├── artwork
├── conf
├── config
├── config.bak
├── config.bak2
├── deco
├── icons
├── img
├── script
├── temp
├── tools
└── windowdecors
# ____________________________`
# | __________________________|`
# | |___ _ _ _ _ `
# | ___|( \/ )( \/\/ )/\/\`
# | | \ / \ // \
# |_| \/ \/\/(_/\/\_) 2.5.12
# My personal config file
# For any question on this config (tuning,
# modifying, participating):
# http://fvwm.lair.be/viewtopic.php?t=118
# Many thanks to:
# http://www.zensites.net/fvwm/guide
# http://desintegr.free.fr
# http://www.clan-hash.com/~guli
# http://www.as.ua.edu/~flux/fvwm
# http://chwombat.net
# http://ikaro.dk/news.php
# http://jefklak.suidzer0.org
# http://dev.gentoo.org/~taviso
# http://fvwm-crystal.linux.net.pl
# http://fvwm.lair.be
# and of course my deepest to
# http://www.fvwm.org
# Set Environment variables
SetEnv fvwm_tmp $./tmp/
SetEnv fvwm_img $./img/
#SetEnv fvm_gnome_icon_theme gnome
SetEnv fvwm_icon $HOME/.fvwm/icons/
SetEnv fvwm_script $./script/
#SetEnv fvwm_wallpaper_dir $[HOME]/windows/images/backgrounds
# Available themes: arctic, smokey
SetEnv fvwm_theme smokey
SetEnv fvwm_theme_img $./deco/$[fvwm_theme]
# Available themes: um , weather.com
SetEnv fvwm_weather um
# Apps
#SetEnv fvwm_goleft "3ddesk --view=goleft --noautofun"
#SetEnv fvwm_goright "3ddesk --view=goright --noautofun"
SetEnv fvwm_wave_play "mplayer"
SetEnv fvwm_file "nautilus --no-desktop"
SetEnv fvwm_browser "/usr/bin/opera"
SetEnv fvwm_editor "medit"
SetEnv fvwm_term "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal"
SetEnv fvwm_mail "thunderbird"
SetEnv fvwm_calc "xcalc"
# Set the image path
ImagePath +:$[fvwm_icon]:$[fvwm_icon];.png:+
# Virtual Desktops
DesktopName 0 Main
DesktopName 1 Work
DesktopName 2 Games
DesktopName 3 Internet
# Only one page for each desktop
DeskTopSize 4x1
EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeResistance 1000 1000
EdgeThickness 3
# Avoid full screen window to overlap a task bar (for instance)
EwmhBaseStruts 0 0 24 0
IgnoreModifiers L25
SnapAttraction * 10
Style * ClickToFocus,MouseFocusClickRaises
Style * CenterPlacement
Style * MwmFunctions,MWMBorder,MWMDecor,NoPPosition
Style * DecorateTransient
Style * DecorateTransient, DontRaiseTransient
Style * DontLowerTransient, StackTransientParent
Style * WindowShadeSteps 50, WindowShadeScrolls
#SetAnimation 10 -.01 0 .01 .03 .08 .18 .3 .45 .6 .75 .85 .90 .94 .97 .99 1.0
# Icon box
#(SreenWidth(1280) - LeftBorder(20) - RightBorder(20))
#(ScreenHeight(800) - TopBarHeightAndBorder(60) - DockHeightAndBorder(90))
Style * IconBox 1240x650+20+60, IconFill top left, SloppyFocus
Style * IconBox $[vp.width]x$[vp.height]+50+50, IconFill t l
Style * IconTitleRelief 0
Style * IconBackgroundRelief 0
Style * IconBackgroundPadding 0
Style * IconBox 200x1000+0+300, IconGrid 20 20, IconFill Top left
Style * MouseFocusClickRaises
Style * NoIconTitle
# Window Styles
Read $./deco/$[fvwm_theme].fvwm2rc
# Program Styles
Read $./conf/style.fvwm2rc
# Menus
# Menu definition
Read $[FVWM_USERDIR]/conf/menu.fvwm2rc
# Startup and exit functions
AddtoFunc InitFunction
#+ I exec exec /usr/local/bin/fvwm-root -r $[fvwm_img]/.current-background
#+ I exec exec /export/home/axelle/.crocbar/startcrocbar &
#+ I exec exec xscreensaver -no-splash
#+ PipeRead "mkdir $[fvwm_tmp]"
#+ I exec exec synapse
+ I exec nm-applet
#+ I Exec tint2
+ I Exec fcitx
+ I Exec volumeicon
+ I Exec parcellite
+ I Exec ~/wallpapers.sh
#+ I Exec plank
#+ I Exec compton --config ~/compton.conf -b
#+ I Exec mplayer "/home/lincoo/Documents/rainy_soundscape/rainy_soundscape/login.wav"
#+ I Exec gnome-pie
#+ I Exec fcitx-qimpanel
#+ I Exec cairo-compmgr
#+ I Exec cairo-dock -o
+ I Exec conky
+ I Exec stalonetray
+ I Exec dunst
+ I Exec guake
#+ I Exec xcompmgr
DestroyToFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmEvent
#+ I Module FvwmButtons
+ I Module FvwmRearrange
+ I Module FvwmIconMan
#+ I test (Restart) all (iconic)\
+ I test (f $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png)\
windowstyle iconoverride, icon $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png
+ I Module FvwmButtons NewDock
+ I Module FvwmButtons MainPanel
#+ I Module FvwmButtons MainBanner
#+ I Module FvwmAnimate
#+ I module FvwmBanner
+ I Module FvwmPager
#+ I Module Iconman
AddToFunc ExitFunction
+ I test (!torestart) exec exec rm -f $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.*
AddToFunc RestartFunction
+ I All (Iconic) ReThumbnail
+ I Module FvwmProxy
# FvwmIconMan
Read $./conf/iconman.fvwm2rc
# FvwmButtons mainpanel
Read $./conf/mainpanel.fvwm2rc
# FvwmButtons newdock
read $./conf/newdock.fvwm2rc
#read /home/lincoo/fvwm2-menu
# Thumbnails function
DestroyFunc Thumbnail
AddToFunc Thumbnail
+ I Raise
+ I SetEnv Icon-$[w.id] $[w.iconfile]
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded Iconifiable !Iconic) PipeRead \
"xwd -silent -id $[w.id] | convert -scale $$(($[w.width]/5)) -frame 1x1 \
-mattecolor black -quality 0 xwd:- png:$[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png \
&& echo Nop"
+ I TestRc (Match) Test (f $[fvwm_icon]/$[w.iconfile], f $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png) \
PipeRead "composite -geometry +2+4 \
$[fvwm_icon]/$[w.iconfile] $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png \
$[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png && \
echo WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png || echo Nop"
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png
+ I Iconify
DestroyFunc DeThumbnail
AddToFunc DeThumbnail
+ I PipeRead "echo WindowStyle Icon \\$\\[Icon-$[w.id]\\]"
+ I UnsetEnv Icon-$[w.id]
+ I Exec rm -f $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png
#DestroyFunc DeThumbnail
#AddToFunc DeThumbnail
#+ I PipeRead "echo WindowStyle Icon \\$\\[Icon-$[w.id]\\]"
#+ I UnsetEnv Icon-$[w.id]
#+ I Exec rm -f $[fvwm_tmp]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png
# FvwmEvent
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent: *
*FvwmEvent: deiconify DeThumbnail
DestroyFunc ReThumbnail
AddToFunc ReThumbnail
+ I Iconify
+ I Thumbnail
DestroyFunc SwitchWindows
AddToFunc SwitchWindows
+ I Next (AcceptsFocus, CurrentDesk, CurrentPage) Focus
+ I Prev (AcceptsFocus, CurrentDesk, CurrentPage) WarpToWindow
# Tile windows
AddToFunc TileLeft
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded, !Iconic) Maximize 50 100
+ I ThisWindow (Maximized, !Shaded, !Iconic) Move +0 +0
AddToFunc TileRight
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded, !Iconic) Maximize 50 100
+ I ThisWindow (Maximized, !Shaded, !Iconic) Move -0 +0
AddToFunc TileTop
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded, !Iconic) Maximize 100 50
+ I ThisWindow (Maximized, !Shaded, !Iconic) Move +0 +0
AddToFunc TileBottom
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded, !Iconic) Maximize 100 50
+ I ThisWindow (Maximized, !Shaded, !Iconic) Move +0 -0
# WallpaperBrowser function
#DestroyFunc WallpaperBrowser
#AddToFunc WallpaperBrowser
#+ I DestroyMenu recreate MenuWallpaper
#+ I AddToMenu MenuWallpaper
#+ I PipeRead '$[fvwm_script]/wallpaper.sh $[fvwm_wallpaper_dir]'
# Weather function
#DestroyFunc WeatherCheck
#AddToFunc WeatherCheck
#+ I DestroyMenu recreate MenuWeather
#+ I AddToMenu MenuWeather
#+ I PipeRead '$[fvwm_script]/weather_menu.plx'
# FvwmAnimate
Read $./conf/animate.fvwm2rc
# FvwmTaskBar
#Read $./conf/taskbar.fvwm2rc
# FvwmIdent
# Identification window
#Read $./conf/ident.fvwm2rc
# FvwmBanner
# Splash screen at window manager startup
#*FvwmBanner: NoDecor
#*FvwmBanner: Pixmap $[fvwm_theme_img]/splash.png
#*FvwmBanner: Timeout 10
# Fvwm 用fvwmButtons 调用Iconman
#Read $./conf/MainBanner.fvwm2rc
# FvwmPager
Read $./conf/pager.fvwm2rc
# FvwmTopBar (FvwmButtons)
#Read $./conf/topbar.fvwm2rc
# FvwmDock (FvwmButtons)
#Read $./conf/dock.fvwm2rc
AddToFunc WindowListFunc
+ I Iconify off
+ I FlipFocus
+ I Raise
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50
DestroyMenuStyle WindowList
MenuStyle WindowList SelectOnRelease Meta_L
MenuStyle WindowList ActiveFore rgb:ff/ff/e0, HilightBack rgb:cd/5c/5c, BorderWidth 2,
MenuStyle WindowList Font "Shadow=1 C:xft:WenQuanYi Zen Hei:pixelsize=22"
MenuStyle WindowList MenuColorset 15,Geometry 50 50
AddToFunc SwitchToWindow
+ I WindowListFunc
# Mouse cursor style
# Change style to left_ptr and fleur (missing cursors in my cursors theme)
CursorStyle root left_ptr
CursorStyle default left_ptr
CursorStyle position left_ptr
CursorStyle sys left_ptr
CursorStyle menu left_ptr
CursorStyle title left_ptr
CursorStyle resize fleur
CursorStyle stroke cross
CursorStyle select draped_box
# Key and mouse bindings
# Mouse Bindings
# Root Menus
Mouse 1 R A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Mouse 3 R A WindowList NoCurrentDeskTitle
#Mouse 3 R A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Mouse 4 R A Scroll -100 0
Mouse 5 R A Scroll +100 0
# Titlebar Buttons
Mouse 1 2 A Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps
#Mouse 2 1 A Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps
Mouse 3 1 A Menu MenuFvwmwindowOps
Mouse 1 5 A Thumbnail
Mouse 1 3 A Exec exec xlunch
Mouse 1 1 A Close
# Window, Frame, Side, Others
Mouse 1 FS A ResizeFunc
Mouse 2 W C ResizeFunc
Mouse 3 W C MoveFunc
Mouse 1 W M MoveFuncMouse
Mouse 3 W M ResizeFunc
Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower
Mouse 3 T A Menu MenuFvwmWindowOps
AddToFunc ResizeFunc "M" Resize
AddToFunc MoveFunc "M" Move
# Icons Binding
Mouse 1 I A Iconify
Mouse 2 I A MoveDraw
# Wheel Toggle Shade
Mouse 4 T A WindowShade True
Mouse 5 T A WindowShade False
# Mouse Gesture Binding
Mouse 2 T A WindowList
# Mouse gestures for pager
#Stroke N456 0 R N exec exec $[fvwm_goleft]
#Stroke N654 0 R N exec exec $[fvwm_goright]
####### WIN+D实现显示桌面##########
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmIconifyTrue
AddToFunc FuncFvwmIconifyTrue
+ I All (!Iconic) State 1
+ I All (State 1) Iconify True
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmIconifFalse
AddToFunc FuncFvwmIconifyFalse
+ I All (State 1) Iconify False
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmIconifyToggle
AddToFunc FuncFvwmIconifyToggle
+ I FuncFvwmIconifyFalse
+ I All (State 1) State 1 False
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) FuncFvwmIconifyTrue
# press Ctrl-Alt-T to run the terminal
#Key T A CM Exec exec $[gnome-terminal]
# press Alt-F4 to close the window
Key F4 W M Delete
# 开启关闭快捷键
Key F2 A M Exec exec rofi -show run
Key F3 WTSFI M Maximize
Key F4 WTSFI M Close
Key Z W 4 WindowShade True
Key X W 4 WindowShade False
Mouse 1 W M Move
# Win+Tab call rearrange menu Alt + Tab-> window list, for convenience
Key Tab A 4 Exec exec rofi -show window
Key Tab A M WindowList "Prev SwitchToWindow"
#MutilMedia Key
key XF86AudioLowerVolume A A Exec exec amixer set Master 5%- unmute
key XF86AudioRaiseVolume A A Exec exec amixer set Master 5%+ unmute
key XF86AudioMute A A Exec exec amixer set Master toggle
#key XF86AudioPlay A A Music-Play程序
#Key XF86AudioPause A A Music-Pause
#Use Mouse to control volumn
Mouse 4 WTSFI 4 Exec exec amixer set Master 5%+ unmute
Mouse 5 WTSFI 4 Exec exec amixer set Master 5%- unmute
Key F1 A M Module FvwmConsole
Key D A 4 FuncFvwmIconifyToggle
Key return A cm Exec exec terminator
Mouse 1 A 4 Menu MenuFvwmRoot nop
Key E A 4 Exec exec rox
#Key T A 4 Exec rxvt -bg black -fg white -fn fixed
#重新排列窗口 Win +Q tileLeft
Key W A 4 TileRight
Key Q A 4 TileLeft
Key space A 4 Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Key R A cm restart
DestroyFunc MoveAndGotoPage
AddToFunc MoveAndGotoPage
+ I GotoPage $*
+ I MoveToPage $*
DestroyFunc GotoPageAndFocus
AddToFunc GotoPageAndFocus
+ I GotoPage $*
+ I Current (CurrentPage,!backgroundxterm*) Break
+ I Prev (CurrentPage,AcceptsFocus) FlipFocus NoWarp
Key 1 A 4 MoveAndGotoPage 0 0
Key 2 A 4 MoveAndGotoPage 1 0
Key 3 A 4 MoveAndGotoPage 2 0
Key 4 A 4 MoveAndGotoPage 3 0
Key F1 A 4 GotoPageAndFocus 0 0
Key F2 A 4 GotoPageAndFocus 1 0
Key F3 A 4 GotoPageAndFocus 2 0
Key F4 A 4 GotoPageAndFocus 3 0
Key Right A CM Scroll 100 0
Key Left A CM Scroll -100 0
Key Down A CM Scroll 0 100
Key Up A CM Scroll 0 -100
Key Up A 4 Resize keep w-100c
Key Down A 4 Resize keep w+100c
Key Right A 4 Resize w+100c keep
Key Left A 4 Resize w-100c keep
######窗口透明调整,需要先装上transset-df 然后开启compton#######
#Mouse 4 W CM Exec exec transset-df --inc 0.1 -i $[w.id]
#Mouse 5 W CM Exec exec transset-df --dec 0.1 -i $[w.id]
Key c A 4 Menu clementineControl
Key escape A M Exec exec xlunch
#####Mouse Gesture####
Read $./conf/gesture.fvwm2rc
############################# FvwmProxy
# Hit Alt+Esc to toggle FvwmProxy, which allows you to see all windows on your
# desktop, even if they've been obscured..really cool.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmProxy: *
*FvwmProxy: Font "xft:WenQuanYi Micro Hei"
#*FvwmProxy: Font "-*-verdana-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*,-*-simsun-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
*FvwmProxy: ProxyMove true
Key Space A M SendToModule FvwmProxy ShowToggle
├── animate.fvwm2rc
├── dock.fvwm2rc
├── gesture.fvwm2rc
├── iconman.fvwm2rc
├── ident.fvwm2rc
├── MainBanner.fvwm2rc
├── mainpanel.fvwm2rc
├── menu.fvwm2rc
├── newdock.fvwm2rc
├── pager.fvwm2rc
├── style.fvwm2rc
├── taskbar.fvwm2rc
└── topbar.fvwm2rc
MenuStyle * Hilight3DThickness 1, Animation
MenuStyle * MWM
MenuStyle * PopupDelayed, PopupDelay 160, Animation, TitleWarp
MenuStyle * Foreground rgb:70/80/90, Background rgb:8b/89/70
MenuStyle * ActiveFore yellow
MenuStyle * Font "Shadow=1 C:xft:WenQuanYi Zen Hei:pixelsize=14"
MenuStyle * MenuFace DGradient rgb:2F/4F/4F
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu "MenuFvwmRoot" "%/home/lincoo/.fvwm/artwork/icons/logos/32/minim.png% \^\_\^ Lincoo的电脑" Title
+ "%applications-office.png%&Open Home" Exec exec spacefm
+ "%utilities-terminal.png%&Open Terminal" Exec exec terminator
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-system.png%&Editors and Programming" Popup Editors&ProgrammingMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-internet.png%&Internet" Popup InternetMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-multimedia.svg:32x32%&Music and Video" Popup Music&VideoMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-accessories.svg:32x32%&Document" Popup DocumentMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "%preferences-desktop-theme.png%&Tools" Popup ToolsMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-system.png%&Utilities" Popup MenuFvwmUtilities
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-utilities.png%多读书" Popup PDFbooks
+ "%applications-utilities.png%看视频" Popup VideoPlay
+ "%applications-internet.png%"&常用网址 Popup MenuBookmarks
+ "%applicaions-utilities.png%"&各个分区 Popup DiscFolder
+ "XDG Menu%icons/apps.png%" Popup XDGMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "%tagua.svg:32x32%目录快速通道" Popup QuickFolder
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-other.png%Programs" Popup ProgramsMenu
PipeRead '[ "$(ls $[infostore.mScripts] 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ] && echo + \\"Minimoids%$[infostore.mIcons]/logos/32/minimoids.png%\\" Popup ScriptsMenu'
#+ "%applications-other.png%&0. XDG Menu" Popup lincoo_menu
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-other.png%&About Fvwm " Popup AboutFvwmMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "%applications-other.png%&F. $[gt.Refresh Screen]" Exec exec ~/wallpapers.sh
+ "%applications-other.png%&C. $[gt.Recapture Screen]" Recapture
+ "%applications-other.png%&F. $[gt.Close Screen]" Exec exec ~/poweroffscreen
+ "" Nop
+ "%preferences-display-dpms.png%&X. $[gt.Exit Fvwm]" Popup MenuFvwmQuitVerify
DestroyMenu Editors&ProgrammingMenu
AddToMenu Editors&ProgrammingMenu "Editors and Programming" Title Top
+ "&Geany%geany.svg:32x32%" Exec exec /usr/bin/geany
+ "&GVIM%/usr/share/pixmaps/vim-32.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/gvim
#+ "&Nano%/usr/share/nano/nano-menu.xpm%" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Nano" -e sh -c "/bin/nano"
#+ "&BeanShell (text)" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "BeanShell (text)" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/bsh"
#+ "BeanShell (&windowed)" Exec exec /usr/bin/xbsh
#+ "&Python%/usr/share/pixmaps/python.xpm%" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Python" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/python"
#+ "&Tclsh" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Tclsh" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/tclsh"
DestroyMenu InternetMenu
AddToMenu InternetMenu "Internet" Title Top
+ "&火狐 Web Browser%firefox.xpm%" Exec exec firefox
+ "&Chromium 浏览器%chromium.xpm%" Exec exec chromium
+ "&轻量化浏览器OPERA%opera-browser.png%" Exec exec opera
#+ "&w3m" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "w3m" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/w3m /usr/share/doc/w3m/MANUAL.html"
#+ "Mozilla &Thunderbird%/usr/share/pixmaps/mozilla-thunderbird-menu.xpm%" Exec exec mozilla-thunderbird
#+ "M&utt%/usr/share/pixmaps/mutt.xpm%" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Mutt" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/mutt"
#+ "&QTerm%/usr/share/pixmaps/qterm_32x32.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/qterm
#+ "&Telnet" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Telnet" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/telnet"
#+ "&Minicom" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Minicom" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/minicom"
#+ "Minicom (&X11)" Exec exec /usr/bin/xminicom
#+ "&pidgin%/usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin-menu.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/pidgin
#+ "&xchat%/usr/share/pixmaps/xchat.png%" Exec exec /usr/bin/xchat
##### Programs
DestroyMenu ProgramsMenu
AddToMenu ProgramsMenu "应用程序" Title Top
#+ "&更新菜单" Exec exec xdg_menu --format fvwm2 --root-menu /etc/xdg/menus/arch-applications.menu >fvwm2-menu
+ "&更新PDF目录" Exec exec terminator -e /home/lincoo/script/pdfmenu.sh
+ "&更新视频-先执行" Exec /home/lincoo/script/findvideo.sh
+ "&更新视频-后执行" Exec python /home/lincoo/pyhon3/programme/fvwmvideolist.py
DestroyMenu PDFbooks
AddToMenu PDFbooks
#PipeRead '$(find $HOME/文档/pdfbook/wanttoread -type f -name *.pdf); do echo "+ $i Exec zathura $i"; done'
PipeRead 'cat $HOME/script/pdfmenu.txt | sed 1d'
DestroyMenu VideoPlay
AddToMenu VideoPlay
PipeRead 'cat $HOME/script/fvwmvideolist.txt | sed 1d'
# PipeRead 'cat $HOME/script/pdfmenumagazine/pdfmenu.txt | sed 1d'
DestroyMenu QuickFolder
AddToMenu QuickFolder
+ "我的文档" Popup NewFolder
+ "快速换盘" Popup DiscFolder
+ "音乐文件" Popup musicFolder
DestroyMenu NewFolder
AddToMenu NewFolder
+ "Documents" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/Documents
+ "Downloads" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/Downloads
+ "Images" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/Images
+ "Music" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/Music
+ "mydocument" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/mydocument
+ "script" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/script
+ "software" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/software
+ "Wallpapers" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/Wallpapers
+ "文档" Exec exec spacefm $HOME/文档
DestroyMenu musicFolder
AddToMenu musicFolder
PipeRead 'cat $HOME/script/musiclist.txt | sed 1d'
+ "关闭音乐(mplayer)" Exec exec pkill mplayer
DestroyMenu DiscFolder
AddToMenu DiscFolder
#+ "C盘" Exec exec spacefm /dev/win_C/
+ "音乐和图片" Exec exec rox /mnt/sda8
+ "Other" Exec exec rox /mnt/sda9
+ "work" Exec exec rox /mnt/sda3
DestroyMenu Music&VideoMenu
AddToMenu Music&VideoMenu "Music & Video" Title Top
+ "&MPlayer%/usr/share/pixmaps/mplayer.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/gmplayer < /dev/null
#+ "&wmXMMS%/usr/share/pixmaps/wmxmms_32.xpm%" Exec exec wmxmms
#+ "&XMMS%/usr/share/pixmaps/xmms.xpm%" Exec exec xmms
#+ "XD&vi" Exec exec /usr/bin/xdvi
+ "&Clementine%/usr/share/pixmaps/clementine.xpm%" Exec exec clementine
+ "&rhythmbox%/usr/share/pixmaps/rhythmbox.xpm%" Exec exec rhythmbox
+ "&vlc%/usr/share/pixmaps/vlc.xpm%" Exec exec vlc
#+ "&豆瓣音乐" Exec /home/lincoo/Downloads/Groove-master/Groove
#+ "&虾米音乐" Exec exec xiamiradio
#+ "&沙大电台" Exec exec shadaradio
+ "&Clementine Control" popup MPVControl
+ "&Music List" Popup musicFolder
DestroyMenu clementineControl
AddToMenu clementineControl "播放控制" title
#+ "%media-playback-start.png%播放" Exec exec mpv -p
#+ "%media-playback-pause.png%暂停" Exec exec mpv -t
#+ "%media-playback-stop.png%停止" Exec exec mpv -s
#+ "%media-skip-backward.png%上一首" Exec exec mpv -r
#+ "%media-skip-forward.png%下一首" Exec exec mpv -f
+ "%media-playback-stop.png%关闭MPV" Exec exec pkill mpv
DestroyMenu DocumentMenu
AddToMenu DocumentMenu "Document" Title Top
#+ "x&litebook%$HOME/.fvwm/icons/%" Exec exec ~/litebook/litebook
#+ "x&chm%$HOME/.fvwm/artwork/icons/apps/32/preferences-desktop-theme.png%" Exec exec /usr/bin/xchm
#+ "&GV%/usr/share/pixmaps/mini-gv.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/gv
+ "&Libreoffce Writer%greader.svg:32x32%" Exec exec /usr/bin/libreoffice
+ "&WPS%greader.svg:32x32%" /usr/bin/wps
#+ "Openoffice.org &Impress%/usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps/openofficeorg-20-impress.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/ooimpress2
#+ "Openoffice.org &Calc%/usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps/openofficeorg-20-calc.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/oocalc2
#+ "Openoffice.org &Math%/usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps/openofficeorg-20-math.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/oomath2
#+ "&Openoffice.org Base%/usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps/openofficeorg-20-base.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/oobase2
#+ "&HSQLDB Database Manager%/usr/share/pixmaps/hsqldb.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/hsqldb-databasemanager
#+ "HSQL&DB Database Manager (Swing)%/usr/share/pixmaps/hsqldb.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/hsqldb-databasemanagerswing
#+ "HS&QLDB Query Tool%/usr/share/pixmaps/hsqldb.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/hsqldb-querytool
#+ "HSQLDB &Transfer Tool%/usr/share/pixmaps/hsqldb.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/hsqldb-transfer
DestroyMenu ToolsMenu
AddToMenu ToolsMenu "Tools" Title Top
#+ "&Eagle%/usr/share/pixmaps/eagle.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/eagle
#+ "The &GIMP%/usr/share/gimp/2.0/images/wilber-icon.png%" Exec exec /usr/bin/gimp-2.2
+ "gThumb Image &Viewer%/usr/share/pixmaps/gthumb.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/gthumb
#+ "&StarDict%/usr/share/pixmaps/stardict_32x32.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/stardict
#+ "&Calculator" Exec exec xcalc
#+ "&Octave" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Octave" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/octave"
#+ "&Maxima" Exec exec /usr/bin/maxima
#+ "&docker" Exec exec /usr/bin/docker
#+ "&TeXfind" Exec exec /usr/bin/texfind
#+ "&bc" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "bc" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/bc"
#+ "&Info" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Info" -e sh -c "info"
#+ "T&exdoctk" Exec exec /usr/bin/texdoctk
+ "&GPU温度" Exec /home/lincoo/sensor.sh
+ "&天气预报" Exec exec python /home/lincoo/weathernew.py
+ "&FBreader" Exec exec /usr/bin/FBReader
+ "&SPACEFM" Exec exec /usr/bin/spacefm
+ "&尾号限行" Exec exec python ~/python3/programme/carlimitnumber/main2.py
#+ "LITEBOOK看书" Exec exec litebook
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmUtilities
AddToMenu MenuFvwmUtilities "$[gt.Utilities]" Title
+ "&L. XLock" Popup XlockMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "&S. Shell" Popup ShellMenu
+ "&H. XShell" Popup XShellMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "&C. Configure" Popup ConfigureMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "&R. $[gt.Remote Logins]" Popup MenuFvwmLogins
+ "" Nop
+ "&T. Top" Exec exec xterm -T Top -n Top -e top
+ "&M. Xman" Exec exec xman
+ "&G. Xmag" Exec exec xmag
+ "&R. Editres" Exec exec editres
+ "" Nop
+ "&A. Xmh Mail" FuncFvwmMailXmh xmh "-font fixed"
+ "" Nop
+ "&D. $[gt.Reset X defaults]" Exec xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults
DestroyMenu ScreenSaverMenu
AddToMenu ScreenSaverMenu "ScreenSaver" Title Top
+ "&Activate ScreenSaver (Next)" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -next
+ "Activate ScreenSaver (&Previous)" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -prev
+ "A&ctivate ScreenSaver (Random)" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -activate
+ "&Demo Screen Hacks" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -demo
+ "Disable &XScreenSaver" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -exit
+ "&Enable XScreenSaver" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver
+ "&Reinitialize XScreenSaver" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -restart
+ "&ScreenSaver Preferences" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -prefs
DestroyMenu ScreenLockMenu
AddToMenu ScreenLockMenu "SceenLockMenu" Title Top
+ "&Lock Screen (XScreenSaver)" Exec exec /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -lock
DestroyMenu XlockMenu
AddToMenu XlockMenu "XlockMenu" Title Top
+ "ScreenSaver" Popup ScreenSaverMenu
+ "ScreenLock" Popup ScreenLockMenu
DestroyMenu ShellMenu
AddToMenu ShellMenu "Shell" Title Top
+ "&Bash" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Bash" -e sh -c "/bin/bash --login"
+ "&Dash" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Dash" -e sh -c "/bin/dash -i"
+ "&Sh" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Sh" -e sh -c "/bin/sh --login"
DestroyMenu XShellMenu
AddToMenu XShellMenu "XShell" Title Top
+ "m&rxvt" Exec exec /usr/bin/mrxvt-full
+ "&Multilingual Terminal (client)%/usr/share/pixmaps/mlterm-icon-24colors-1.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/mlclient
+ "Multilingual &Terminal (daemon)%/usr/share/pixmaps/mlterm-icon-24colors-1.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/mlterm -j=genuine
+ "Multili&ngual Terminal (normal)%/usr/share/pixmaps/mlterm-icon-24colors-1.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/bin/mlterm
DestroyMenu ConfigureMenu
AddToMenu ConfigureMenu "Configure" Title Top
+ "&aptitude" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "aptitude" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/aptitude"
+ "&DSL/PPPoE configuration tool%/usr/share/pixmaps/pppoeconf.xpm%" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "DSL/P
PPoE configuration tool" -e sh -c "/usr/sbin/pppoeconf"
+ "p&stree%/usr/share/pixmaps/pstree16.xpm%" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "pstree" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/p
+ "&reportbug" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "reportbug" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/reportbug --exit-prompt"
+ "&TeXconfig" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "TeXconfig" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/texconfig"
+ "T&op" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "Top" -e sh -c "/usr/bin/top"
+ "a&lsaconf" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "alsaconf" -e sh -c "/usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sb
+ "&pppconfig" Exec exec x-terminal-emulator -T "pppconfig" -e sh -c "/usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/
DestroyMenu AboutFvwmMenu
AddToMenu AboutFvwmMenu "About Fvwm" Title Top
+ "&M. $[gt.Fvwm Modules]" Popup MenuFvwmModules
+ "&W. $[gt.Fvwm Window Ops]" Popup MenuFvwmWindowOps
+ "&S. $[gt.Fvwm Config Ops]" Popup MenuFvwmConfig
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmConfig
AddToMenu MenuFvwmConfig "$[gt.Fvwm Config Ops]" Title
+ "&S. $[gt.Sloppy Focus]" FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange SloppyFocus
+ "&C. $[gt.Click To Focus]" FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange ClickToFocus
+ "&F. $[gt.Focus Follows Mouse]" FuncFvwmFocusPolicyChange FocusFollowsMouse
+ "" Nop
+ "&1. $[gt.Colormap Follows Mouse]" ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
+ "&2. $[gt.Colormap Follows Focus]" ColormapFocus FollowsFocus
+ "" Nop
+ "&3. $[gt.Full Paging ON]" EdgeScroll 100 100
+ "&4. $[gt.All Paging OFF]" EdgeScroll 0 0
+ "&5. $[gt.Horizontal Paging Only]" EdgeScroll 100 0
+ "&6. $[gt.Vertical Paging Only]" EdgeScroll 0 100
+ "&7. $[gt.Partial Paging]" EdgeScroll 50 50
+ "&8. $[gt.Full Paging && Edge Wrap]" EdgeScroll 100000 100000
# The window Ops menus exhibit a different HotKey style.
# There are 2 versions of the WindowOps Menu, meant to be bound to different
# things. Here is the "common" part:
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmWindowCommon
AddToFunc FuncFvwmWindowCommon
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Move]" Move
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Resize]" Resize
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.R&aise]" Raise
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Lower]" Lower
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(De)&Iconify]" Iconify
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(Un)&Stick]" Stick
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.(Un)Ma&ximize]" Maximize
+ I AddToMenu $0 "" Nop
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Delete]" Delete
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.&Close]" Close
+ I AddToMenu $0 "$[gt.Destroy]" Destroy
+ I AddToMenu $0 "" Nop
# First windowops menu, bound to:
# mouse 2 on root
# Root menu
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
AddToMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps "$[gt.Window Ops]" Title
FuncFvwmWindowCommon MenuFvwmWindowOps
+ "$[gt.Re&fresh Window]" RefreshWindow
# Second windowops menu, bound to:
# any mouse on titlebar button 1
# mouse 2 on frame, side or titlebar
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps2
AddToMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps2
FuncFvwmWindowCommon MenuFvwmWindowOps2
+ Scroll&Bar Module FvwmScroll 2 2
+ "&$[gt.Print]" FuncFvwmPrint
+ "$[gt.Print Re&verse]" FuncFvwmPrintReverse
# 3 different ways to log on, take your pick:
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmRloginXterm
AddToFunc FuncFvwmRloginXterm \
I Exec xterm -name $0 -title "$USER @ $0" -e rlogin $0
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmRloginRxvt
AddToFunc FuncFvwmRloginRxvt \
I Exec rxvt -name $0 -n $0 -title $USER@$0 -e rlogin $0
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmRloginRshRxvt
AddToFunc FuncFvwmRloginRshRxvt \
I Exec Exec rsh $0 rxvt -display $HOSTDISPLAY
# be sure to fill these in with your correct machine names:
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmLogins
AddToMenu MenuFvwmLogins
+ &dopey FuncFvwmRloginXterm dopey
+ &snoopy FuncFvwmRloginXterm snoopy
+ s&ignal Exec rxterm signal
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmModules
AddToMenu MenuFvwmModules "$[gt.Fvwm Modules]" Title
+ "&1. $[gt.Control Animation]" Popup MenuFvwmAnimate
+ "&B. Button-Bar" Module FvwmButtons
+ "&O. IconBox" FuncFvwmConfigureIconBox
+ "&F. Forms" Popup MenuFvwmForms
+ "&I. Identify" Module FvwmIdent
+ "&M. IconMan" Module FvwmIconMan
+ "&N. Banner" Module FvwmBanner
+ "&C. Console" Module FvwmConsole
+ "&P. Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 0
+ "&2. Pager (2 $[gt.desks])" Module FvwmPager 0 1
+ "&R. Backer" Module FvwmBacker
+ "&S. ScrollBar" Module FvwmScroll 50 50
+ "&T. FvwmTaskBar" Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "&U. AutoRaise" Module FvwmAuto 200 Raise Nop
+ "&W. WinList" Module FvwmWinList
+ "&X. $[gt.Stop Module Menu]" Popup MenuFvwmStopModule
+ "FvwmB&uttons" Module FvwmButtons
+ "FvwmButtons (&Debian)" Module FvwmButtons DebianFvwmButtons
+ "Fvwm&CommandS" Module FvwmCommandS
+ "FvwmCpp" Module FvwmCpp
+ "FvwmDebug" Module FvwmDebug
+ "FvwmDragWell" Module FvwmDragWell
+ "Fvwm&Event" Module FvwmEvent
+ "Fvwm&Gtk" Module FvwmGtk
+ "Fvwm&IconBox" Module FvwmIconBox
+ "FvwmM&4" Module FvwmM4
+ "Fvwm&Rearrange (cascade)" Module FvwmRearrange -cascade
+ "FvwmRearrange (&horiz)" Module FvwmRearrange -tile -h
+ "F&vwmRearrange (vert)" Module FvwmRearrange -tile
+ "Fvwm&Save" Module FvwmSave
+ "FvwmSaveDesk" Module FvwmSaveDesk
+ "FvwmScript" Module FvwmScript
+ "Fvwm&Talk" Module FvwmTalk
+ "FvwmTheme" Module FvwmTheme
+ "FvwmTile" Module FvwmTile
+ "Fvwm&Wharf" Module FvwmWharf
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRearrageModules
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRearrageModules "$[gt.Fvwm Modules]" Title
+ "Fvwm&Rearrange (cascade)" Module FvwmRearrange -cascade
+ "FvwmRearrange (&horiz)" Module FvwmRearrange -tile -h
+ "F&vwmRearrange (vert)" Module FvwmRearrange -tile
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmStopModule
AddToMenu MenuFvwmStopModule "$[gt.Stop Fvwm Modules]" Title
+ "&B. $[gt.Stop] Button-Bar" KillModule FvwmButtons
+ "&O. $[gt.Stop] IconBox" KillModule FvwmIconBox
+ "&M. $[gt.Stop] IconMan" KillModule FvwmIconMan
+ "&P. $[gt.Stop] Pager" KillModule FvwmPager
+ "&R. $[gt.Stop] Backer" KillModule FvwmBacker
+ "&S. $[gt.Stop] ScrollBar" KillModule FvwmScroll
+ "&T. $[gt.Stop] FvwmTaskBar" KillModule FvwmTaskBar
+ "&U. $[gt.Stop] AutoRaise" KillModule FvwmAuto
+ "&W. $[gt.Stop] WinList" KillModule FvwmWinList
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmForms
AddToMenu MenuFvwmForms
+ "&C. Capture" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Capture
+ "&D. Form Defaults" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Form
+ "&R. Rlogin" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Rlogin
+ "&P. RootCursor" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-RootCursor
+ "&S. Setup" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Setup
+ "&T. Talk Form" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-Talk
+ "&Q. QuitVerify" Module FvwmForm FvwmForm-QuitVerify
# Configure and start using an iconbox on the fly
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmConfigureIconBox
AddToFunc FuncFvwmConfigureIconBox
+ I Module FvwmIconBox
+ I Style * NoIcon
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify
AddToMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify "$[gt.Really Quit Fvwm?]" Title
+ "&Q. $[gt.Yes, Really Quit]" Quit
+ "" Nop
+ "&R. $[gt.Restart]" Restart
+ "" Nop
+ "&T. $[gt.System] 重启系统" Exec exec reboot
+ "&C. $[gt.System] 关机" Exec exec poweroff
#+ "&2. $[gt.Start] tvtwm" Restart tvtwm
#+ "&V. $[gt.Start] vtwm" Restart vtwm
#+ "&M. $[gt.Start] mwm" Restart mwm
#+ "&O. $[gt.Start] olwm" Restart /usr/openwin/bin/olwm
+ "" Nop
+ "&X. $[gt.Just an Xterm]" Restart lxterm -n '"X Console"' -T '"X Console"'
+ "" Nop
+ "&N. $[gt.No, Don't Quit]" Nop
# fvwm Window Operation Menu
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
AddToMenu MenuFvwmWindowOps
+ "Move" Move
+ "Resize" Resize
+ "MoveTo" Popup MenuFvwmSendTo
+ "(De)Iconify" Iconify
+ "(Un)Maximize" Maximize
+ "(Un)Shade" WindowShade
+ "(Un)Stick" Stick
+ "" Nop
+ "Close" Close
+ "Delete" Delete
+ "Destroy" Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "StaysOnTop" Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "StaysPut" Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "StaysOnBottom" Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "" Nop
+ "Window Screenshot" Pick (CirculateHit) FvwmWindowScreenshot
+ "Screenshot" FvwmDesktopScreenshot 5
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify" Module FvwmIdent
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmSendTo
AddToMenu MenuFvwmSendTo
+ "Bureau &1" MoveAndGotoPage 0 0
+ "Bureau &2" MoveAndGotoPage 1 0
+ "Bureau &3" MoveAndGotoPage 2 0
+ "Bureau &4" MoveAndGotoPage 3 0
# Generate XDGMenu
PipeRead "fvwm-menu-desktop"
DestroyMenu MenuBookmarks
AddToMenu MenuBookmarks
+ "爬藤" Exec exec firefox http://www.pertool.com/
+ "思博" Exec exec firefox http://www.mysipo.com
+ "虾米" Exec exec firefox http://www.xiami.com
+ "豆瓣电台" Exec exec firefox http://douban.fm
+ "维基百科" Exec exec firefox http://zh.wikipedia.org/
Style FvwmIconMan NoTitle, StaysOnTop, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip, HandleWidth 0, BorderWidth 0, \
NeverFocus, Layer 1
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconMan: *
*FvwmIconMan: NumManagers 1
*FvwmIconMan: 1 ButtonGeometry 175x26
*FvwmIconMan: 1 Colorset 12
*FvwmIconMan: 1 DrawIcons always
*FvwmIconMan: 1 FocusAndSelectColorset 18
*FvwmIconMan: 1 FocusColorset 18
*FvwmIconMan: 1 FollowFocus true
*FvwmIconMan: 1 Font "Shadow=1 C:xft:WenQuanYi Micro Hei:pixelsize=16"
*FvwmIconMan: 1 Format "%c:%t"
*FvwmIconMan: 1 ManagerGeometry 8x1+0+0
*FvwmIconMan: 1 PlainColorset 17
*FvwmIconMan: 1 ReliefThickness 0
*FvwmIconMan: 1 Resolution page
*FvwmIconMan: 1 SelectColorset 17
*FvwmIconMan: 1 Sort name
*FvwmIconMan: 1 Title ""
*FvwmIconMan: 1 UseWinList true
# A - from the left
Stroke N456 0 W A Exec exec terminator
Stroke N456 0 R A Scroll 100 0
# A - from the right
Stroke N654 0 W A Exec exec spacefm
Stroke N654 0 R A Scroll -100 0
Stroke 1478963 0 W A Exec exec firefox
Stroke 753 0 W A Close
Stroke 14789 0 W A WindowList
Mouse 2 W A StrokeFunc DrawMotion
Mouse 2 R A StrokeFunc DrawMotion
Stroke 852 0 W A Maximize
Stroke 258 0 W A Iconify
Stroke 45654 0 WR A FuncFvwmIconifyToggle
Stroke 65456 0 WR A FuncFvwmIconifyToggle
###Move Windows
Stroke 456 0 W M MoveAndGotoPage +1p 0
Stroke 654 0 W M MoveAndGotoPage -1p 0
Mouse 2 W M StrokeFunc DrawMotion
Style FvwmButtons !Title, !Handles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
CirculateSkip, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0,StaysOnTop
Colorset 15 RootTransparent, fg rgb:00/00/00, bg average, \
Tint white 40, bgTint white 40, RootTransparent, \
Shape dock-mask.xpm
Colorset 16 RootTransparent, fg rgb:00/00/00, bg average, \
Tint white 40, bgTint white 40, RootTransparent
DestroyModuleConfig NewDock: *
*FvwmButtonsBack DodgerBlue3
*NewDock: Geometry 15x80-0+200
*NewDock: Back rgb:70/80/90
*NewDock: (Panel(Left, indicator, delay 0, steps 1) \
NewPanel "Module FvwmButtons NewPanel")
*NewPanel: Font "Shadow=0 C:xft:WenQuanYi Micro Hei:pixelsize=16"
*NewPanel: Geometry 600x80
*NewPanel: Colorset 16
*NewPanel: Columns 6 #显示8个按钮
*NewPanel: Rows 1 #显示 一行
*NewPanel: (TiTle (Center) "Document",Top, Icon spacefm.svg,Action (Mouse 1) `Exec exec spacefm`)
*NewPanel: (Title (Center) "Lemon(Google)", Top,Icon firefox.svg,Action (Mouse 1) `Exec exec /opt/opt/lemonbrowser\.\com/lemonbrowser/lemon`)
*NewPanel: (Title (Center) "程序编辑器",Top, Icon geany.svg,Action (Mouse 1) `Exec exec geany`)
*NewPanel: (Title (Center) "音乐播放器",Top, Icon mpv.svg,Action (Mouse 1) `Exec exec mpv`)
*NewPanel: (Title (Center) "终端", Top,Icon agenda.svg,Action (Mouse 1) `Exec exec terminator`)
*NewPanel: (Title (Center) "VLC", Top,Icon vlc.svg,Action (Mouse 1) `Exec exec vlc`)
*FvwmButtonsBack bisque3
*MainPanel: Geometry 15x40-0+100
*MainPanel: Back rgb:70/80/90
*MainPanel: (Panel(Left, indicator, delay 0, steps 1) \
PagerPanel "Module FvwmButtons PagerPanel")
*MainPanel: Font -*-simsun-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*PagerPanel: Geometry 150x40
*PagerPanel: Colorset 16
*PagerPanel: (Nosize,Swallow(NoClose, UseOld) stalonetray Exec exec stalonetray -p)
Style MainPanel NoTitle, StaysOnBottom, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip, HandleWidth 0, BorderWidth 0, \
NeverFocus, Layer 1
Style conky StayOnBottom
Style cairo-dock StayOnTop
Style synapse BorderWidth 0
Style FvwmButtons Sticky, NoTitle, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip, \
StaysOnTop, !Iconifiable
Style FvwmIconMan Sticky, NoTitle, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip, \
StaysOnTop, !Iconifiable
Style FvwmPager Sticky, NoTitle, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip, \
StaysOnBottom, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0, FixedPosition, \
FixedSize, !Iconifiable
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Geometry 250x50-40-30
*FvwmPager: BorderWidth 0
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 14
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 15
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 16
*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 40 41
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: SmallFont none
*FvwmPager: Columns 1
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont "xft:WenQuanYi Zen Hei:regular:pixelsize=12:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: BallonYOffset +2
*FvwmPager: WindowBorderWidth 4
*FvwmPager: WindowLabelFormat ""
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
#*FvwmPager: NoSeparators
*FvwmPager: ShapeLabels
#*FvwmPager: Window3dBorders
Style FvwmIdent EWMHMiniIconOverride, \
Icon $[fvwm_icon]/64x64/apps/gnome-help.png, \
MiniIcon $[fvwm_icon]/16x16/apps/gnome-help.png
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIdent: *
*FvwmIdent: Colorset 21
*FvwmIdent: Font "Shadow=1 1 >:xft:Monospace:Bold:pixelsize=12"
Quick Launcher:rofi
Terminal:Guake ,terminator