有一种坚持叫做“复盘” 邢晨-Day97
昨天去看了《红海行动》,其实我从小对战争片、动作片这样的比较无感,虽然看这种类型的片子可能比较刺激也很有画面感,但总是在看完后感到心里空唠唠的,可能是因为没有办法把故事情节跟自己的现实生活相连接,因此没有情感上的共鸣,也没有觉得看完电影之后能够学到什么道理,可能是因为这种片中细腻情感的刻画比较少吧,可能我还是比较喜欢文艺一点的片子~现在的我虽然不能对这部影片有更深入的理解,但是毫无疑问影片的画面、演员、特效等等都是非常的逼真,也让人对中国军人肃然起敬,但其实我印象最深的一点恰恰是影片最后出现的字幕:Conquer fear,conquer all.翻译的是“勇者无惧,强者无敌。”但是以我比较拙劣的英语水平,我当时的理解是战胜了恐惧,就可以战胜一切。。。(这个具体翻译之后再研究一下),可能是我心里是这么想的,所以我翻译成了这样,但是确实不管怎么说“勇者无惧,强者无敌”都更对应影片的主题。但是对于我这种畏惧失败不敢前行的人来说,我会更赞同“战胜恐惧,就会战胜一切”所表达出来的观点。
最近比较迷科比,这里面摘抄一下他访谈里面的话,但是因为是访谈,语言不是很精炼,今天再完善一下,整理到自己的素材里面。其实很惭愧在科比退役后才喜欢上他,因为自己真的是不关注体育,而且现在喜欢上他的原因很大程度上也是他的那句话“你见过早上四点的洛杉矶吗?”Okay, so,if your job is to try to be the best basketball player you can be. To do that you have to practice, you have to train. You want to train as much as you can, as often as you can. So if you get up at 10 in the morning, train at 12, train for 2 hours, 12 to 2. You have to let your body recover, so you eat, recover, whatever you get back out. You start training again at 6, train from 6 to 8, and now you go home, you shower, you eat dinner, you go to bed, you wake up, do it again, right? those are two sessions.
Now imagine you wake up at 3:00, you train at 4:00, 4 to 6, come home, breakfast, relax... so now you're back at it again, 9 to 11. Right, relax and now you're back at it again, 2 to 4, now you're back at it again 7 to 9. Look how much more training I have done by simply starting at 4. Alright and so now you do that. And as the years go on, the separation that you have with your competitors and your peers, just grows larger and larger and larger...And by year 5 or 6, It doesn't matter what kind of work they're doing in the summer, they're never going to catch up because they're five years behind. So it makes sense to get up and start your day early, because you can get more work in.所以早点起床开始你的一天很有意义,因为这样你工作的时间会更多。