在心理学上 有一个你不敢想象的真相In psychology, there is a truth that you can't imagine.
就是你该做的事情只要踏踏实实地做下去In psychology, there is a truth that you can't imagine.
就一定会得到积极的反馈You will definitely get positive feedback
但大部分人的处境是一边做一边怀疑和对抗But most people's situation is to doubt and confront while doing it.
遇到事情 如果只知道发泄情绪If something happens, if you only know how to vent your emotions
根本解决不了问题 It can't solve the problem at all.
不自乱阵脚 事情才会往好的方向发展If you don't mess up, things will go in a good direction.
实际上 决定一件事情能不能做成取决于你的信念强度In fact, deciding whether something can be done depends on the strength of your faith.
你越相信自己你就越接近成功The more you believe in yourself, the closer you are to success.
气定则心定心定则事顺If you set your mind, your mind will be set. lf you set your mind, everything will go smoothly.
想多了全是问题做多了全是答案Thinking too much is all questions, and doing too much is all the answer.