One of the most eagerly anticipated games of the opening days of the 2018 World Cup did not disappoint as Cristiano Ronaldo scored a hat trick, made history and earned Portugal a draw in an enthralling contest against a Spain side eager to put a tumultuous week behind them.
The Real Madrid star, aiming to lead his country to glory in what is likely to be his final World Cup, scored from a fourth-minute penalty which he himself earned and put Portugal ahead once again after Spain goalkeeper David de Gea carelessly allowed hislong-range effort to slip through his fingers.
hat trick 帽子戏法
an enthralling contest 一场扣人心弦的比赛
a tumultuous week 动荡的一周
a fourth-minute penalty 第四分钟点球得分
long-range effort 远距离尝试(足球中指远射门)
slip through his fingers 从指尖划过
◆ FIFA World Cup国际足联世界杯
◆ FIFA: Federation Internationale de Football Association国际足球联合会的法语表达
◆ goalkeeper 守门员(德国为例)
◆ defender 后卫
◆ midfielder前卫
◆ forward 前锋
◆ coach 教练
◆ headcoach 主教练
◆ referee 裁判
◆ captain/leader队长
◆ set the pace 掌握进攻节奏
◆ ward off an assault 击退一次攻势
◆ 4-4-2 formation 422阵型
◆ 4-3-3 formation 433阵型
◆ off-side trap 越位战术
◆ beat the offside trap 反越位成功
◆ technical foul 技术犯规
◆ foul 犯规
◆ time wasting tactics 拖延战术
◆ kick-off 开球
◆ bicycle kick/overhead kick倒钩球
◆ chest-high ball 半高球
◆ handball 手球
◆ header 头球
◆ penalty kick 点球
◆ own goal 乌龙球
◆ hat-trick 帽子戏法
◆ free kick 任意球
◆ direct free kick 直接任意球
◆ short/long pass 短/长传
◆ cross pass 横传
◆ tackle 铲球
◆ clearance kick 解围
◆ shoot 射门
◆ close-range shot 近射
◆ long shot 远射
◆ offside 越位
◆ deceptive movement 假动作
◆ field/pitch 足球场
◆ mildfield 中场
◆ kickoff circle/ center circle 中圈
◆ sideline 边线
◆ goal line球门线
◆ end line 底线
◆ penalty mark 罚球点(点球)
◆ penalty area 禁区(罚球区)
◆ goal area 小禁区(球门区)
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