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- 实验性文体-仿游戏速攻表演
(TAS Tool-Assisted SpeedRun/Time-Attack SuperPlay) - 经常不回复
在根据Michael lews书籍改编电影“Big short”中 Dr.Burry 在结尾作了如下陈述:
I met my wife on Match.com. My profile said that I am a medical student with only one eye, an awkward social manner and 145 thousands dollars in student loans. She wrote back "you are just what I've been looking for". She meant honest. ... People want an authority to tell them how to value things, but they chose this authority not based on facts or results, they chose it because it seems authoritative and familiar.
我的基本信息写着: 我是一个只有一只眼睛的医学院学生, 拙劣的社交礼仪,以及14,5000.00美金学生贷款.
我妻子回复到: 你就是我要找的. 她指的是: 诚实
人们希望一个权威告诉他们如何认识事物的价值, 但是他们选择这个权威并不是基于事实和结果, 而是选择看上去有权威和容易亲近的人.
我非常感激理解和接纳我的妻子, 能够忍耐我这样一个人