title: henceforth
date: 2018-08-14 15:24:53
NO_sents: 135
NO_references: 95
- We henceforth refer to the factors generically as rows and columns, letting YiJk be the kth observation in the ( i , j)-cell, namely the cell defined by the ith row and jth column. (Searle, Casella, McCulloch, 2006)
- This ratio will henceforth be referred to as ETA (the Greek letter Eta). (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- The polythetic-divisive classificatory program TWINSPAN (Hill, 1973) was used to assist the objective identification of plant communities, henceforth called TWINSPAN floristic groups. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- The earliest view (henceforth termed nutritionalism) was that bottom-up forces (i.e., primary production and the efficiency of energy and material transport upward across trophic levels) regulate populations. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)