- desirable: worth having and wanted by most people.
desirableness,desire noun
desirably adverb - 近义词:
[adj.] coveted, desired, sought after, delectable, sexually attractive, enviable - 反义词:
[n.] undesirable, ineligible - 搭配
a house in a highly desirable location
a desirable job/outcome
desirable difficulty
a desirable man
- 这个解决方案理论上来说非常可取,不过实施起来困难重重。
我的翻译: The desirable blueprint sounds reasonable, but it is difficult to be true.
参考翻译: The solution is highly desirable in theory but problematic in reality.
Ms.Young is a desirable English teacher for many students who is suffering in the GRE tests to make acquaintance.