I am pretty sure that is him.
I went back and checked and left no hesitation. The whole trip to the trainstation I was thinking about how little chance it could be for us to comeacross in the same spot at the same time. The pain is deep in my heart and tearsrunning around in my eyes. I seldom let myself looking back and think of thewhole xxxxing thing .
I wanna write in Chinese but I am in the public place. I should catch up theEspanol soon.
Mydear Y, what’s wrong with you?
This is how life works. Surprises and shock, as well as Tragedy and happiness jumpin front of you randomly. Haven’t you getting used to it?
Last night is a long and rough night. UI is always in my mind. He is not my type atall. Me neither for him. What’s the hell wrong with us? Mr.K said he felt therewas something between me and UI and that’s the time I began to worry how thiswill go.
Step back and mind my own business. Be persistent to my dreams and keep fighting andnever ever give up! What you do makes who you are. Sooner or later you willmake the laughing bitches cry.
And that’s my girl!
Good luck Y!
And I don’t know how it turns out I and UI will have a dinner together next week andI should also invite him for Dairy Queen. So childish! Things become more andmore strange between him and me and we talked too much on Wechat. I don’t likethe city and life here at all. But he does. I don’t want to waste his time andhurt him. In fact I don’t want anybody hurt him. He is simple and nice, and heis my friend and the little prince.
Idecide to join the crazy reading trip and leave the above mess there.