One morning a pig named Peppa and her brother, George are sadly watching the rain outside. They wish to go out and play, and when the rain suddenly stops, Peppa asks her Daddy Pig if they can. After he allows it they hurriedly run outside and Peppa starts jumping on a small mud puddle until her Mummy Pig stops her and reminds her that she must not wear her boots/shoes. After changing, Peppa resumes jumping in the puddle. George runs by to join her, but Peppa reminds him that he has to not wear his boots/shoes too; so he runs back into the house to grab them and change. That makes Peppa very happy, because she likes to watch over George.
Searching for puddles
Muddy Puddles "Come on George!".jpg
Two muddy piggies...
When he returns they resume jumping until Peppa suggests they go to look for more. They jump in super tiny puddles, large puddles, and an even bigger mud puddle. But before George can jump into it, Peppa tells him to wait because she needs to make sure it's safe enough for him. In the process she accidentally splashes him with mud and he starts to cry until she reminds him that it is only mud. Which calms him down before he jumps into the puddle to splash Peppa. At first she seems displeased, but then they both end up falling back and begin to splash and roll in the mud.
...and another one!
After a while they decide to run inside and show Daddy Pig; who teases them by trying to guess just what the two of them were doing. After he guesses, he then suggests to them that they get cleaned up before Mummy Pig spots the mess. Peppa then asks if they can all go out to play and Daddy Pig agrees. After cleaning, Peppa, George, Mummy, and Daddy all change into their boots and head outside to play in the mud. They all jump in it until Daddy Pig falls over; momentarily worrying them all until Peppa points out it is only mud, and they all start to laugh.