- 跟上一篇隔得时间有点久啊,得加强自律性了......
- FBString这货基本上用到了所有常见的实现String的方法,有一定的学习和参考价值
- 大家猜猜这个FBString的作者是谁,答案在篇尾
fbstring is a drop-in replacement for std::string. The main benefit of fbstring is significantly increased performance on virtually all important primitives. This is achieved by using a three-tiered storage strategy and by cooperating with the memory allocator. In particular, fbstring is designed to detect use of jemalloc and cooperate with it to achieve significant improvements in speed and memory usage.
简单来说,使用了三层存储策略+内存分配策略+大小端支持,特别是配合使用 jemalloc, 减少磁盘碎片,加快并发下的分配速度和性能。
- SSO技术,使用栈上缓冲区,存储字符不超过23个,存储在类的数组类型的成员变量中;
- Eager Copy技术,存储字符不超过254个,总是存储在malloc分配的堆上内存空间;
- Copy-On-Write技术,存储字符超过254, 使用COW技术,引入引用计数,避免不必要的copy操作。
- 是FBString的实现核心,提供了全部的操作接口,实现了三层存储策略+内存分配策略+大小端支持;
- 用户可根据需要实现自己的fbstring_core_model(即fbstring_core的mockup接口定义)接口,即实现了自己的String类;
- 可以用状态机的思路来理解fbstring_core, 按存储策略的不同其当前可能处于三种不同的状态:small, medium, large, 当构造,赋值,扩容,收缩等操作发生时,会在这三种状态间转换,即其存储策略也会相应主调整,大部分函数都按这个思路来阅读吧;
- category() 可获取当前的状态:small, medium, large,下面我们会经常提到这三种状态;
- 数据成员
struct MediumLarge {
Char * data_;
size_t size_;
size_t capacity_;
size_t capacity() const {
return kIsLittleEndian
? capacity_ & capacityExtractMask
: capacity_ >> 2;
void setCapacity(size_t cap, Category cat) {
capacity_ = kIsLittleEndian
? cap | static_cast<category_type>(cat)
: (cap << 2) | static_cast<category_type>(cat);
union {
Char small_[sizeof(MediumLarge) / sizeof(Char)];
MediumLarge ml_;
使用small_时,其最后一格存储 maxSmallSize - 当前字符串实现大小
- RefCounted
struct RefCounted {
std::atomic<size_t> refCount_;
Char data_[1];
static RefCounted * fromData(Char * p) {
return static_cast<RefCounted*>(
static_cast<unsigned char*>(static_cast<void*>(p))
- sizeof(refCount_)));
static size_t refs(Char * p) {
return fromData(p)->refCount_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
static void incrementRefs(Char * p) {
fromData(p)->refCount_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
static void decrementRefs(Char * p) {
auto const dis = fromData(p);
size_t oldcnt = dis->refCount_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
assert(oldcnt > 0);
if (oldcnt == 1) {
static RefCounted * create(size_t * size) {
// Don't forget to allocate one extra Char for the terminating
// null. In this case, however, one Char is already part of the
// struct.
const size_t allocSize = goodMallocSize(
sizeof(RefCounted) + *size * sizeof(Char));
auto result = static_cast<RefCounted*>(checkedMalloc(allocSize));
result->refCount_.store(1, std::memory_order_release);
*size = (allocSize - sizeof(RefCounted)) / sizeof(Char);
return result;
static RefCounted * create(const Char * data, size_t * size) {
const size_t effectiveSize = *size;
auto result = create(size);
fbstring_detail::pod_copy(data, data + effectiveSize, result->data_);
return result;
static RefCounted * reallocate(Char *const data,
const size_t currentSize,
const size_t currentCapacity,
const size_t newCapacity) {
assert(newCapacity > 0 && newCapacity > currentSize);
auto const dis = fromData(data);
assert(dis->refCount_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == 1);
// Don't forget to allocate one extra Char for the terminating
// null. In this case, however, one Char is already part of the
// struct.
auto result = static_cast<RefCounted*>(
sizeof(RefCounted) + currentSize * sizeof(Char),
sizeof(RefCounted) + currentCapacity * sizeof(Char),
sizeof(RefCounted) + newCapacity * sizeof(Char)));
assert(result->refCount_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == 1);
return result;
在large状态使用COW技术就需要引用计数的存在,这个RefCounted就实现了这个,利用了std::atomic作计数,data_指向需要作计数的实体。fromData(Char p)*函数从需作计数的实体指针得到其对应的RefCounted实体的指针。
- 基本上都是按三种状态对应的策略来构造
- Move constructor
fbstring_core(fbstring_core&& goner) noexcept {
// Take goner's guts
ml_ = goner.ml_;
// Clean goner's carcass
- void swap(fbstring_core & rhs)
auto const t = ml_;
ml_ = rhs.ml_;
rhs.ml_ = t;
### 访问函数
- const Char * data() const
- const Char * c_str()
- Char * mutable_data()
### 回缩函数
- void shrink(const size_t delta)
size减少delta. "得儿塔" 让我想起了中学的数学课~~~还有我同桌
### Reserve函数
- void reserve(size_t minCapacity, bool disableSSO)
## basic_fbstring
- 这个其实没什么说的,用fbstring_core的接口把std::string的所有接口都实现了一遍。
- 最后还附赠了一个 **typedef basic_fbstring<char> fbstring** 外加一个**FOLLY_FBSTRING_HASH**
# FBString作者:[Andrei Alexandrescu](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%AE%89%E5%BE%B7%E7%83%88%C2%B7%E4%BA%9E%E6%AD%B7%E5%B1%B1%E5%BE%B7%E9%9B%B7%E6%96%AF%E5%BA%AB) C++和D語言專家