1. 这是个什么词?
英英释义:succeed in obtaining (something), especially with difficulty
例句:Many parents hope to secure a spot for their children in top schools.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“secure”可以作形容词也可以作动词,作形容词它最常见的意思是“安全的”“牢固的”,作动词意思是“获得”。我们来学习它作动词的用法,它强调的是获得某个东西或达成某个目标的过程不是易如反掌的,所以这是个非常精确的词。当我们想要强调过程坎坷或主观坚持时,就可以选择 secure 而不是 achieve。读《经济学人》经常可以碰到 secure 的这个用法。下面我们通过几个例子来掌握它。
Many parents hope to secure a spot for their children in top schools.
After a rash of twists and turns, the municipal government secured the grant from the central government at the last minute.
《经济学人》一篇关于俄罗斯航空的文章中就用到了 secure:
The company has grabbed 20% of the global market for regional jets and secured a similar number of orders as rival aircraft from Bombardier of Canada and Embraer of Brazil, the two firms which have historically dominated the sector.(这句话里面,secure 很好地表达了获得订单的不易,即这家俄罗斯公司是硬生生从加拿大和巴西的手中抢过了订单)
另另一篇关于中国航空主题旅游业的《经济学人》文章中也出现了 secure:
His company has secured the right to develop 67 square kilometres of the surrounding desert—an area bigger than Manhattan.
最近《经济学人》在一篇写中美关系的文章中两次用到了 secure,其中一处是:
Sydney Ji, a graduate student from Shanghai, says that it has become harder for Chinese students to secure or renew visas (rules are especially tight for students in some high-tech fields).(secure 强调了获取签证的难度,通过率不像以往那样高)
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
1)翻译下面的句子: 在经过长达三个月的谈判后,这家地产公司才最终拿下了竞标。
(参考翻译:After three months' negotiation, the real estate company finally secured the bid.)
After three months' negotiation, the real estate company finally secured the bid.
After six years, he finally got the PHD degree.