1) 帮助处理海量行政事务:打字/归档/复印/扫描/安排时间表...;
2) 帮长期咨询顾问付信用卡账单;
3) 还为你的另一半送鲜花。。。
一句话:后方有人,您就在前线冲吧! (让我想起拳击台旁边,给拳击手送护牙套的那位 。。)前不久我也翻译了一篇九段秘书的文章,分享学习。
Levels of Secretary
GM asked the secretary to arrange a meeting 9am tomorrow. If put yourself into secretary’s shoes, what would you do?
Actions for Secretary level 1 to 9
Level 1 Inform: Inform team members using email or meeting notification on noticeboard, prepare the necessary meeting stuff and attend meeting;
Level 2 Confirm: Confirm with the participants after the notification and ensure everyone awareness.
Level 3 Remind: Remind the participants 30mins before meeting. Report to GM for any absent due to urgent issues. Ensure GM be aware of the condition and leave sufficient time for GM response
Level 4 Prepare I: Pre-check all the hardware like projector, PC and relevant accessories. Make a note on the meeting room to indicate the meeting time and duration.
Level 5 Prepare II: Pre-check all the “software” like the purpose of meeting, agenda. Communicate with the participants all the relevant topics for reference and improve the meeting efficiency.
Level 6 Meeting: Complete tasks from Level 1 to 5, and make a thorough meeting notes (voice record if permission allowed)
Level 7 Sort: Sort the meeting notes (voice recording) to GM. Confirm with GM who will receive the meeting notes.
Level 8 Follow up: 1 to 1 follow up with the PIC (person in charge) for the given meeting tasks. Write a memo after the verification with the PIC. Copy GM and PIC one full set each. Regularly follow up the completion of the tasks and inform GM timely.
Level 9 Process: Standardize the “meeting” process; ensure every secretary will achieve level 9 according to this process. An independent meeting service system will be set up!
Level 1 Inform: 600
Level 2 Confirm: 800
Level 3 Remind: 1000
Level 4 Prepare I: 1500
Level 5 Prepare II: 2000
Level 6 Meeting: 3000
Level 7 Sort: 5000
Level 8 Follow up: 10000
Level 9 Process: 30000
* 一段秘书的做法:发通知 600元
* 二段秘书的做法:抓落实 800元
* 三段秘书的做法:重检查 1000元
* 四段秘书的做法:勤准备 1500元
* 五段秘书的做法:提前量 2000元
* 六段秘书的做法:做记录 3000元
* 七段秘书的做法:发纪录 5000元
* 八段秘书的做法:定责任 10000元
* 九段秘书的做法:做流程 30000元