

1. sissy 娘炮

2. 与 journal 相比 diary 比较娘(dear diary)

I keep a diary every day. 记日记

3. come in handy/useful 能派上用场 This word will come in handy when you chat with foreign friends.

4. moron 傻子 / dork 呆子

5. for the record 作为记录公开声明

6. hit one's growth spurt = hit/reach one's puberty (menopause / climacteric / change of life) 到青春期(更年期)

7. while away the time = pass the time 消磨时间

8. plunk it down 花钱买下

9. sit to my right 坐在我右边

10. take 的用法

Is this seat taken? = Can I sit here?

Are you taken? 你有男朋友/女朋友吗?I'm taken.

11. It's a whole lot more complicated. 复杂多了(a whole lot + 比较级 表示程度的强调)

12. Someone is scratching his heads wondering what the heck happened. 一脸懵逼;挠头的事 head-scratcher

13. back in elementary school 当我上小学的时候;a couple of days into summer vacation 暑假中的某天

14. spot 位置、地方,注意它的用法

put sb on the spot 使某人难堪

on the spot 立即、马上、当场;on-the-spot 现场的

spot 作动词表示发现、注意、认出

15. braces 牙套;contacts = contact lenses 隐形眼镜

16. It goes in one ear and out the other with him.

17. play hoops = play basketball

18. get off to a great start 刚开始就很顺利

19. shoot: shit 的委婉说法

20. fall for 轻信某事

21. chew sb out = give sb a (good) talking-to = give sb a lecture 责骂

22. tag along 尾随;tagalong 跟屁虫

23. get screw loose 缺心眼、脑子缺跟弦

24. I just don't "apply" myself. 只是没好好学习 apply oneself 认真做某事

25. practically, basically, literally, definitely 口语里常用但没啥实际意义的词

26. sleep in = sleep late 睡懒觉

27. technically 理论上来讲

28. marketing gimmicks 营销套路

29. take sb under sb's wing 罩着你

30. Thermos be some way... = There must be some way... (谐音梗)

31. I don't know what is up... 我不知道……怎么了

32. tight 关系铁 We're really/real tight.

33. subject to change 改变

34. bazillion, a billion times 表示数量多

35. man, oh boy 语气词(拖长、分两节)

36. You could get away with not speaking English at all. / You're not getting away with it. 免遭惩罚、蒙混过关

37. bug sb = annoy sb

38. That was a close call. 好悬,差点……

39. super good = uber good(外来词)

40. 在美国不要用 toilet, 用 bathroom 或 restroom (正式)

41. flaky 是 solid 的反义词,表示不靠谱的

42. parent-proof

43. dag nab


In this context, a father is standing in front of his son's game system, and it seems he wants to dismantle it or whatever, and not very happy.

44. do sth sporty = play some sports

45. I got done (with) doing sth. 搞定了某事

46. That all do the trick. 虽然不是最佳方案,但也可以解决问题。 It doesn't do the trick / come in handy / It works like a charm. 这招真管用啊

47. backfire 事与愿违、适得其反

48. I'm going to Eric's. 人名加's 表示某人家

49. us kids, me and Rowley, I don't know nothing. = I don't know anything.

50. Only it spelled XX on Rodrick's van. 不过

51. catch sb red-handed / catch sb with his hand in the cookie jar / catch sb with his pants down / catch sb on the spot / catch sb with smoking gun 抓了个现形

52. Now I've gone and done it. / I've been there and done it. 我经历过同样的事情

53. crank up the volume = turn up 调大音量;crank up the A/C = turn on 开空调;

cranky 可以表示坏脾气的 bad-tempered / grumpy / touchy / testy, grouchy;也可以表示古怪的 creepy / weird

54. I'm kind of let my guard down.

kind of 也可放在动词之前,例如 I kind of like it.

let my guard down 放松警惕

55. be in hot water = be in deep water/shit = be in (big) trouble 摊上事儿了

56. It's like (a) torture. 太折磨人了

57. jock = someone sporty 运动员

58. in the bag = for the taking 稳操胜券

have sth in the bag / under one's belt 落袋为安、囊中之物

59. He's real brainy at English. 擅长英语

60. When I was your age.

61. lollipops 棒棒糖;popsicle 冰棍儿;lozenge 润喉糖 / cough drops 止咳糖

62. I got drenched. 我湿透了

63. Mom stepped in and bailed us out.

step in 介入

bail sb out 保释、帮助某人脱离困境

64. I don't mean to brag or anything. 我真不是跟你吹啊(or的连读,句子的语调)

65. be way better than 比……强多了

66. get the word out 宣传、广而告之

67. stretch the truth 扭曲事实、夸大其词;stretch oneself with sth 全力以赴做某事;stretch a dollar 节衣缩食

68. make a killing 挣大钱

69. cough up / shell out / fork out / splurge on 不情愿地付钱

70. You just wouldn't budge. / There's no way you can change it. 冥顽不灵(改变主意、妥协让步) change sb's opinion

71. It's legit. = It makes sense. 说得通的 legitimate

72. clear money = make money(净)赚

73. An apple a day, keep doctors away.

74. That might not be the smartest choice. 委婉语,表示这不是一个明智的选择

75. show up = appear 出现

76. second thought 深思熟虑

77. (to make a) long story short 长话短说

78. in the row = on end = consecutively 接二连三的 / back to back 紧接着

79. What's the catch? 陷阱、圈套,相当于 trap

sb's catch 还可以指如愿郎君、千里挑一的员工

80. the next thing I know / in less than a minute = surely 立马、很快

81. pickup truck 皮卡

82. slam on the brakes 急刹车

83. U-turn / turn his truck around 掉头

84. wait sb out 等着某人出来 / sit sb out 坐视不管,等事情过去

85. and whatnot = you name it = etc. = and so on = and so forth

86. a truckload of oranges 一卡车橘子

87. dove 发音为/douv/时是dive的过去式,/dʌv/指鸽子;同样注意found是find的过去式,但它也是一个独立的词,过去式是founded

88. all the way 强调“一直”

89. salvage 抢救

99. mooch off sth 蹭吃蹭喝;mooch 作名词表示寄生虫、啃老族,例如 Todd is a shiftless mooch.

100. get the hang of it 掌握诀窍

101. single sb out 特别选出

102. The breakup turned my world upside down. 天翻地覆的变化

103. mark my words 记住我的话

104. I figure if I bulk up now, it could actually com in handy down the road.

bulk up / ripped  变壮

down the road 今后

105. a whole different story

106. jumping jacks 开合跳;sit-ups 仰卧起坐

107. take matters into my own hands 把事情交给我自己处理

108. Relax, you are in good hands. 放心吧

109. hold sb back 阻碍进步

110. spotting partner 器械运动时后面保护的那个人 I need your spot.

111. grand finale 压轴戏

112. play a bit (part) 跑龙套的角色;bit-player 跑龙套的人

113. sign up for the gym 办健身卡;It's not what I signed up for. 当初我可不知道是这样的(事与愿违)

114. 有关 bone 的习语

I have a bone to pick with you. 我早就看你不顺眼、想揍你一顿了;sb picks on you 找茬

make no bones about sth 直言不讳、坦诚说某事

115. stick one's arms out to break one's fall 用手撑地防止摔倒

116. stage fright / panic attack / stomach jump 怯场

117. suck it up 忍气吞声

118. If looks could kill, he would be dead.

119. in the first place 当初;more often than not 经常;every once in a while 偶尔

120. wish list 愿望清单

121. learn sth the hard way 吃点苦头才能明白这个道理

122. hook sb up 有求必应

123. Rodrick has never let me hear the end of that. / Don't get sb started. 无休无止地说

124. thing / guy / man / dude 的用法

weatherman 天气预报

makeup guy 化妆师

camera guy 摄影师

125. My parents eat that stuff up. 某人就吃这一套

126. tore open = rip open 撕开;kick open 踢开;cracked open

127. 8 x 10 乘读作 by

128. 关于 pull 的表达

I could pull it off. = I made it. 成功做某事 It's hard for me to pull it off.

pull the plug on this stupid idea 放弃、不再支持

pull a joke 开玩笑

129. 关于送礼的表达

It's just a little something / It's a gesture. 一点小心意

You really shouldn't have, but I'm so glad you did. I really love it. 你太客气了

130. If one good thing came out of sth, it's that... / on the bright side 好的一面

131. cost a (small) fortune = cost sb an arm and a leg 花了挺多钱

132. throw in the towel 承认失败、认输

133. Let me fill you in.

134. horse around / mess around / fuck around / moon around / fool around 鬼混、胡闹

135. I'm no fool. 我又不是傻子;I'm no singer. 我不会唱歌

136. crank out / churn out / bang out 大量产出、粗制滥造

137. He always cracks/cheers me up. 让人发笑

138. tick me off 让我生气

139. left-'handed / southpaw 左撇子

140. Let's cash in on / mooch off sb's popularity 蹭热点

141. bust 的用法

That idea was a total bust. 完全失败了

get busted 捉奸在床,被抓现行,计划泡汤 The plan got busted.

142. home economics / sewing 家政

143. primer / 101 入门,注意一些数字的特殊含义

20/20 视力1.0


catch 22 死循环

144. buy 可以表示赢得

buy you popularity

buy time

145. learn sth from scratch / from zero to hero 从头开始(空杯心态)

146. be up for the job 胜任工作

147. on the spot fine 就地正法

148. perk (公司)福利

149. be no sweat = be a breeze = be a piece of cake 小菜一碟

150. smell a little funny 奇怪的;I slept funny.

151. When I say..., I mean it / I'm not kidding. 我是认真的

152. miss our window of opportunity 错过机会,例如 once-in-a-lifetime opportunity / the window of opportunity opens only once in a lifetime

153. catch our breach 喘口气

154. teach sb a lesson 给某人教训

155. get a kick out of it / what happened 很开心,例如 Once you get the hang of it, you'll get a kick out of it. 你一旦掌握了这个技巧,一定会非常开心的

156. a hit-and-run 肇事逃逸

157. 复习 hog: pole hog / mic hog / hogging the bathroom

158. give sb the axe

159. team up = partner up 与……组队/协作 

160. hit a wall 碰壁、瓶颈 I feel I kind of hit a wall with my English. 我的英语好像遇到了瓶颈

161. left to be desired 尚有很大进步空间

162. on the roll 思如泉涌、有灵感、好运连连

163. xx RULE xx太棒了

164. world different 天壤之别

165. Did I butcher it? butcher 作动词表示搞砸了

166. take one for the team 牺牲我一人,幸福千万家

167. come clean with / come clean about what/where/... = own up to 坦白

You should come clean about where you were last night.

168. xx thing/stuff/issue/situation,例如 the tone thing 

 I was up all night tossing and turning over this pronunciation situation.

169. how 的用法

... about how it was me who chased the kids with the worms.

170. episode 除了表示剧集, 也可以指 event 某事件

171. It doesn't take... to...

It doesn't take a detective/genius to figure out that the anonymous source was Rowely. 显而易见

It doesn't take a Superman to do this. 凡人都能做到

172. backstabber 背后捅刀子的人

173. rat sb out = sell sb out = use sb = snitch/grass on sb 出卖某人;snitches get stitches 告密者死

174. I'm your guy all the time. / You're my person.

175. if I recall correctly = if my memory serves me correctly 如果我没记错的话

176. There's no turning back 我已经回不去了;There's no stopping it.

177. nasty 令人作呕、非常讨厌 My pay is nasty. Eric is nasty.

178. maniac = nuts 疯狂的人 / English mania 英语热

179. backup friend / backburner / a fallback guy 备胎;fifth/third wheel 电灯泡;

fall back on (其他方法行不通时)转而做


180. the other boy/girl 小三

181. get back at sb = hit/fight back = retaliate = revenge 报复

182. It'll come back to bite you (in the ass). = give sb a taste of one's own medicine 自食其果、 遭报应

183. I'm better off without him. You'll be better off. 过得更好,对应 worse off

184. in reach 唾手可得 / out of reach 接触不到

185. dress like a Pilgrim 穿得像清教徒一样;leprechaun(爱尔兰传说中像小矮人的)魔法精灵 obnoxious

186. sub / substitute 代课老师

187. comic gold 很好的漫画素材;news gold 新闻素材

188. foil my plan 阻碍我的计划

189. in/by a landslide = overwhelmed victory 压倒性的胜利、完爆(政治词汇)

190. It has something to do with you. 与你有瓜

191. egg sb on to do sth 怂恿某人做某事

192. It took all my self-control to keep my mouth shut. 

193. put two and two together / do the math 很明显

194. once and for all 一劳永逸地

195. But boy, was I wrong. =  How wrong I was. 用倒装强调大错特错

196. too big for his britches/boots 太自以为是了

197. be itching for 极度渴望做某事

198. break a sweat 出汗

199. hocus-pocus = (karate) moves 花招

200. When it rains, it pours. 祸不单行

201. meltdown 崩溃、失败 He would have a total meltdown if...

202. stickler 坚持……的人

a stickler for the rules 坚守原则的人

a stickler for routine 墨守成规的人

a stickler for formality 拘泥形式的人

203. getaway 犯罪后逃跑;短假期(第12本的书名是个双关语,表示度假糗事不断,最后落荒而逃)

204. It's not all it's cracked up to be. 没有说的那么好

205. I'm totally on board. 其中 on board with = agree with

206. talk/knock some sense into sb 给某人讲道理

207. rip off 对……漫天要价

208. faze 让人心神不宁、惊慌失措;I feel fazed. = I'm upset and bothered.

209. play it by ear 见机行事、随机应变

210. (give sb) the heads-up 事先说明

211. have each other's backs 互相帮助

212. a no-brainer 非常容易的决定

213. outgun 超过

214. pit stop 短暂休息

215. pitch in (to help) 贡献一份力量

216. 疯了

He's gone off his rocker.

He's crazy/balmy/screwy/batty/dippy/dotty/daffy/goofy/beany/buggy/wacky/loony.

217. 和解、冰释前嫌

make amends = get over your feud = it's over = send an olive branch to sb

have a(n) issue/problem with 

talk sth out 把事情说开

They often see me out and about. 四处奔波

218. take the blame for others = be made a scapegoat/fall guy = take the fall = carry the can = take the rap 背黑锅、替人受过

219. throw up your hands and give up (因绝望而)放弃、撒手不管

220. get more bang for your buck 物超所值、性价比高

221. class clown 班上的活宝

222. Eric enlisted his order friend Justin. Eric 找到 Justin 帮忙

223. mind-meld with your best friend 心有灵犀、心灵相通

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