youtube上 bug hunters methodology的笔记 转载别人的笔记 做一下记录
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Hi, these are the notes I took while watching “The Bug Hunters Methodology v3(ish)” talk given by Jason Haddix on LevelUp 0x02 / 2018.
This talk is about Jason Haddix’s bug hunting methodology. It is an upgrade of:
The Bug Hunter’s Methodology AKA How to Shot Web (Defcon 23) (Slides)
The Bug Hunters Methodology v2.1 (Slides)
Light reading
The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws, 2nd Edition
Web Hacking 101: How to Make Money Hacking Ethically
Breaking into Information Security: Learning the Ropes 101 (Free)
Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing
Recon & Enumeration
Discovering IP Space
Goal: Given an org name, identify both their hosts/top-level domains & IP space
ASN = Autonomous System Number
Enter a company name or a keyword => ASNs listed, select 1 => IP ranges listed in Prefixes v4 tab
One of the only sites that support search by keyword (e.g. tesla, tesla motors, tesla inc…)
keyword search to do whois lookups (e.g. Tesla Motors)
Enter your bug bounty target’s a main domain (e.g. to get anything related via reverse lookup
Ed.: This site is down but there are alternatives: &
Sad day... what happened to ?
See Jason Haddix's other Tweets
Shodan Organization
Search for org:tesla motors
Discovering New Targets (Brands & TLDs)
Goal: Find new brands & Top-Level Domains
Brand/TLD Discovery
Wikipedia the org
Crunchbase acquisitions section
Linked discovery
Burp spidering
Demo (min 14.45)
Turn off passive scanning (it generates a lot of results, taking up a lot of memory because we’re gonna spider a lot of sites) - Scanner > Live Passive Scanning > Check Don’t scan
Set forms to auto submit (if feeling frisky)
Spider tab > Application login section > Check Handle as ordinary form
Spider tab > Form submission section > Automatically submit using the following rules…
If you submit regular form & there’s an email generating form, you would blast tesla
So use your discretion to configure these 2 forms. If it’s a small site with no email generating form, it’s OK to enable automatic forms submission
Set scope to advanced control & use string of target name (not a normal FQDN)
Goal: Show only links that have tesla in the URL in the Site map
Click yes for to “…stop sending out of scope items to the history…”
Show only in scope items in the Target / Site map
Manually walk + browse, then spider all hosts recursively
Spidering can take 5 to 25 min depending
profit (more targets)!
Allows finding Tesla domains hosted on third parties like
Weighted link and reverse tracker analysis
by Vincent Yiu
Idea: Recursively looks at reverse whois programmatically based on who registered a domain, and then creates a link between those domains
Usage: python ./ -d -o vip.out.txt
Do a whois lookup on Then from the WHOIS information, based on the registrar & other data, recursively look at any other WHOIS record that has the same information
Hasn’t worked well for Jason yet but he likes the idea
Idea: Links together the relationship of a site based on its analytics trackers (ie domains using the same analytics code)
Usage: Relationships tab, Related Domains section
Gives you a heat map of how each domain is related to your target
Helped him find sites that are related and in scope but not explicitly listed
Google dork for:
the Trademark of the company: "Tesla © 2016" "Tesla © 2015" "Tesla © 2017" inurl:tesla or whatever trademark is at the bottom of the page
the privacy policy link of the company
Discovering new targets (Subdomains)
Goal: Finding subdomains
Two main ways:
Subdomain scraping: Find subdomains referenced online somewhere
Subdomain brute forcing: Try to resolve subdomains based on a wordlist
Subdomain scraping
It’s all about sources
Probably 25 to 40 good sources. Examples:
Hacker target
DNSDB Search
Cert Spotter
Passive Total
F-secure Riddler
Security Trails
Wayback Machine
Tools you use must have the right sources and be executed relatively quickly
Jason used to use Sublist3r & Altdns but now prefers using only Amass & Subfinder
Amass by @jeff_foley
Up to 22 sources
Includes Reverse DNS methods & permutation scanning (,
root@Test2:~/tools/amass#cat!/bin/bashmkdir $1touch $1/$1.txtamass -active -d $1 |tee /root/tools/amass/$1/$1.txtroot@Test2:~/tools/amass#./
Subfinder by Iceman
Most sources included in Amass
But also include Json output & a multi resolver for bruteforce…
Idea: Integrate scraping & bruteforcing in a single subdomain tool
root@Test2:~/tools/subfinder#cat!/bin/bashmkdir $1touch $1/$1.txtsubfinder -d $1 |tee /root/tools/subfinder/$1/$1.txtroot@Test2:~/tools/subfinder#./
Amass & Subfinder are enough
Their output is comparable. So script them together on the CLI, then sort and unique the output
Used together, they cover about 30 sources
Amass can run a little bit longer than subfinder if you include the permutation scanning but not too long to impact your workflow
Other tools Jason used to use but not anymore:
Enumall / Recon-NG (not great on sources or speed)
Aquatone (not great on sources) but aquatone-scan is useful
Sublist3r (same as above)
Anything else for scraping
ClouDflare Enum (although sometimes he “thinks about it”)
He doesn’t use it but finds it interesting because he doesn’t understand the black magic behind how it works
Not sure if it uses sources better than Amass & Subfinder but he doesn’t think so
Subdomain Brute Forcing
Old tools:
They’ve been supplanted by Massdns
Can run a million line dictionary in 30 sec
Because it’s written in C and breaks up your wordlist into small pieaces & assigns each piece to a different DNS resolver in Parallel
Subfinder also uses multiple DNS resolvers
Might be as good as Massdns but Jason hasn’t tried it yet for bruteforcing
By @naffy & @shubs
Content discovery wordlists built with BigQuery
Subdomain data is awesome, Jason plans on adding it to all.txt
But the URL data (URL paths) for content discovery has been less useful. It’s very app specific
So Jason uses CommonSpeak for subdomain data but not URL data
He also uses
Jason’s setup
Use Massdns
time ./ /root/work/bin/all.txt $ | ./bin/massdns -r resolvers.txt -t A -a -o -w massdns_output.txt -
Try Subfinder
Use Gobuster as the best non multi-resolver tool
time gobuster -m dns -u $ -t 100 -w all.txt
Environment setup:
$10/mo offer (1 GB RAM, 1 CPU, 30 GB SSD, 2TB transfer)
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Subdomains wordlist to use: all.txt
Also use CommonSpeak & for subdomain data
Other methods of finding subdomains
Dnssec / Nsec / Nsec3 walking
Ldnsutils, Nsec3walker, Nsec3map
Github recon
Search for goodies
Google Dorking
Ads key, private policy, TOS, AWS, S3
See the “Esoteric sub-domain enumeration techniques” & “Doing recon like a boss” talks
Enumerating targets
Port Scanning
Use Masscan
By Robert Graham
Fastest port scanner. Nmap takes forever if you do a full port scan on all hosts of an ASN
Usage: masscan -p1-65535 -iL $TARGET_LIST --max-rate 10000 -oG $TARGET_OUTPUT
Shell script to run dig on a domain, strip out the HTTP/HTTPS prefix then run Masscan
Because Masscan takes only IPs as input, not DNS names
Use it to run Masscan against either a name domain or an IP range
#!/bin/bashstrip=$(echo$1|sed's/https\?:\/\///')echo ""echo "##################################################"host $stripecho "##################################################"echo ""masscan -p1-65535 $(dig +short$strip|grep-oE"\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b"|head-1)--max-rate 1000 |& tee $strip_scan
Credential bruteforce
Masscan -> Nmap service scan-og -> Brutespray credential bruteforce
Use Masscan with the -oG option to get an output in Nmap format
Re-scan the output with Nmap version scanning
Pass the output to Brutespray which will bruteforce any remote administration protocol found with default & common passwords, and anonymous logins
Usage: python --file nmap.gnmap -U /usr/share/wordlist/user.txt -P /usr/share/wordlist/pass.txt --threads 5 --hosts 5
Visual identification
Not all subdomains previously scraped off the internet are still up, some are the same (DNS redirects) & we don’t know which protocol they are on (HTTP or HTTPS)
We could port scan ports 80 & 443
But another way to find out what is up and unique is taking screenshots with Eyewitness
Eyewitness takes a list of domains without a protocol, visits each one with a headless browser, takes a screenshot & dumps them to a report
Usage: python --prepend-https -f ../domain/ --all-protocols --headless
=> tells you which domains redirect to the same app, which domains are interesting & should be hacked first
Why not Aquatone or Httpscreenshot: Because Eyewitness tries both HTTP & HTTPS protocols
Eyewitness isn’t foolproof: The headless browser doesn’t always resolve, timeout issues, it can take a while…
=> Use Eyewitness for large targets.
=> But if you have a small list (~20 hosts), use sed or awk to add HTTP & HTTPS to every subdomain, then load them up manually with the CLI in the browser
Or use OpenList, a Chrome extension: Give it your list of URLs & it’ll open them in multiple tabs
What to look for?
Not interesting:
Anything that redirects to the main site
Help portal, email portal or OWA portal. They’re usually hardened out of the box (not always but most of them time)
Custom apps that are not the main website
They’ve probably spent less time with security on those sites than the main domain
Non standard Web ports:
There’s a list of ~20 very common non-standard Web ports (i.e. services not running on port 80 or 443)
You can find them by port scanning with Masscan & service scanning with Nmap
Then add them to Eyewitness with the --add-http-ports or --add-https-ports options.
Wayback enumeration
Also useful when you find subdomains that look juicy but don’t resolve
Example: Site protected with Basic Auth but an old version cached by Wayback Machine has configuration information of a server on the front page.
[Waybackurls by Tom Hudson
The one Jason uses the most, for pulling one domain from’s history
WaybackUnifier by Mohammed Diaa
Platform Identification & CVE searching
Retire.js: Outdated libraries (cmd-line, Burp on online form)
Builtwith: Stack information profiling
Wappalyzer: Similar to Builtwith (cmd-line, browser extension or online form)
burp-vulners-scanner: Burp plugin, detects versions with CVEs
A lot of memory is needed to use many Burp extensions on large scope bounties !
Parsing JavaScript
Generally automation doesn’t handle JavaScript very well
You could parse JS files manually but it’s not possible on large scope bounties
Many people assume Burp automatically parses JS files, relative paths, etc, and is able to execute all JS it finds. Burp is good but not perfect for this
Tools for better coverage of heavy JS sites:
ZAP Ajax Spider
Basically spiders the site with a headless browser
Extracts absolute & relative URLs from JS files
Burp pro only
Similar to LinkFinder but not as good
Feeding these tool:
Right click on any domain, choose Engagement tools then Find scripts. Clic on Search (finds all references to JS in all scripts) and Copy selected URLs
Pass URLs found to one of the JS tools
Visit the new URLs links these tools found in JS scripts
Content discovery / Directory bruting
Idea: Bruteforcing URL paths
His favorite content discovery tool & wordlist
The tool he uses because it’s in Go, fast & is extensible
time ./gobuster -w --seclists/Discovery/Web_Content/raft-large-words.txt -s 200,301,307 -t 100 -u
Includes both files & URL paths
Includes Robots disallowed & Raft
Robots disallowed & Raft are old but still really useful
He prefers them to data or other lists because:
Robots disallowed & raft parsed all the robots.txt files on the Internet & sorted by occurrence the paths that people didn’t want you to visit data parses whole websites & gives you occurrences of files & paths so it’s not stuff that they don’t want you to find, just occurrence or URLs => not useful for a pentester/bug hunter
Other tools
Other wordlists
Parameter bruting?
Useful when you have a script but no parameters referenced anywhere, to find out how to pass data to it
Untested but love the idea
Tools: Parameth combined with Backslash scanners top 20 Alexa params
Summary of the whole recon methodology
Common vulnerabilities
Not a lot of changes
2 new super useful frameworks for instrumenting Blind XSS:
bXSS: has SMS support for notifications
Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
Nothing new about the method of testing
When testing against a cloud environment, what do you look for?
cloud_metadata.txt: Contains for each cloud provider (AWS, Google Cloud, Packetcloud, OpenStack…), a list of URLs to their internal metadata services & what you can get from each URL.
Insecure Direct Object Reference
One of the most common bug classes he sees across Bugcrowd as far as occurrence & severity
Pay attention to:
all numeric IDs
anything that looks like a hash
anything that looks like an email that you could change to something else so that you can get access to somebody else’s account
Common locations of IDOR bugs/vulns
{regex + perm} id{regex + perm} user
{regex + perm} account{regex + perm} number
{regex + perm} order{regex + perm} no
{regex + perm} doc{regex + perm} key
{regex + perm} email{regex + perm} group
{regex + perm} profile{regex + perm} editREST numeric paths
Infrastructure & Config
Subdomain takeover
Cloud providers
Salesforce Desk
Amazon Webservices
Amazon Cloudfront
Check for CNAMES that resolve to these services. If the service has lapsed, register & profit!
can-i-take-over-xyz: List of every service, if it’s possible to do subdomain takeover and how & the fingerprint when there is no service registered
Robbing misconfigured sh** (AWS)
Tool to find open buckets related to your target company
Give it a file with sources of either the full URL, the bucket region, just a domain name or a bucket name
It’s common for bug hunters to get banned by WAF or CDN vendors security products
Predominant WAFs: Cloudflare & Akamai
Dedicated WAFS
Encoding (Meh)
Finding origin
Finding dev
If a WAF blocks you on, try bypassing it by going to:
ww1/ww2/ww3…… (regionalized domains)
Even though they serve the same app, the WAF might not be configured to protect those domains
Xmind Organization
Using this semi automatic methodology, you’ll end up with a lot of artifacts from a lot of tools.
=> It’s hard to track a large scope bounty well
Many people use Burp Highlighting or Burp’s inline tools to keep track of this stuff
But Jason prefers Mind mapping with Xmind to track all his tool usage & progress
oos = Out Of Scope
Linked Discovery (raw), amass (raw)… : raw output of the tools
Live: The actual site he’s testing
Color highlighting
Green w/ checkmark = Done
Orange = Progress
Red = Vulnerable
Markdown template: Templates for all his common findings on this bug bounty program (you’ll often find the same vuln accross multiple hosts on large scope bounties)
The future of TBHM
Bugcrowd University is the future of TBHM
It’s a new training course including all information in TBHM slides + new topics
An open source training curriculum for each bug class
New content will be released every quarter
You can contribute to the open source slides, present them in local meetups or null/Defcon meetups
Initial topics will be:
Intermediate level: P1 bugs submitted by super hunters that get paid out really high