; str = _T("The file \"") + m_strFileName + _T("\" is not Unicode file!"); AfxMessageBox(str); return Failed; } fseek(m_pFile, sizeof(TCHAR), SEEK_SET); return Succeeded; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : SetUnicodeFlag ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/10/15 ** Description : Set the Unicode flag into the file ** Input : None ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CUnicodeFile::SetUnicodeFlag(VOID) { //The file can not for writing if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_READ) { return; } fputwc(0xfeff, m_pFile); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : Seek ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/12/11 ** Description : Move the file pointer to another place ** Input : offset, the steps of the moving (Byte) origin, move method ** Output : 0,-1, **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CUnicodeFile::Seek(LONG offset, int origin) { int ret; switch (origin) { case SEEK_SET: ret = fseek(m_pFile, offset, SEEK_SET); break; case SEEK_CUR: ret = fseek(m_pFile, offset, SEEK_CUR); break; case SEEK_END: ret = fseek(m_pFile, offset, SEEK_END); break; default: break; } return ret; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : WriteBuffer ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/12/11 ** Description : Write information in the buffer into the file ** Input : ** Output : **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CUnicodeFile::WriteBuffer(const void* buffer, size_t itemSize, size_t count) { return((int)fwrite(buffer, itemSize, count, m_pFile)); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : ReadBuffer ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/12/11 ** Description : Read information into the buffer ** Input : ** Output : **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CUnicodeFile::ReadBuffer(void* buffer, size_t itemSize, size_t count) { return((int)fread(buffer, itemSize, count, m_pFile)); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : WriteAWord ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/12/11 ** Description : Write a char into file ** Input : ch, the char ** Output : **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CUnicodeFile::WriteAWord(TCHAR ch) { //The file can not for writing if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_READ) { return; } fputwc(ch, m_pFile); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : ReadAWord ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/12/11 ** Description : Read a char from the file ** Input : ch, the parameter to get the char ** Output : None **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::ReadAWord(TCHAR& ch) { //The file can not for writing if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_READ) { return Failed; } ch = fgetwc(m_pFile); if (ch == EOF) { return Failed; } else { return Succeeded; } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : TallOffset ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2009/12/11 ** Description : Get current pointer position ** Input : None ** Output : the position **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LONG CUnicodeFile::TellOffset(VOID) { return ftell(m_pFile); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : GetFileName ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2010/1/15 ** Description : Get the file name ** Input : None ** Output : The file name **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CString CUnicodeFile::GetFileName(VOID) { return m_strFileName; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : GetFileNameExt ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2011/3/28 ** Description : Get the file name extension ** Input : None ** Output : The file name extension **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CString CUnicodeFile::GetFileNameExt(VOID) { return m_strFileNameExt; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : GetFileAsBuffer ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2010/1/15 ** Description : Copy a whole file into this file ** Input : fileGet, the file need to copy ** Output : TRUE,FALSE, **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::GetFileAsBuffer(CString strFileName) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(strFileName.GetBuffer(0), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == NULL) { AfxMessageBox(_T("\"CreateFile\" error!")); } DWORD dwFileLength = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); HANDLE hMap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, NULL, NULL, NULL); LPVOID lpBase = MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); WriteBuffer(lpBase, sizeof(BYTE), dwFileLength); Flush(); UnmapViewOfFile(lpBase); CloseHandle(hMap); CloseHandle(hFile); return TRUE; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Name : Flush ** Author : Barry Tang ** Date : 2010/1/15 ** Description : Flush the buffer information into the file will be written ** Input : None ** Output : Succeeded,Failed, **---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CUnicodeFile::Flush(VOID) { //The file can not for writing if (m_fileOperateFlag == FOR_READ) { return Failed; } fflush(m_pFile); return Succeeded; }
1.新建一个可执行工程,如:Win32 Console Application;
2.将UnicodeFileLib.lib 和 UnicodeFile.h 两个文件复制到新工程目录中;
5.现在,在新工程里,带有#include "UnicodeFile.h" 的页面能够直接访问CUnicodeFile类了。在main函数中加入如下代码:
// TODO: 在此处为应用程序的行为编写代码。
CUnicodeFile file;
file.Load(_T("abc.txt"), FOR_WRITE);