Of course I am not literally pregnant, just borrow this metaphor of "writing a thesis is like conceiving a baby", I'd like to keep a dairy on my master thesis.
And of course this is not my first day of writing, in fact, it has been more than 2 months since I have presented my research idea at the colloquium as the very first presenter of the whole group (yes, I am a typical Aries), and I have also wrote 3 proposals and met my supervisor for twice so far. The idea of documenting my process of writing has popped up for quite a while, but it never came to reality due to the lack of progress. Three things that helped me to make up my mind to start this dairy today. First, I just came back from a one-week "vocation" with tons of regrets, I checked my calendar and realized that I should do nothing but writing in the following 3 months if I want to graduate this semester, although I am still waiting for the answer from HD; second, I read an article from a partial acquaintance at 15 Yan (the Chinese version of Medium. Although I also think this is nothing but a tedious copy, everything could make sense on the Chinese Internet...) yesterday, he is doing his doctoral research in international politics at a renowned university in Germany, I had a mixed feeling when I found that I knew this author. This guy is really arrogant, but I have to admit that he has the reason to be arrogant after reading his article. Still, I hate him anyhow; last and most importantly, I read a very good book on academic researches for social science. There are so many handy advices with clear examples and useful information which helped me a lot in writing my 4. proposal, I really hope that I could find this book earlier!!! So here I am with this dairy, I will document all the books, papers, instruments etc. which inspired me along this lonely road. It is an urge and memory for myself, but if any mistake or progress I have made could benefit anyone for saving his time or amusing him in any sense, I would be very glad; if anyone could read my words and like to discuss with me or give me advices, I would be very appreciate. I will write this dairy both in English and Chinese, since my master thesis is about the Chinese audience research and the questionnaire I conduct will be first conceived in English and then translated into Chinese.
----------------------------------------------------- Day 1 ------------------------------------
1. This super little book is called "Surviving Your Dissertation", a reference book with more than 1000 citations in Google Scholar. It will guide you through the whole process of your academic research.
Maybe it is too fundamental for some master students, but for me it is quite helpful. Because in our "Research Design" course, our professor has chosen one book as the main reference, which is written by his colleague and applied very unfashionable concepts like"factor-centric and outcome-centric" instead of the popular definitions like "quantitative, qualitative or inductive, deductive". I really hate that book, because it is in English but written by German, and Germans have this ability to make every language difficult to understand;( So most of my energy in that course was contributed to the fuzzy concepts and obscure usages, such a sad story... Anyway, this book has filled my vacancies of knowledge with reader-friendly language, self-explained charts, handy advices, and many examples. By the way, this book is also a classic
I finished reading 4 chapters and made an Excel table for literature reviewing today. Here are some bullet points which are most useful for me:
Differences between mediator and moderator;
How to generate research questions and hypotheses;
Differences between quantitative and qualitative researches;
How to do literature review;
How to write the statement of problem;
Some writing pitfalls. This page is highly recommended, even more handy than "The Elements of Style".
2. Revised my reference list in Zotero and on cards
Build your own databank as soon as possible, Zotero is an outstanding free software that could save a lot of time.
3. Revised my research questions and hypotheses, but I am still not sure about them ;(
4. Outlined my thesis
5. First draft of my questionnaire. I compared the SurveyMonkey and FluidSurvey and chose the latter. Wish to have some personal user experiences. And PayPal could not work, strange.
6. Started writing this dairy, really hope that I could keep it going till the end.
----------------------------------------------- End of Day 1 -----------------------------------
1. 那本很棒的指导手册名叫“Surviving Your Dissertation”,
,谷歌学术上有1000+的引用真的不是浪得虚名啊。它会手把手从头教你如何确定选题,寻找文献,研究方法,写作技巧,直到出版等等等等。或许对于一些硕士研究生有些太基础了,毕竟里面的东西都不陌生,可是对我却有系统性的帮助。话说当年我上“研究方法”课的时候,教授选择了一本相当小众的书作为主要参考文献,书中使用了生僻又难懂的“factor-centric, outcome-centric"等概念而不是其他书中都用的“定性,定量,演绎,推理”。加之这本书是教授的同事也就是德国人用英语写成的,并且德国人实在是有一种可以把任何语言使用得及其难懂的天赋,所以这堂课的大部分精力都被我用来区分概念和查找生僻词。。这是个遥远且悲伤的故事。。但是直到我看到了这本书,它用浅显的语言、易懂的图标、实用的建议和大量的例子填补了我多年的知识空缺啊!顺便,推荐一本同样的经典,
2. 重新在Zotero和卡片上整理了文献
3. 重新写了RQ和假设,但是我还是不确定
4. 写了文章的大标题和框架
5. 做了问卷的初稿,在SurveyMonkey和FluidSurvey之间选了后者,感觉更容易上手一些,如果能问下有经验的人使用体验就好了。还有就是PayPal竟然支付不了,奇怪
6. 开始这边日记,希望能坚持到最后