

man find



find命令递归地为列出的每个路径下拉目录树,根据树中的每个文件计算表达式(由下面列出的'' primary '和'' operands'组成)。


find 文件路径 参数


  1. 在当前目录下(包含子目录)搜索文件名包含cynthia的文件。
find . -name "cynthia"
  1. 搜索文件后缀不是.py的文件并打印出来。注意这里!的用法,用了转义符\
find ~/Cynthia/ \! -name "*.py" -print
  1. 类似的,上面是搜索文件后缀是.py的文件
find ~/Cynthia/ -name "*.py" -print
  1. 在当前目录下,搜索属于用户cynthia,且比文件190505demo的时间新的文件。
find . -newer 190505demo -user cynthia -print
  1. 类似的,下面这个命令就是搜索既不属于用户cynthia也不比文件190505demo的时间新的文件。
find . \! \( -newer 190505demo -user cynthia \) -print
  1. 打印出当前目录下的所有文件
find . -type f -exec echo {} \;


man find命令给出的全文。

Cynthias-MacBook-Pro:/ cynthia$ man find
     find -- walk a file hierarchy

     find [-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] [-f path] path ... [expression]
     find [-H | -L | -P] [-EXdsx] -f path [path ...] [expression]

     The find utility recursively descends the directory tree for each path listed, evaluating an expression (composed of the ``primaries'' and ``operands'' listed below) in terms of each file in the tree.

     The options are as follows:

     -E      Interpret regular expressions followed by -regex and -iregex primaries as extended (modern) regular expressions rather than basic regular expressions (BRE's).  The re_format(7) manual page fully describes both formats.

     -H      Cause the file information and file type (see stat(2)) returned for each symbolic link specified on the command line to be those of the file referenced by the link, not the link itself.  If the referenced file does not exist, the file information and type will be for the link itself.  File information of all symbolic links not on the command line is that of the link itself.

     -L      Cause the file information and file type (see stat(2)) returned for each symbolic link to be those of the file referenced by the link, not the link itself.  If the referenced ile does not exist, the file information and type will be for the link itself.

             This option is equivalent to the deprecated -follow primary.

     -P      Cause the file information and file type (see stat(2)) returned for each symbolic link to be those of the link itself.  This is the default.

     -X      Permit find to be safely used in conjunction with xargs(1).  If a file name contains any of the delimiting characters used by xargs(1), a diagnostic message is displayed on standard error, and the file is skipped.  The delimiting characters include single (`` ' '') and double (`` " '') quotes, backslash (``\''), space, tab and newline characters.

             However, you may wish to consider the -print0 primary in conjunction with ``xargs -0'' as an effective alternative.

     -d      Cause find to perform a depth-first traversal, i.e., directories are visited in postorder and all entries in a directory will be acted on before the directory itself.  By default, find visits directories in pre-order, i.e., before their contents.  Note, the default is not a breadth-first traversal.

             This option is equivalent to the -depth primary of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').
             The -d option can be useful when find is used with cpio(1) to process files that are contained in directories with unusual permissions.  It ensures that you have write permission while you are placing files in a directory, then sets the directory's permissions as the last thing.

     -f      Specify a file hierarchy for find to traverse.  File hierarchies may also be specified as the operands immediately following the options.

     -s      Cause find to traverse the file hierarchies in lexicographical order, i.e., alphabetical order within each directory.  Note: `find -s' and `find | sort' may give different results.

     -x      Prevent find from descending into directories that have a device number different than that of the file from which the descent began.

             This option is equivalent to the deprecated -xdev primary.

     All primaries which take a numeric argument allow the number to be preceded by a plus sign (``+'') or a minus sign (``-'').  A preceding plus sign means ``more than n'', a preceding minus sign means ``less than n'' and neither means ``exactly n''.

     -Bmin n
             True if the difference between the time of a file's inode creation and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes.

     -Bnewer file
             Same as -newerBm.

     -Btime n[smhdw]
             If no units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference between the time of a file's inode creation and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full 24-hour period, is n 24-hour periods.

             If units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference between the time of a file's inode creation and the time find was started is exactly n units.
             Please refer to the -atime primary description for information on supported time units.

     -acl    May be used in conjunction with other primaries to locate files with extended ACLs.
             See acl(3) for more information.

     -amin n
             True if the difference between the file last access time and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes.

     -anewer file
             Same as -neweram.

     -atime n[smhdw]
             If no units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference between the file last access time and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full 24-hour period, is n 24-hour periods.

             If units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference between the file last access time and the time find was started is exactly n units.  Possible time units are as follows:

             s       second
             m       minute (60 seconds)
             h       hour (60 minutes)
             d       day (24 hours)
             w       week (7 days)

             Any number of units may be combined in one -atime argument, for example, ``-atime -1h30m''.  Units are probably only useful when used in conjunction with the + or - modfier.

     -cmin n
             True if the difference between the time of last change of file status information and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes.

     -cnewer file
             Same as -newercm.

     -ctime n[smhdw]
             If no units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference between the ime of last change of file status information and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full 24-hour period, is n 24-hour periods.

             If units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference between the time of last change of file status information and the time find was started is exactly n units.  Please refer to the -atime primary description for information on supported time units.

     -d      Same as depth.  GNU find implements this as a primary in mistaken emulation of FreeBSD

             Delete found files and/or directories.  Always returns true.  This executes from the current working directory as find recurses down the tree.  It will not attempt to delete a filename with a ``/'' character in its pathname relative to ``.'' for security reasons.  Depth-first traversal processing is implied by this option.  Following syminks is incompatible with this option.

     -depth  Always true; same as the -d option.

     -depth n
             True if the depth of the file relative to the starting point of the traversal is n.

     -empty  True if the current file or directory is empty.

     -exec utility [argument ...] ;
             True if the program named utility returns a zero value as its exit status.  Optional arguments may be passed to the utility.  The expression must be terminated by a semicolon (``;'').  If you invoke find from a shell you may need to quote the semicolon if
             the shell would otherwise treat it as a control operator.  If the string ``{}'' appears anywhere in the utility name or the arguments it is replaced by the pathname of the current file.  Utility will be executed from the directory from which find was executed.  Utility and arguments are not subject to the further expansion of shell patterns and constructs.

     -exec utility [argument ...] {} +
             Same as -exec, except that ``{}'' is replaced with as many pathnames as possible for each invocation of utility.  This behaviour is similar to that of xargs(1).

     -execdir utility [argument ...] ;
             The -execdir primary is identical to the -exec primary with the exception that utility will be executed from the directory that holds the current file.  The filename substituted for the string ``{}'' is not qualified.

     -execdir utility [argument ...] {} +
             Same as -execdir, except that ``{}'' is replaced with as many pathnames as possible for each invocation of utility.  This behaviour is similar to that of xargs(1).

     -flags [-|+]flags,notflags
             The flags are specified using symbolic names (see chflags(1)).  Those with the "no" refix (except "nodump") are said to be notflags.  Flags in flags are checked to be set, and flags in notflags are checked to be not set.  Note that this is different from
             -perm, which only allows the user to specify mode bits that are set.

             If flags are preceded by a dash (``-''), this primary evaluates to true if at least all of the bits in flags and none of the bits in notflags are set in the file's flags bits.
             If flags are preceded by a plus (``+''), this primary evaluates to true if any of the bits in flags is set in the file's flags bits, or any of the bits in notflags is not set in the file's flags bits.  Otherwise, this primary evaluates to true if the bits in flags exactly match the file's flags bits, and none of the flags bits match those of

     -fstype type
             True if the file is contained in a file system of type type.  The lsvfs(1) command can
             be used to find out the types of file systems that are available on the system.  In
             addition, there are two pseudo-types, ``local'' and ``rdonly''.  The former matches any
             file system physically mounted on the system where the find is being executed and the
             latter matches any file system which is mounted read-only.

     -gid gname
             The same thing as -group gname for compatibility with GNU find.  GNU find imposes a
             restriction that gname is numeric, while find(1) does not.

     -group gname
             True if the file belongs to the group gname.  If gname is numeric and there is no such
             group name, then gname is treated as a group ID.

             This option is for GNU find compatibility and is ignored.

     -ilname pattern
             Like -lname, but the match is case insensitive.  This is a GNU find extension.

     -iname pattern
             Like -name, but the match is case insensitive.

     -inum n
             True if the file has inode number n.

     -ipath pattern
             Like -path, but the match is case insensitive.

     -iregex pattern
             Like -regex, but the match is case insensitive.

     -iwholename pattern
             The same thing as -ipath, for GNU find compatibility.

     -links n
             True if the file has n links.

     -lname pattern
             Like -name, but the contents of the symbolic link are matched instead of the file name.
             Note that this only matches broken symbolic links if symbolic links are being followed.
             This is a GNU find extension.

     -ls     This primary always evaluates to true.  The following information for the current file
             is written to standard output: its inode number, size in 512-byte blocks, file permis-
             sions, number of hard links, owner, group, size in bytes, last modification time, and
             pathname.  If the file is a block or character special file, the device number will be
             displayed instead of the size in bytes.  If the file is a symbolic link, the pathname
             of the linked-to file will be displayed preceded by ``->''.  The format is identical to
             that produced by ``ls -dgils''.

     -maxdepth n
             Always true; descend at most n directory levels below the command line arguments.  If
             any -maxdepth primary is specified, it applies to the entire expression even if it
             would not normally be evaluated.  ``-maxdepth 0'' limits the whole search to the com-
             mand line arguments.

     -mindepth n
             Always true; do not apply any tests or actions at levels less than n.  If any -mindepth
             primary is specified, it applies to the entire expression even if it would not normally
             be evaluated.  ``-mindepth 1'' processes all but the command line arguments.

     -mmin n
             True if the difference between the file last modification time and the time find was
             started, rounded up to the next full minute, is n minutes.

     -mnewer file
             Same as -newer.

     -mount  The same thing as -xdev, for GNU find compatibility.

     -mtime n[smhdw]
             If no units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference between the
             file last modification time and the time find was started, rounded up to the next full
             24-hour period, is n 24-hour periods.

             If units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference between the
             file last modification time and the time find was started is exactly n units.  Please
             refer to the -atime primary description for information on supported time units.

     -name pattern
             True if the last component of the pathname being examined matches pattern.  Special
             shell pattern matching characters (``['', ``]'', ``*'', and ``?'') may be used as part
             of pattern.  These characters may be matched explicitly by escaping them with a back-
             slash (``\'').

     -newer file
             True if the current file has a more recent last modification time than file.

     -newerXY file
             True if the current file has a more recent last access time (X=a), inode creation time
             (X=B), change time (X=c), or modification time (X=m) than the last access time (Y=a),
             inode creation time (Y=B), change time (Y=c), or modification time (Y=m) of file.  In
             addition, if Y=t, then file is instead interpreted as a direct date specification of
             the form understood by cvs(1).  Note that -newermm is equivalent to -newer.

             True if the file belongs to an unknown group.

             This option is for GNU find compatibility and is ignored.

             This option is for GNU find compatibility.  In GNU find it disables an optimization not
             relevant to find(1), so it is ignored.

             True if the file belongs to an unknown user.

     -ok utility [argument ...] ;
             The -ok primary is identical to the -exec primary with the exception that find requests
             user affirmation for the execution of the utility by printing a message to the terminal
             and reading a response.  If the response is not affirmative (`y' in the ``POSIX''
             locale), the command is not executed and the value of the -ok expression is false.

     -okdir utility [argument ...] ;
             The -okdir primary is identical to the -execdir primary with the same exception as
             described for the -ok primary.

     -path pattern
             True if the pathname being examined matches pattern.  Special shell pattern matching
             characters (``['', ``]'', ``*'', and ``?'') may be used as part of pattern.  These
             characters may be matched explicitly by escaping them with a backslash (``\'').
             Slashes (``/'') are treated as normal characters and do not have to be matched explic-

     -perm [-|+]mode
             The mode may be either symbolic (see chmod(1)) or an octal number.  If the mode is sym-
             bolic, a starting value of zero is assumed and the mode sets or clears permissions
             without regard to the process' file mode creation mask.  If the mode is octal, only
             bits 07777 (S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISTXT | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) of the file's
             mode bits participate in the comparison.  If the mode is preceded by a dash (``-''),
             this primary evaluates to true if at least all of the bits in the mode are set in the
             file's mode bits.  If the mode is preceded by a plus (``+''), this primary evaluates to
             true if any of the bits in the mode are set in the file's mode bits.  Otherwise, this
             primary evaluates to true if the bits in the mode exactly match the file's mode bits.
             Note, the first character of a symbolic mode may not be a dash (``-'').

     -print  This primary always evaluates to true.  It prints the pathname of the current file to
             standard output.  If none of -exec, -ls, -print, -print0, or -ok is specified, the
             given expression shall be effectively replaced by ( given expression ) -print.

             This primary always evaluates to true.  It prints the pathname of the current file to
             standard output, followed by an ASCII NUL character (character code 0).

     -prune  This primary always evaluates to true.  It causes find to not descend into the current
             file.  Note, the -prune primary has no effect if the -d option was specified.

     -regex pattern
             True if the whole path of the file matches pattern using regular expression.  To match
             a file named ``./foo/xyzzy'', you can use the regular expression ``.*/[xyz]*'' or
             ``.*/foo/.*'', but not ``xyzzy'' or ``/foo/''.

     -samefile name
             True if the file is a hard link to name.  If the command option -L is specified, it is
             also true if the file is a symbolic link and points to name.

     -size n[ckMGTP]
             True if the file's size, rounded up, in 512-byte blocks is n.  If n is followed by a c,
             then the primary is true if the file's size is n bytes (characters).  Similarly if n is
             followed by a scale indicator then the file's size is compared to n scaled as:

             k       kilobytes (1024 bytes)
             M       megabytes (1024 kilobytes)
             G       gigabytes (1024 megabytes)
             T       terabytes (1024 gigabytes)
             P       petabytes (1024 terabytes)

     -type t
             True if the file is of the specified type.  Possible file types are as follows:

             b       block special
             c       character special
             d       directory
             f       regular file
             l       symbolic link
             p       FIFO
             s       socket

     -uid uname
             The same thing as -user uname for compatibility with GNU find.  GNU find imposes a
             restriction that uname is numeric, while find(1) does not.

     -user uname
             True if the file belongs to the user uname.  If uname is numeric and there is no such
             user name, then uname is treated as a user ID.

     -wholename pattern
             The same thing as -path, for GNU find compatibility.

     -xattr  True if the file has any extended attributes.

     -xattrname name
             True if the file has an extended attribute with the specified name.

     The primaries may be combined using the following operators.  The operators are listed in order
     of decreasing precedence.

     ( expression )
             This evaluates to true if the parenthesized expression evaluates to true.

     ! expression
     -not expression
             This is the unary NOT operator.  It evaluates to true if the expression is false.

     -false  Always false.
     -true   Always true.

     expression -and expression
     expression expression
             The -and operator is the logical AND operator.  As it is implied by the juxtaposition
             of two expressions it does not have to be specified.  The expression evaluates to true
             if both expressions are true.  The second expression is not evaluated if the first
             expression is false.

     expression -or expression
             The -or operator is the logical OR operator.  The expression evaluates to true if
             either the first or the second expression is true.  The second expression is not evalu-
             ated if the first expression is true.

     All operands and primaries must be separate arguments to find.  Primaries which themselves take
     arguments expect each argument to be a separate argument to find.

     The LANG, LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES and LC_TIME environment variables affect
     the execution of the find utility as described in environ(7).

     The following examples are shown as given to the shell:

     find / \! -name "*.c" -print
             Print out a list of all the files whose names do not end in .c.

     find / -newer ttt -user wnj -print
             Print out a list of all the files owned by user ``wnj'' that are newer than the file
     find / \! \( -newer ttt -user wnj \) -print
             Print out a list of all the files which are not both newer than ttt and owned by

     find / \( -newer ttt -or -user wnj \) -print
             Print out a list of all the files that are either owned by ``wnj'' or that are newer
             than ttt.

     find / -newerct '1 minute ago' -print
             Print out a list of all the files whose inode change time is more recent than the cur-
             rent time minus one minute.

     find / -type f -exec echo {} \;
             Use the echo(1) command to print out a list of all the files.

     find -L /usr/ports/packages -type l -exec rm -- {} +
             Delete all broken symbolic links in /usr/ports/packages.

     find /usr/src -name CVS -prune -o -depth +6 -print
             Find files and directories that are at least seven levels deep in the working directory

     find /usr/src -name CVS -prune -o -mindepth 7 -print
             Is not equivalent to the previous example, since -prune is not evaluated below level

     The -follow primary is deprecated; the -L option should be used instead.  See the STANDARDS
     section below for details.

     chflags(1), chmod(1), cvs(1), locate(1), lsvfs(1), whereis(1), which(1), xargs(1), stat(2),
     acl(3), fts(3), getgrent(3), getpwent(3), strmode(3), re_format(7), symlink(7)

     The find utility syntax is a superset of the syntax specified by the IEEE Std 1003.1-2001
     (``POSIX.1'') standard.

     All the single character options except -H and -L as well as -amin, -anewer, -cmin, -cnewer, -delete, -empty, -fstype, -iname, -inum, -iregex, -ls, -maxdepth, -mindepth, -mmin, -path,
     -print0, -regex and all of the -B* birthtime related primaries are extensions to IEEE Std
     1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').

     Historically, the -d, -L and -x options were implemented using the primaries -depth, -follow,
     and -xdev.  These primaries always evaluated to true.  As they were really global variables
     that took effect before the traversal began, some legal expressions could have unexpected
     results.  An example is the expression -print -o -depth.  As -print always evaluates to true,
     the standard order of evaluation implies that -depth would never be evaluated.  This is not the

     The operator -or was implemented as -o, and the operator -and was implemented as -a.

     Historic implementations of the -exec and -ok primaries did not replace the string ``{}'' in
     the utility name or the utility arguments if it had preceding or following non-whitespace char-
     acters.  This version replaces it no matter where in the utility name or arguments it appears.

     The -E option was inspired by the equivalent grep(1) and sed(1) options.

     A find command appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX.

     The special characters used by find are also special characters to many shell programs.  In
     particular, the characters ``*'', ``['', ``]'', ``?'', ``('', ``)'', ``!'', ``\'' and ``;'' may
     have to be escaped from the shell.

     As there is no delimiter separating options and file names or file names and the expression, it
     is difficult to specify files named -xdev or !.  These problems are handled by the -f option
     and the getopt(3) ``--'' construct.

     The -delete primary does not interact well with other options that cause the file system tree
     traversal options to be changed.

     The -mindepth and -maxdepth primaries are actually global options (as documented above).  They
     should probably be replaced by options which look like options.
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 47,583评论 2 368
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 44,482评论 2 352
