转自Android java.lang.VerifyError? - Stack Overflow
In my Android app, I always get VerifyErrors! And I cannot figure out why. Whenever I include a external JAR, I always get VerifyErrors when I try to launch my app (except for once, when I included Apache Log4j.)
I usually get around this by taking the source of the library and adding it to my project, but I am trying to put the GData client library.
I can get this in source, but it's dependencies (mail.jar, activation.jar, servlet-api.jar) I cannot, so I get verify errors. I would like to get to the root of this problem once and for all. I looked on the internet, but they all seem to talk about incomplete class files? which I do not know of.
Look at LogCat and see what's causing the verifyerror. It's probably some method in a java.lang class that is not supported on the android SDK level you are using (for instance, String.isEmpty()).
1,This should be marked as real answer. At least what it was exactly in my case since I was getting sporadic errors from my users and I tracked it down to View.getTag(int) call that is not supported in v. 3 of API –Bostone Aug 14 '10 at 6:33
2,Agreed. I have encountered this a few times and each time it's that I'm targeting 2.x and using something that's not in 1.5. What throws you off is it's thrown when the class is created/used for the first time only, so if it's something that happens sporadically you might not notice it for a while. –mbafford Dec 15 '10 at 1:39
3,If this is the case, you should checkout these links: developer.android.com/resources/articles/… and doandroids.com/blogs/2010/5/8/backwards-compatibility –MyName Dec 21 '10 at 22:52
4,"This should be marked as real answer." I came accross this thread because I have the same problem. I'm guessing the reason why this was not marked as the real answer is because LogCat gives a line reference to where I am making an instance of a library but not the line where the problem is caused. In other words, in this case LogCat is near useless. –NotACleverMan Feb 7 '12 at 12:33
logcat at WARN level should show you the details on why it failed verify –mmeyer Mar 9 '12 at 8:57