She couldn't remember the last night seconds passing-by!!!It would be a drama daydream,everything are the position belongs the God from horizon!!!Exuding dripping droppers as if meant the session was a sweet funny funky metro joke!!!
“How about the last night?”the question of colleague officially and routinely!!!“not bad,as usual!!”the voice raised inner soul of Julia but the prediction of her legend nobody peding the path,and sue beauty happiness drawn the chapter of the only prods!!
“Oh yes,No such thing as a free lunch,eh?”Julia on the big thumb face that making her blood impulsively pounding him but holding the emotion!!!
The moment he walked into the room,Julia's heart thumping.From the safety of the plan of one-night-stayed!she would never think meeting him in so that ridiculous surroundings with the diary light up the strokes of funny!!!!