I am grateful to be alive. It’s a miracle!
I am grateful for the beautiful fresh air I deeply breathe in & out every moment...
I am grateful for the many learning opportunities and challenges that I receive everyday so that I can grow and make better decisions next time.
I am grateful to have a loving and supportive family.
I am grateful for my mom who has been so loving, caring and supportive to me throughout my personal development and journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I am grateful that my family is in great health.
I am grateful that I am in a beautiful company with Greg, Robyn, their dogs Mac and Brady, dee dee and Kelsey.
I am grateful that I am the master and creator of my life. It is truly a blessing.
I am grateful for Greg and Robyn, for them taking me in to stay at their place as guest for the dunes event.
I am grateful that I came across Tony Robbins magical book ‘unlimited power: the new science of personal achievement’.