20240110,又是腥风血雨的一天,全球裁员12%。相较于我经历过的U公司与M公司裁员,C公司近两次裁员packages(这次package与2023年年初)都好不少,除了现金包还有长达4个月的transition period。
这次裁员中国的重灾区customer service,全部let go;还有就是non-core部门(比如globalization, security, and IT)转由外包公司接手。裁员做法只是让财务报表好看些,但对企业现金流是不会带来改善,一次次的裁员对员工士气的打击是巨大的,这种隐性负作用还会造成人才流失。
文档部门这次为了管理层扁平化,将一个Senior Manager裁了。看来,文档还是与产品绑定的比较紧密,被定义为了core。但如果明年AOP (Annual Operational Plan)达不成的话,我估计也是难逃被嘎的命运。且行且珍重吧...
去年年底,美国marketing team成立了Content Design小组,把以前IX team负责的UI copy design这块任务拿走了,并打算招兵买马。我当时打算如果中国区有Req争取转岗。为此准备了一份面试题,并在ChatGPT的帮助下,完成了答卷。
不过,计划没有变化快,marketing team又重新定位到做content design strategy across customer-facing channels (web, enablement, UI copy, education, etc),没有精力做具体in-product UI copy and message design了。Req不仅没了,现有人员还被裁了不少。估计UI copy这块,还是会回归IX team。本来,由Doc writer来负责UI writing也是一个win-win且高效事儿:start writing UI text early, because UI text problems often reveal product or service design problems。在提供string的过程中,在产品设计中期参与讨论,加深了对feature的理解,并且巩固了与engineer的合作关系。
Hello Joy, it's great to have you here! I appreciate your enthusiasm for the UX writer role. Let's dive into the interview.
Manager: Thank you for your introduction, Joy. It's a pleasure to have this conversation with you. To start off, could you please share with me your understanding of UX writing and its importance in creating user-centered experiences?
Manager: That's a great explanation, Joy. It's clear that you have a solid understanding of the importance of UX writing in creating user-centered experiences. Now, let's talk about your experience and skills. Can you tell me about your background in writing and any relevant experience you have in the field of UX writing?
Manager: That's impressive, Joy. Your background in technical writing and your dedication to studying UX writing principles are valuable assets. Now, let's talk about collaboration and working in cross-functional teams. Can you provide an example of a project where you collaborated effectively with designers, developers, or other stakeholders to ensure a cohesive user experience?
Manager: That's fantastic, Joy. Effective collaboration is key in UX writing, and it's clear that you have experience working closely with cross-functional teams. Lastly, I'd like to know what excites you most about joining our UX writing team and how you see yourself contributing to its success.
Manager: Thank you for sharing that, Joy. It's evident that you have a genuine passion for UX writing and the skills to contribute to our team's success. I appreciate your time and the insights you've provided during this interview.
Manager: You're welcome, Joy. We'll be in touch regarding the next steps in the hiring process. Thank you again for your time, and have a great day!