1、perpetual:(1)a:continuing forever:everlasting<perpetualmotion>
b(1):validfor all timeperpetualright>
(2):holding (as an office) for life or for an unlimited time
(2):occurring continually:indefinitely long-continued<perpetualproblems>
(3):blooming continuously throughout the season
As always, I was struck by how the core values of the military—service and discipline, both physical and intellectual—are so different from theperpetualAmerican Mardi Gras. —Joe Klein,Time, 29 Aug. 2005
Because Hunter had been a perpetual Peter Pan, accepting the bleak reality of his death came hard. —Douglas Brinkley,Rolling Stone, 22 Sept. 2005
2、reasoning:a:the use of reason;especially the drawing of inferences or conclusions through the use of reason
b:an instance of the use of reason:argument
They told everyone thereasoningbehind the decision.
Humans possess the power ofreasoning.
3、assert:1:to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively
2.a:to demonstrate the existence ofasserthis manhood.James Joyce>
assert oneself
:to speak or act in a manner that compels recognition especially of one's rights< … she wants him to learn to assert himself with people in positions of authority. — Malcolm Gladwell>
4、empirical:1:originating in or based on observation or experience<empiricaldata>
2:relying on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theoryempiricalbasis for the theory>
3:capable of beingverifiedor disproved by observation or experiment<empiricallaws>
4:of or relating toempiricism
Eventually, access to electron microscopes and X-ray diffraction technology provided the necessaryempiricalevidence to test the hypotheses, and the jigsaw pieces began to fall into place. —Gail Nichols,Ceramics Monthly, February 2002
5、apparent:1:open to view:visibleapparent.>
2:clear ormanifestto the understandingapparent>
3:appearing as actual to the eye or mindapparentdanger>
4:manifestto the senses or mind as real or true on the basis of evidence that may or may not be factually validapparentheart attack>apparentthan real. — J. R. Sutherland>
5.law:having anindefeasibleright to succeed to a title or estate
He believes that the key to memory, despite itsapparentcomplexities, will eventually prove to be simple: a single molecule. He may be right. —Michael Greenberg,New York Review of Books, 4 Dec. 2008,
6、reinforce:1:to strengthen by additional assistance, material, or support:make stronger or more pronounced<reinforcelevees><reinforcethe elbows of a jacket><reinforceideas>
2:to strengthen or increase by fresh additions<reinforceour troops>reinforcingtheir pitching staff>
3:to stimulate (a subject, such as an experimental animal)
The captain sent out another squad toreinforcethe troops.
Our camp isreinforcedwith supplies flown in by helicopter.
The levees will need to bereinforced.
7、peer:1:one that is of equal standing with another:equalpeer.>;especially:one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or statuspeers>
3.a:a member of one of the five ranks (as duke, marquess, earl, viscount, or baron) of the Britishpeerage
b:noble1<Peersand commoners alike were shown the same courtesy.>
He was respected and admired by hispeers.
8、falsify:1:to prove or declarefalse:disprove
2:to make false: such as a:to make false by mutilation or additionfalsifiedto conceal a theft>
b:to represent falsely:misrepresent
3:to prove unsound by experience
He was caughtfalsifyingfinancial accounts.
9、testable :adj.可试验的,可测试的; 有资格作证的,有资格立遗嘱的;
Is testable Are the measurements of how success will be determined specific?
10、hypothesis:1a:an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument
b:an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action
2:a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empiricalconsequences
3:the antecedent clause of a conditional statement
In contrast to Bingham'shypothesisthat Machu Picchu was the birthplace of the first Inca and the hearth area of the Inca civilization, current scholars believe that the city was built as a country estate … —Roger Balm,Focus On Geography, Spring 2004
11、comet::a celestial body that appears as a fuzzy head usually surrounding a bright nucleus, that has a usually highly eccentric orbit, that consists primarily of ice and dust, and that often develops one or more long tails when near the sun.
12、speculative:1:involving, based on, or constituting intellectualspeculation;also:theoretical rather than demonstrable<speculativeknowledge>
2:marked by questioning curiosityspeculativeglance>
3:of, relating to, or being a financial speculation<speculativestocks><speculativeventure>
His conclusions are highlyspeculative.
13、alpha:1:the 1st letter of the Greekalphabet— seealphabet table
2:something that is first:beginning
5:the first version of a product (such as a computer program) that is being developed and tested —usually used before another noun<alphaversions><alphatesting>;also:a stage of product development in which alpha prototypes are releasedalpha>— comparebeta
14、particle:1a:a minute quantity or fragment
b:a relatively small or the smallest discrete portion or amount of something
2.archaic:a clause or article of a composition or document
3:any of the basic units of matter and energy (as a molecule, atom, proton, electron, or photon)
4:a unit of speech expressing some general aspect of meaning or some connective or limiting relation and including the articles, most prepositions and conjunctions, and some interjections and adverbsparticleuphas a perfective meaning in phrases such asbeat upandcut up>
5:a small eucharistic wafer distributed to a Roman Catholic layman at Communion
There isnot a particle ofevidence to support their claim.
15、deflection:1:a turning aside or off course:deviation
2:the departure of an indicator or pointer from the zero reading on the scale of an instrument
He scored with adeflectionoff another player's stick.
16、paper-thin::extremely thin
17、artillery:1:weapons (such as bows, slings, and catapults) for discharging missiles
2a:large bore mounted firearms (such as guns, howitzers, and rockets):ordnance
b:a branch of an army armed with artillery
3:means of impressing, arguing, or persuading
The troops were being bombarded byartillery.
18、atom:1a:the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combinationatomof hydrogen>
b:the atom considered as a source of vast potential constructive or destructive energy< … a largely forgotten legacy of this country's conquest of theatom. — William J. Broad>< … when Congress passed the Atomic Energy Act in 1954 and allowed private utilities to “harness theatom.” — Barry Werth>
2:a tiny particle:bitatomof truth in what he said.>
3:one of the minute indivisible particles of which according to ancient materialism (seematerialism1a) the universe is composed
There is not anatomof truth to what he said.
19、mechanism:1a:a piece of machinery (seemachinery1)mechanismis broken.>
b:a process, technique, or system for achieving a resultmechanismsof peace — F. D. Roosevelt>
2:mechanicaloperation or action:working2mechanismor by accident — Richard Bentley>
3:a doctrine that holds natural processes (as of life) to bemechanicallydetermined and capable of complete explanation by the laws of physics and chemistry
4:the fundamental processes involved in or responsible for an action, reaction, or other naturalphenomenonmechanismresponsible for storms and tornadoes —Think>— comparedefense mechanism
The camera's shuttermechanismis broken.
Scientists are studying the body'smechanismsfor controlling weight.
20、geocentric:1a:relating to, measured from, or as if observed from the earth's center — comparetopocentric
b:having or relating to the earth as center — compareheliocentric
2:taking or based on the earth as the center of perspective and valuation
21、phlogiston::the hypothetical principle of fire regarded formerly as a material substance