继上文的requests+正则解析https://www.jianshu.com/p/c4c041459f58,接下来使用requests+re+xpath解析。用pubmed的高级搜索不知道为什么,比如用关键字1 关键字2搜索,总是会有缺少一个关键字的情况,就算用AND连接也是这样,给文献的搜索造成了很大的麻烦,所以就用爬虫提取关键字都出现的结果的doi号然后调用sci-hub地址下载。
用法:运行代码。然后输入关键字,如"human evolution" "mammalia“,这是两个关键字,用双引号圈起来,如果你输入human evolution mammlia不加双引号,那么human evolution将不会紧密连在一起搜索,这是三个关键字。接下来确认下载的文件夹,输入y或者n确认是否直接下载pdf还是将下载地址写入download_url.txt这个文件。后续也许还会写爬取Google学术的类似类,也会放到这个module里面,会同时更新到我的github上https://github.com/ijustwanthaveaname/web-crawler/blob/main/%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E7%AB%A0%EF%BC%9Arequest%E6%A8%A1%E5%9D%97%E5%9F%BA%E7%A1%80/searchpaper.py
import requests
import re
import os
from lxml import etree
class Searchpubmed:
def __init__(self, term):
self.__term = term
self.__headers = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 \
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36"
self.url = "https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/"
self.__size, self.__page = 200, 1
self.__param = {}
self.param = {
"term": self.__term,
"size": self.__size,
"page": self.__page
self.__doi, self.__doi_list, self.__down_url = [], [], []
self.__response, self.__page_text, self.__step_num, self.__results_amount, \
self.__tree, self.__snippet, self.__citation, self.__title = [None]*8
def get_text(self, url, param):
self.__response = requests.get(url=url, params=param, headers=self.__headers)
self.__page_text = self.__response.text
return self.__page_text
def __format_text(xpathelement):
xpathelement = "".join(xpathelement.xpath(".//text()")).replace("<b>", "").replace("</b>", "").lower()
return xpathelement
def get_doi(self, page_text):
self.__tree = etree.HTML(page_text)
self.__title = self.__tree.xpath("//div[@class='docsum-content']/a")
self.__snippet = self.__tree.xpath("//div[@class='full-view-snippet']")
self.__citation = self.__tree.xpath("//span[@class='docsum-journal-citation full-journal-citation']")
for title, snippet, citation in zip(self.__title, self.__snippet, self.__citation):
title = self.__format_text(title)
snipper = self.__format_text(snippet)
searchtext = title + snipper
self.__doi = re.search(r"""(doi: (10\..*?)\. )|(doi: (10\.\S+)\.$)""", citation.xpath("./text()")[0])
self.__doi = [self.__doi.group(2) if self.__doi.group(2) else self.__doi.group(4)] if self.__doi else []
for kw in self.__term:
if kw.lower() in searchtext:
self.__doi = []
self.__doi_list += self.__doi
return self.__doi_list
def get_allpagedoi(self, page_text):
print("Processing Page1")
self.__results_amount = int(re.search(r"""<span class="value">(\d+(?:,?\d+)?)</span>.*?results""", page_text,
re.DOTALL).group(1).replace(",", ""))
if self.__results_amount % 200 == 0:
self.__step_num = self.__results_amount / 200 - 1
self.__step_num = self.__results_amount // 200
if self.__step_num:
for page in range(2, self.__step_num + 2):
print(f"Processing Page{page}")
self.__size = 200
self.__page = page
self.__param = {
"term": self.__term,
"size": self.__size,
"page": self.__page
self.__page_text = self.get_text(url=self.url, param=self.__param)
return self.__doi_list
def scihuburl(self, doi_list):
for doi in doi_list:
return self.__down_url
def getpdf(down_url, path="./", direct=False):
downloadpath = os.path.join(path, "download_url.txt")
if os.path.isfile(downloadpath) and not direct:
for doiurl in down_url:
if direct:
r = requests.get(url=down_url)
with open(os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(doiurl)), "wb") as f:
with open(downloadpath, "a") as u:
u.write(doiurl + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
term = input("Please input your keywords: ")
if '"' in term:
term = [i for i in term.split('"') if i not in ("", " ")]
term = term.split(" ")
downloaddir= input("Please specify the directory for downloading: ")
direct = input("Do you want to download the pdf directly?[y/n]")
while direct not in ["y", "n"]:
print("You only can input y or n!")
direct = input("Do you want to download the pdf directly?[y/n]")
direct = True if direct == "y" else False
getpub = Searchpubmed(term)
page_text = getpub.get_text(getpub.url, getpub.param)
doi_list = getpub.get_allpagedoi(page_text)
down_url = getpub.scihuburl(doi_list)
getpub.getpdf(down_url, downloaddir, direct)