继续推动化石能源'清 洁化利用2012年10月'国 家发展改革委印发《天然气 发展十二五规划提出到 2015年中国天然气供应能力 达到1760亿立方米左右,其 中常规天然气约1385亿立方 米、煤制天然气约150-180亿 立方米、煤层气地面开发生 产约160亿立方米,城市和县 城天然气用气人口数量约占 总人口的18% 2012年,国 家发展改革委、能源局等部 门联合发布《页岩气发展规 划(2011-2015年)》,财政部、 能源局联合发布《关于出台 页岩气开发利用补贴政策的 通知》,安排专项财政资金支 持页岩气开发2013年9月, 国务院下发《大气污染防治 行动计划》,进一步强化控制 煤炭消费总钛\加快清洁能 源替代利用的目标和要求
Promoting the clean utilization of fossil fuel. In October, 2012, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued the Natural Gas Development during the12th Five-Year Plan Period, setting out the supply capacity of natural gas will reach 176 billion cubic meters in 2015, among which conventional natural gas will reach 138.5 billion cubic meters, synthetic natural gas 15-18 billion cubic meters, and mining and production of coal bed gas about 16 billion cubic meters. About 18 percent of residents from cities and towns will use natural gas. In 2012, the NDRC and the National Energy Administration announced the Development Plan for Shale Gas (2011-2015); the Ministry of Finance and the National Energy Administration issued the Notice on Issuing the Subsidy Policies of Exploring and Utilizing Shale Gas, and arranged special funds to support shale gas projects. In September, 2013, the State Council issued the Airborne Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, which stipulated the goals and requirements for controlling the consumption cap of coal and increasing the utilization of clean energy.
大力发展非化石能源。2013年7月,国务院印发了《国 务院关于促进光伏'产业健康 发展的若干意见》,明确了开 拓光伏应用市场、加快产业 结构调整和技术进步、规范 产业发展秩序、完善并网管 理和服务等政策措施
Developing non-fossil fuel. In July 2013, the State Council issued Several Opinions on the Sound Development of the Photovoltaic Industry, articulating the policies and measures on developing the market for the adoption of photovoltaic, speeding up the adjustment of the industrial structure, regulating industrial development and improving the management and service of grid connection.
中美两国高度更视'提高 工业和建筑领域的能效.双 方认识到,通过全面努力提 高能效不仅能大幅减少排放、 降低成本,还能促进经济增 长,《中美能源环境十年合 作框架》下的能效行动计划 确实正在开展这方面的工作匚 双方承诺加紧努力,先从重 点提高建筑能效「做起。我们 将通过包括实施创新性融资 在内的方法,让中美两国私 营部门和其他利益相关者一 道参与,进一步加强现有工 作以实现两国建筑领域能源 消耗的大幅降低。这项工作 包括多方面的合作:商业、 住宅、制造业建筑的能效标 准和测试,识别工业领域十 大能效技术及最佳实践。这项强化行动计划将于2013年 9月在华盛顿举行的下次中美 能效论坛进行讨论。
The United States and China place a high priority on improving energy efficiency across industry and buildings, and recognize that there is significant scope for reducing emissions and costs through comprehensive efforts to improve energy efficiency while fostering economic growth. Indeed, work is already underway in this area under the Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the U.S.-China Ten-Year Framework for Cooperation on Energy and the Environment. Both sides commit to intensify their efforts, with an initial enhanced focus on promoting energy efficiency of buildings. We will engage the private sector and other stakeholders in both the United States and China to further enhance existing work to significantly reduce energy use in buildings and industry in each country, including through the implementation of innovative financing methods. This work will include cooperation on: energy efficiency standards and testing for commercial, residential and manufacturing buildings; identifying the top 10 energy efficient technologies and best practices for industry. This enhanced work plan will be discussed at the next U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Forum, to be held in Washington, D.C. in September 2013.
战略与经济对话’会议之 后,中美相关部门将为这上 述倡议制定具体的实施计划, 明确各相关部门的职责"。
Following the Strategic and Economic Dialogue, the United States and China will cooperate through all relevant agencies to develop specific implementation plans for these initiatives. These plans will clearly elaborate the roles of relevant agencies.