1.1 A Little Bit of History
The binary format used initially for Linux was an a.out variant. When introducing shared libraries certain design decisions had to be made to work in the limitations of a.out. The main accepted limitation was that no reloca-tions are performed at the time of loading and afterward. The shared libraries have to exist in the form they are used at run-time on disk. This imposes a major restric-tion on the way shared libraries are built and used: every shared library must have a fixed load address; otherwise it would not be possible to generate shared libraries which do not have to be relocated.
The fixed load addresses had to be assigned and this has to happen without overlaps and conflicts and with some future safety by allowing growth of the shared library. It is therefore necessary to have a central authority for the assignment of address ranges which in itself is a ma- jor problem. But it gets worse: given a Linux system of today with many hundred of DSOs (Dynamic Shared Objects) the address space and the virtual memory avail- able to the application gets severely fragmented. This would limit the size of memory blocks which can be dy- namically allocated which would create unsurmountable problems for some applications. It would even have hap- pened by today that the assignment authority ran out of address ranges to assign, at least on 32-bit machines.
We still have not covered all the drawbacks of the a.out shared libraries. Since the applications using shared li- braries should not have to be relinked after changing a shared library it uses, the entry points, i.e., the function and variable addresses, must not change. This can only be guaranteed if the entry points are kept separate from the actual code since otherwise limits on the size of a function would be hard-coded. A table of function stubs which call the actual implementation was the solution used on Linux. The static linker got the address of each function stub from a special file (with the filename ex- tension .sa). At run-time a file ending in .so.X.Y.Z was used and it had to correspond to the used .sa file. This in turn requires that an allocated entry in the stub table always had to be used for the same function. The allocation of the table had to be carefully taken care of. Introducing a new interface meant appending to the ta- ble. It was never possible to retire a table entry. To avoid using an old shared library with a program linked with a newer version, some record had to be kept in the applica- tion: the X and Y parts of the name of the .so.X.Y.Z suffix was recorded and the dynamic linker made sure minimum requirements were met.
The benefits of the scheme are that the resulting program runs very fast. Calling a function in such a shared li- braries is very efficient even for the first call. It can be implemented with only two absolute jumps: the first from the user code to the stub, and the second from the stub to the actual code of the function. This is probably faster than any other shared library implementation, but its speed comes at too high a price:
- a central assignment of address ranges is needed;
需要固定的地址分布。 - collisions are possible(likely)with catastrophic re-sults;
可能的冲突导致灾难性的问题。 - the address space gets severely fragmented.
For all these reasons and more, Linux converted early on to using ELF (Executable Linkage Format) as the binary format. The ELF format is defined by the generic spec-ification (gABI) to which processor-specific extensions (psABI) are added. As it turns out the amortized cost of function calls is almost the same as for a.out but the restrictions are gone.