English version:
I am ecstatic to put the word “ecstasy” into proper use for the first time ever.
Ec-Stasy? Ecs-Tasy? X-tasty? This Greek originated word is just so fun to say. Standing outside oneself, what an annotation for extreme happiness!
It’s beyond belief how COULD I still fall asleep after what happened. Or, it could merely be a temporal standing-out.
It might be too assertive to dogmatize “nothing good happens after 2 a.m.”. After all, it is always 1:59 a.m. somewhere.
So, what exactly happened?
I requested this Italian song “Via con me” (Away with me) for THE girl as her going-to-bed, at the epilogue of a mysterious night. And I asked: ‘Con me.’ She soon replied: ‘It’s 万德福 (wonderful).’
I am so goddamn well aware that ecstasy is bound to be ephemeral. But, hey, here begins my watch.
At Chicago
03. 24. 19
P.S. The English/Italiano lyrics of Via con me.
今儿个老百姓真呀么真高兴,终于算是头一遭把狂喜 (Ecstacy)这个词在一个合适的情景下不尴不尬地用出来了。
Ec-Stasy? Ecs-Tasy? X-tasty? 甭管怎么读,这个源于希腊语的词念起来就有一种特别的喜感。它原本的意思是站在自己之外,好一个对狂喜兜满了哲理的定义!
当谈话终于进行到了不得不要睡觉的时分,我自做主张地给那个她点了一首意大利浪歌Via con me (Away with me),权当作这个离奇夜晚的尾声。我迟疑了一下,问她:“Con me.” 俄顷间,她回道:“It’s 万德福。”
P.S. Via con me 的中/意 歌词大意。