
我觉得一位伟大的学者和出色的诗人写出这话来是很可悲的。几个星期以后,有一次就餐时,我发现自己正好挨她坐,便单刀直入向他吐出的自己的想法。 I think it is very sad that a great scholar and a great poet should have written this. A few weeks later, at a dinner party, I found myself sitting next to her. 他说,那番话是否当真 He said whether he meant what he said 确实认为优秀批评家的生涯能与学者,城市或诗人等量齐观吗? Do you really think that the career of a good critic is on a par with that of a scholar or a city or a poet? 整个用餐时间我们一直在争论这两个问题, We've been debating these two issues throughout the meal, 我想他最后是同意了我的看法,我似乎不应该在这里宣布对一个已经不能再反对我意见的人的一次盛典。 I think he finally agreed with me, and I don't seem to be here to announce a gala for a man who can no longer disagree with me. 争论结束时,他对第一个问题的回答是也许不全当真,而对第二个问题的回答则是也许不能 At the end of the argument, his answer to the first question was that he might not take it seriously, and his answer to the second question was that he might not 对豪斯曼的感情或许尚有疑问,我不想升称他已真的我一边让科学家们的感情却是毋庸置疑的,我与他们荣辱与共。所以,如果我发现自己写的不是数据,而是关于数学 I don't want to call hausmann real. I want to make sure that the scientists' feelings are not in doubt. I share their joys and sorrows. So, if I find myself writing not about data, but about math 那就是自立的表现, That's self-reliance. 我可能会因此受到年轻的更有活力的数学家的藐视和怜悯。 I would have been scorned and piqued by younger, more dynamic mathematicians. 我提出要被数学辩护,有人也许会觉得是多此一举,因为不论原因如何,目前还没有哪一种学问,被公认比数学更有用,更值得夸耀了。 My proposal to be defended by mathematics may strike some as superfluous, for whatever the reason, there is at present no science more useful or more worthy of boast than mathematics. 这种看法也许是有道理的。确实由于爱因斯坦取得的惊人成就,恒星天文与原子物理学可能已成为最声誉最隆的科学了 That may be true. Indeed, thanks to Einstein's astonishing achievements, stellar astronomy and atomic physics have probably become the most prestigious sciences 一个数学家,目前还误用考虑则为他 A mathematician who is currently being misused is considered for him 会不会遭到小布拉德雷在他的值得敬佩的乡上学辩护词中所描写的那种反对这篇辩护词构成了现象。于是,在一书 Would he have been opposed to the kind of opposition that little Bradley had described in his admirable homecome defense which constituted a phenomenon. So, in a book 布莱德雷写道,一个形而上学家可能会听到这样的意见行而上学知识整体而言是不可能的。即使在某种程度上,可能那也是名不副实的知识。 A metaphysician, writes Bradley, might be advised that it is impossible to go to school. Even to some extent, that may not be true knowledge. 这么还会告解说,同样的问题,同样的争论同样的一败涂地,为甚么还不迷途知返?凤起准备研究呢?难道没有任何其它更值得你做的事情了吗? It would explain why the same questions, the same arguments, the same defeats, don't get lost. Fengqi ready to study? Isn't there anything else worth doing? 没有人会愚蠢的,用同样的语言来谈论数学,大量的数学真理是明显的,严肃的数学的实际应用,包括桥梁,蒸汽机,发电机等等 No one would be foolish to talk about mathematics in the same language, a large number of mathematical truths are obvious, serious practical applications of mathematics, including Bridges, steam engines, generators and so on 正在冲击着最迟顿的想想,没有必要去说服公众。相信数学是有用之物, Is impacting the latest think, there is no need to convince the public. Believing that mathematics is useful, 所有这些本可令数学家们高枕无忧了,但一个真正的数学家却不会因此心安理得。 All this might have put mathematicians at ease, but a real mathematician would not be at ease. 真正的数学家一定觉得数学的美名实际上并不是靠那些朴质无华的成就赢得,而且很大程度上是你无知与混乱为基础的 A true mathematician must feel that the reputation of mathematics is not really won by those unsophisticated achievements, and is largely based on your ignorance and confusion 因此仍有必要为他进行更加合乎理性的辩论。 There is therefore still a need for a more rational debate on his behalf. 管怎样,我自告奋勇来试一试。与布拉德雷困难的辩白相比,这应该是比较轻松的任务了。 Anyway, I volunteered to give it a try. That should be an easier task than Mr Bradley's difficult defence. 这样我的问题是数学为甚么值得人们认真研究?什么是你数学家为职业的差的研究 So my question is why is mathematics worth studying? What is your poor research as a mathematician 什么是数学家为主业的恰当理由。对这两个问题,我的回答正是一个数学家的回答。 What is the proper reason to be a mathematician? My answer to both questions is the answer of a mathematician. 我认为数学是值得认真研究的,女数学家为职业有充分的理由 I think mathematics is worth studying seriously, and there are good reasons for women mathematicians to make a career out of it 我为数学变狐也就是为自己辩护。我的 I'm defending myself by being a fox of mathematics. my 变狐带着某种利器的倾向,因为如果我在自己的研究领域里是一个失败者,那就不会认为值得去为他辩护了。 Fox has a tendency to be sharp, because if I'm a loser in my field, I don't think it's worth defending him. 这样的利己主义多少有些不可避免,所以我觉得没有必要为这些优秀的工作,并不是出于谦谦君子之受。任何一门学科的教授,其首要的责任之一就是要对自己所从事的学生的的重要性 This kind of egoism is somewhat inevitable, so I don't feel the need to work for these good jobs, and it's not out of courtesy. One of the first duties of a professor of any subject is to consider the importance of his work to the student 以及他本人在其中的重要性作适度的夸张 And his own importance in it 一个人。如果总是唠叨我干的是否值得有我甘是否合适,那不仅会使他自己一事无成,而且也会让别人灰心丧气。他应该眯起眼睛 A person. If always nagging me whether what I do is worth it or not, it will not only make him get nowhere, but also make others frustrated. He should narrow his eyes 把它的学科和他本人看高一点。这不难做到难的是完全闭上眼睛,却又不说瞎话。 Think highly of his subject and himself. The hard part is to close your eyes completely without lying. 神一个人打算证明自己的存在和活动是合理的,必须区别两个不同的问题,一个是他所从事的工作是否值得做。另一个是他为什么要做这项工作 When a man intends to justify his existence and activity, he must distinguish between two different questions. The first is whether the work he is doing is worth doing. The other is why did he do the work 而不管其价值怎么样, And whatever its value, 第一个问题通常很难回答,但令人沮丧 The first question is often difficult to answer, but frustrating 但大多数人会发现这个问题比较容易回答,如果他们城市的话,他们的回答通常是选择以下两种形式中的一种 But most people will find this question easier to answer, if they are in a city, they usually choose one of the following two forms of answer 第一种是需要我们认真考虑的唯一答案。第二种则仅仅是他的低调辩词, The first is the only answer that needs to be seriously considered. The second is simply his low-key defense, 我从事我正在做的工作,是因为他是我真正能做好唯一的事情。我作为一名律师,股票经纪人或职业板球手,是因为对那份特定的工作,我有真正的天赋 I do what I do because it's the only thing I can really do well. I was a lawyer or a stockbroker or a professional cricketer because I had a real gift for that particular job 我成为律师,是因为我口才流利,而且对微妙的法律感兴趣。我做股票经纪人是因为我对市场形势的判断迅速而准确, I became a lawyer because I was eloquent and interested in the subtleties of the law. I became a stockbroker because I was quick and accurate in judging market conditions. 我成为职业板球手,是因为我经我同意,也许做一个诗人和数学家更好。但遗憾的是,某不具备从事这种职业的天赋。 I became a professional cricketer because, with my permission, I thought it would be better to be a poet and a mathematician. But unfortunately, someone doesn't have the talent for such a career. 我并不认为大多数人能够做出上述那样的边界,因为多数人什么工作也做不好 I don't think most people can make that kind of boundary, because most people can't do anything right 但这种便捷,只要说的阵阵有词,他就很难反驳。 But this convenience, as long as the bursts of words, he is difficult to refute. 因为只有相当少数人能够进行这样的辩解,也许有5%和10%的人能把某种工作做的不错 Because only a very small number of people can make such an argument, maybe 5% and 10% of people can do some kind of work well 有极少数的人能把某种工作真正做好。 There are very few people who can really do a job well. 还能同时做好两种工作的人就更微乎其微了。因此一个人如果具有某种名副其实的才能,他就应该为了充分展示这种才能而不惜做出任何牺牲。 Even fewer do both. Therefore, if a person has a certain talent worthy of the name, he should be willing to make any sacrifice to fully demonstrate it. 这种观点得到了约翰逊博士的赞同, This view was echoed by Dr. Johnson, 我告诉他,我看过约翰逊其在三匹马上的表演,使他说先生这样的人应该得到鼓励,因为他的表演展示了人类能力的限度。 I told him that I had seen Johnson on his three horses, and he said that a man like Mr. Johnson should be encouraged because his performance showed the limits of human ability. 同样的他对登山者尤渡海峡的人已经蒙住眼睛想起的人,大家称赞 Likewise, he praised the climbers who had crossed the channel, and the ones who had been blindfolded 我对于所有这些祈望一鸣惊人的努力一鸣惊人的努力怀有深深的疼 I feel a deep ache for all of these blockbuster efforts 我甚至同情表演魔术和口技的人到安粮兴和布雷德曼准备打破记录是如果他们失败了,我会失望之极。 I even sympathize with those who perform magic tricks and ventriloquies to the point where angelique and bredman are ready to break records and I would be extremely disappointed if they failed. 在这里,约翰逊博士和我发现我们的公众舆论是一致的 Here, Dr. Johnson and I find our public opinion in unison 正如他所说的,只有那些所谓高级趣味的人,财富尊重真正有才能的人。他的这种观点无疑是正确的。 As he said, only those who have so-called higher tastes, wealth respects the truly talented. He is undoubtedly right in this view. 但我们应该重视不同活动,在价值上的不同,我宁愿做一个小说家或画家,也不愿做一个地位相当的政治家 But we should pay attention to different activities, different in value, I would rather be a novelist or a painter, rather than a politician of equal status 世上有许多成名之路,但我们多数人会以实际有害为由而加以拒绝。然而这种价值的不不同,很少改变人们选择职业时的标准。 There are many paths to fame, but most of us would reject them as actually harmful. However, this difference in value rarely changes the criteria people use when choosing a career. 这种标准常常被个人自然能力的局限所支配,是科比板球更有价值。但如果布雷德曼为写无足轻重的二流诗歌而牺牲他的板球生涯,他就是一个傻瓜 This standard is often dominated by the limitations of one's natural abilities, which make kobe's cricket more valuable. But he would be a fool to sacrifice his cricket career to write frivolous second-rate poetry 如果说板球稍微次要一些事都重要一些,那么二者之间的选择会很困难。我不知道自己宁愿成为特朗普尔还是补课。幸运的是,这种进退两难的情况很少发生 If cricket is less important and everything is more important, the choice between the two is difficult. I don't know if I'd rather be trump or make up my mind. Fortunately, this dilemma rarely occurs 备注他老婆,而是澳大利亚板球运动员穆鲁克是英国时 The remark was made when the Australian cricketer muriuk was British 我要补充的是这些人特别不太可能指望自己成为数学家。人们往往过分夸大了数学家与其他过程上的差别。但不可否认的是, I would add that these people are particularly unlikely to expect themselves to be mathematicians. The distinction between mathematicians and other processes is often greatly exaggerated. But there's no denying that, 数学的天赋的确是最专门的才能之一,数学家是这样一类人,他们并不特别的以一般的才能和多才多艺而著称。 The genius of mathematics is indeed one of the most specialized talents. Mathematicians are people who are not particularly well known for their general talents and versatility. 如果一个人在某种意义上称的上是一个真正的数学家大门,数学肯定比任何其他事情都更适合于塔 If one is, in a sense, a true mathematician, mathematics is surely more suited to the tower than anything else 如果他为了在其他领域中从事平凡不平凡的工作而放弃某种锻炼,其才能的好机会。他就是个公主, If he were to give up some kind of training for an ordinary job in some other field, it would be a good opportunity for his talents. He was a princess. 这种牺牲仅仅在考虑到经济的需要和年龄问题时才是情有可原的 Such sacrifices are justified only by considerations of economic necessity and age 嗯,是气人年龄问题对数学家来说尤其重要,在这里我最好谈谈这个问题。美国数学家都不应忘记。与其他艺术和科学相比,数学更是一种年轻人的游行。举一个比较简单的例子,如 Well, age is a particularly vexing problem for mathematicians, and I'd better talk about it here. American mathematicians should not forget. More than any other art or science, math is a young people's march. Take a simple example, such as 选皇家学会的人中,数学学科成员的平均年龄是最低的,我们可以自然地找到更有力的例证。例如我们可以考察。作为世界著名的三大数学之一的牛顿的经历 Since the royal society has the lowest average age of its members in the subject of mathematics, we can naturally find stronger examples. For example, we can examine. The experience of Newton, one of the world's three great mathematicians 牛顿五十岁时放弃了数学研究,而且在这之前很久就丧失了热情。他四十岁时已确信无疑地认识到他伟大的创造时期已经结束了 Newton gave up mathematics at the age of fifty and long before that lost his enthusiasm. At the age of forty he was certain that his great creative period was over 大约1666年,他年仅24岁时发现了他思想中最伟大的部分 Around 1666, at the age of 24, he discovered the greatest part of his mind 柳树树和万有引力顶。那时我正在处于创造的初期,比后来任何时候都更多地思考数学和哲学问题。他在将近四十岁时依然做出了重大发现, Willow tree and gravitation top. I was in the early days of creation, thinking more about math and philosophy than I have since. He still made important discoveries in his late forties, 37岁发现椭圆轨道,但从那以后,除了补充和完善之外,他做的身上 The 37-year-old discovered elliptical orbits, but since then, in addition to complementing and perfecting them, he has done so well 叫龙娃,生于21岁。阿贝尔死于27岁,拉马努金行33岁已满,所以四十岁也有叫板的时候取得伟大成就的人高四五十岁时发表了他关于微分几何的卓越论文。 Her name is longwa. She was born at the age of 21. Abel died at the age of twenty-seven, lamanujinghou was thirty-three, so at forty there was a time of dissent and the man who had achieved great things was in his forties and fifties when he published his excellent treatises on differential geometry. 尽管其基本思想十年前已得到我不知道是否有这样的例子,即一个超过五十岁的人又开创了一项主要的数学理论 Although the basic idea was developed ten years ago, I don't know if there is an example of a man over fifty who has developed a major mathematical theory 如果一个年长的人失去对数学的兴趣而放弃了他对数学和他本人这个损失看来都不是太严重。 If an older person loses interest in mathematics and gives up on it, the loss does not seem too great to him or her. 至于另一方面看来,也未必会得到什么实质性的收益,离开数学领域的数学家,他们后来的记录并不是特别令人鼓舞的牛顿算是一个凑活的造币厂厂长 On the other hand, it seems unlikely that there would have been any substantial benefit to the mathematicians who left the field of mathematics, and whose subsequent record was not particularly encouraging that Newton was a cofounder 当然喂这是一个不太成功的法国总理拉普拉斯的政治生涯使他名誉扫地,当然这并不是一个合适的例子。 Of course, this is an example of a less successful French prime minister Laplace whose political career has brought him into disrepute. 因为他的修为超过了他的不是物不是人,而且他从未真正放弃数学,很难找到这样的例子。一位一流的数学家在放弃了数学研究之后,在其他领域中又取得了一流的成就。 It is difficult to find such examples because his practice is more than just a matter or a person, and he has never really given up on mathematics. A first - rate mathematician who had given up on mathematics made first - rate achievements in other fields. 也许有年青人停止数学工作,之后又东山再起,成为一流数学家的,但我从未听到过这方面真正可信的例子。所有这些完全可以凭我有限的精力来证实 There may be young people who stop working in mathematics and then come back and become first-class mathematicians, but I've never heard a really credible example of that. All this can be proved by my limited energy 我所认识的每一个真正有才能的青年数学家都中使用数学,这不是一枚胸无大志的想法,就是多和我说几种标准便捷,无一例外地认识到了只有主角只是情绪化生的 Every truly talented young mathematician I know USES mathematics, which is either an unambitious idea or a convenient way to talk to me about several criteria. Without exception, I realize that only the protagonist is generated by emotions 没有我能做的特别出色的事。我做我正在做的事是因为他刚好摆在我面前,我根本没有机会去做任何其他的事情。 There is nothing particularly good I can do. I did what I was doing because he was right in front of me and I had no chance to do anything else. 这种干脆的便捷倒也可以接受,确实许多人什么也做不好。如果这样,他们选择的职业就无关紧要,而且也确实不需要再多费口舌 This kind of crisp convenience is acceptable, but it's true that many people can't do anything right. If so, their chosen profession is irrelevant, and they really don't need to expend any more words 这是一个明确的回答,但 That's a clear answer, but 任何有你关心的人大概都不愿做这样的回答,我们当中也没人会满足于这样的回答。 Anyone you care about probably won't give that answer, and none of us will be satisfied with it. 现在我们来考虑我在第三段中提出的第一个问题, Now let's consider the first question that I raised in the third paragraph, 他的回答比第二个问题要难的多 His answer is much more difficult than the second question 数学,我和其他数学家所认识的数学是否值得研究?如果是搭配什么 Mathematics, is the mathematics that I and other mathematicians know worth studying? If so, what 进来,我重新翻阅了我1920年发表的牛津大学就职演说的前几页,其中有位数学辩解的内容是提纲式的不是很充分, Coming in, I rereading the first few pages of my Oxford inaugural address in 1920, and there was a mathematical argument that was not very well outlined, 而且是用一种现在不值得我来夸耀的问题写成的,可能是用我当时想象的牛津风格。第一屏的 And it was written in a way that I'm not proud of now, probably in the Oxford style that I imagined at the time. The first screen 帮战 To help fight 不管这篇文章需要多做多大的补充,我仍然觉得它包含了问题的实质。我将简要的旧话重提 No matter how much this article needs to be supplemented, I still think it contains the essence of the problem. I shall revert briefly to the old words 作为全民讨论的情人 As the lover of national debate 我总强调数学 I always emphasize math 即使数据研究是误用,那么它也是一种完全无害的清白的职业,我将坚持这一点,不过显然需要做大量的补充和解释。 Even if data research is misused, it is a completely harmless and unsullied profession, and I will insist on that, though it clearly requires a great deal of supplementation and explanation. 数学是无用的嘛,从某种意义上说,显然不是这样,比如他给许多人带来了极大的快乐。 Mathematics is useless, in a sense it is clearly not, for example it has brought great happiness to many people. 然而,我正在思考一种狭义上的有用 However, I am thinking of a narrow sense of usefulness 数学是否向其他学科如化学和生理学那样有用,而且直接有用呢,这不是一个非常容易的你的问题。我对这个问题的回答最终是否定的 Whether or not mathematics is as useful, and directly useful, as other subjects such as chemistry and physiology is not a very easy question for you. My answer to that question is ultimately no 尽管有些数学家和大多数局外人很可能会回答,说是那么数学是无害的吗? Although some mathematicians and most outsiders would probably answer, is mathematics harmless? 答案同样不明了,而且从某种意义上讲,我宁可回避这个问题,因为他提出了整个科学对战争的影响问题。 The answer is equally unclear, and in a sense I'd rather avoid the question because he raises the whole question of the impact of science on war. 例如化学在这方面显然不是无害的,那么是否在同样意义上可以说数学是无害的呢? For example, if chemistry is clearly not harmless in this respect, is mathematics harmless in the same sense? 以后我们再回过头来讨论这两个问题, And we'll come back to both of these later, 我继续说 I continue to say 宇宙永恒无垠,如果我们正在浪费时间,那么浪费几个大学教师的生命绝不会带来什么了不起的在呢? The universe is infinite, and if we are wasting our time, why waste the lives of a few college teachers would never make a difference? 这里我似乎种幻象,自己刚才还极力反对的那种虚伪的谦虚,但这 Here I seem to be under the illusion of the false modesty with which I had just so vehemently opposed 肯定不是出于我的本意,我是想用一句话来概括。我在第三段中不厌其烦地表述的观点, It's definitely not my intention. I want to sum it up in one sentence. I go out of my way to say in the third paragraph, 三只 The three little 我现在感到是过于夸张的语言。我强调了数学成就的持久性, I now feel it is exaggerated language. I emphasized the persistence of mathematical achievement, 我们所做的工作也许微不足道,但它却具有某种持久的特性。我们所完成的事情无论是一本诗集还是一条几何定理,只要能引起哪怕是最微小,但却是永久的兴趣。 The work we do may be insignificant, but it has a certain enduring quality. Whatever we accomplish, be it a book of poetry or a theorem of geometry, will arouse the smallest but most lasting interest. 那就是完成了远远超越大多数人能力的事情。 That is to accomplish far more than most people can do. 我还写道 I also wrote 现代研究相互冲突的时代,对于 The modern study of the conflicting times for 某一门研究来说,一定存在着某些值得一谈的东西,他们既不是从毕达哥拉斯开始,你不会到爱因斯坦就结束,他们是最古老的 There must be something worth talking about in a certain field of study. They don't start with Pythagoras, you don't end with Einstein. They're the oldest 同时又是最年轻的 And the youngest 所有这些都有点夸张,但其实石,但其实这对我来说仍然抱着被子,我马上就能进行解释。 All of this is a bit of an exaggeration, but it's actually a stone, but it's still a quilt for me, and I can explain it in a minute. 不去过早涉足过所留下的 Don't go too early into what's left 其他没有回答的问题, Other unanswered questions, 其我设想,我的读者们现在和过去都充满雄心壮志人的第一责任,至少对于年轻人来说,事有雄心,雄心是一种合理的,能合理的化解多种形式的高尚情感。 I suppose that my readers are and have been filled with ambition -- the first duty of man, at least for young men, to be ambitious. Ambition is a legitimate, legitimate means of disarming many forms of noble feeling. 在平静的沙滩上, On the calm sand, 大海和陆地间,我该舰长和书写些什么来阻止叶某得讲 Between sea and land, what should I write to prevent ye from speaking 告诉我神秘的字符后退,那汹涌的波涛告诉我时间的堡垒规划那永恒的白昼 Tell me the mystery of the character retreat, the raging waves tell me the fortress of time to plan the eternal day 雄心,是世界上几乎所有最好的,都是工作的动力,尤其几乎所有造福人类的实质性贡献都是由满怀雄心的人做出的。 Ambition, which is the best in the world, is the driving force of work, and in particular almost all substantial contributions for the benefit of mankind are made by ambitious people. 九两个著名的例子来说,你石头和八十的没有雄心吗? For nine famous examples, you stone and eighty don't have ambition? 补充李斯特氏匈奴王,但是得知英国外科医生创立创声仿佛法为无菌手术。县区 He added that lister was the huns, but learned that the British surgeon had created the method as if it were aseptic surgery. county 只有两个著名的例子来说,第四套和八十都没有什么行吗?或者再稍低的层次上 There are only two famous examples, the fourth set and the eighty set are not any good? Or a little bit lower 吉勒特和梅梅里特没有雄心吗? Are Gillette and Merritt not ambitious? 近代有谁比他们为人类的安地作出的贡献更大呢? Who in more recent times has done more for the safety of mankind? 生理学提供了特别适宜的例子,仅仅因为它是一门很显然的友谊学科, Physiology provides a particularly apt example, simply because it is an obvious subject of friendship, 我们必须反驳,流行于科学辩护辩护是文中的一些没有剑姬原本从事对人类最有意义的工作,是完全有意识的。例如生理学家就具有特别高尚的精神 We have to argue that the popular defense of science is that some of the things in the text that kenji was not doing that were most meaningful to human beings, were fully conscious. Physiologists, for example, have a particularly elevated spirit 生理学家也确实也许确实很高兴的想到他的工作将由 The physiologist was indeed perhaps indeed pleased to think that his work would be conducted by 但产生力量的动机及由此产生的灵感。与文科学者和数学家的动机和灵感并有许多相当高尚的动机,引导人们去从事某项研究,带有三点比别的更重要 But the motive of power, and the inspiration therefrom. Like the motives and inspirations of liberal arts scholars and mathematicians, there are many quite noble motives which lead people to engage in a certain research, with three more important than others 首先是智力上的好奇心 The first is intellectual curiosity 没有这一点,其余都站不住脚, Without that, the rest is untenable. 希望探知真理,其次是职业上的自豪感,渴望对自己的工作满意。郑和 Want to know the truth, followed by professional pride, desire to be satisfied with their work. Zheng he 初中的数学家,但他的工作成绩与其才能不相衬,是耻辱感 Junior high school mathematician, but his work and talent do not match, is a shame 最后是要有雄心,希望得到名声地位,甚至随着而来的权力和金钱 Finally, ambition, the desire for fame and status, and even the power and money that come with it 能给别人带来幸福或减轻痛苦,你当然会获得良好的感受,但这不是你工作的原因。 If you can bring happiness to others or relieve their pain, you will certainly get good feelings, but that is not the reason for your work. 所以,如果一位数学家和一位化学家,甚至因为生理学家告诉我,他工作的动力源自为人类造福的愿望。我 So if a mathematician and a chemist, and even a physiologist, tell me that the source of his work is his desire to do good for mankind. I 不会想起 Don't think of 我信了,他也不会把她想得更好。 He wouldn't have thought better of her if I had. 他的主要动机应该是我上面提到的那些,而且任何正派的人实在不必为这而惭愧。 His main motive should be those I have mentioned above, and no decent person should be ashamed of it. 如果这里长得好畸形,职业转的自豪感和雄心是研究的主要动力,但我的确没有人比数学家更具有满足这些条件的好机会。 The pride and ambition of a career change is the main motivation for research if it is deformed, but I do think that no one has a better chance of meeting these conditions than a mathematician. 数学家的学科是所有学科中最令人好奇的,没有哪门学科的真理,能以这种奇特的 The discipline of the mathematician is the most curious of all, and the truth of no discipline can be so peculiar 他隐藏着太复杂的,也是最迷人的方法,而且提供了无与伦比的展示,绝对中意技巧的 He conceals the most complex and fascinating methods, and offers an unparalleled display of sheer skill 正如 as 历史已充分证明那样数学成就,无论其内在的价值如何,是所有成就中最永恒不朽的 History has amply demonstrated that mathematical achievement, whatever its intrinsic value, is the most enduring of all. Right 我们甚至可以在办古文明中窥见这一点 We can even see this in the ancient civilization 巴比伦文明和亚旭文明已经消亡了。汉谟拉比萨尔贡尼布甲尼撒只是徒有虚名,然而巴比伦数学依然引人入胜, The babylonian and asahi civilizations are dead. Hammurabi salgunnebuchadnezzar was a mere figurehead, but babylonian mathematics was still fascinating, 巴比伦的六十进制仍然应用天文学,当然更有说服力的实例是希腊的数学 The babylonian sexagesimal system still applied astronomy, of course, but a more convincing example was Greek mathematics 对我们来说,其他人是最早的,并且至今仍是真正的数学家。东方数学也许是颇具魅力的真品,但希腊数学家是真正的攻吧 To us, others were the first and are still true mathematicians. Oriental mathematics may be the stuff of glamour, but Greek mathematicians are the real thing


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