

英文 中文
The game 这场竞赛
They say a person either has what it takes to play 参加的人要么有本事
Or they don't. 要么一无所有
My mother was one of the greats. 我母亲曾是其中的佼佼者
Me, on the other hand... i'm kind of screwed. 而我呢就有些惨了
This is, uh... 这是恩
Humiliating on so many levels. 丢脸丢到家了
You have to go. 你赶快走吧
Why don't you come back here, 为何不回来
and we'll pick up what we left off 回味一下之前的缠绵
No, seriously. 不说真的
You have to go. I'm late. 你快走吧我要迟到了
Which isn't what you want to be on your first day 我可不想第一天上班就迟到
So, uh, you actually live here. 那你真的住这里
- No. -不
Yes. kind of. 但某种程度上是的
It's nice. A little dusty, 这里不错有点灰的
Odd, but it's nice. 有点奇怪但很好
So, how do you kind of live here? 你算哪种程度上住这里呢
I moved two weeks ago from boston. 我两周前从波士顿搬到这里
It was my mother's house. 这曾是我母亲的房子
- I'm selling it. - Oh, I'm sorry. -我正想卖掉它-哦我很抱歉
For what? 抱歉什么
You said "was." 你说"曾经"
Oh, my mother's not dead. 哦我妈妈没有去世
She's... You know what? We don't have to do the thing. 她只是我们不用这样
Oh, we can do anything you want. 你想怎样都可以
Exchange the details, pretend we care. 谈心事假装关心的那种事情
I'm gonna go upstairs to take a shower, 我要上楼去洗澡了
And when I get back down here, you won't be here, so, um... 当我回来希望已经离开所以
Goodbye, um... 再见恩
- Derek. - Derek. -德里克-德里克
- Right. Meredith. - Meredith. -好梅瑞狄斯-梅瑞狄斯
Nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你
Bye, Derek. 再见德里克
Each of you comes here today hopeful, 今天你们满怀希望地来到这里
Wanting in on the game. 想参加这场竞赛
A month ago, 一个月之前
You were in med school being taught by doctors. 你们还在医学院里学习做医生
Today... 而今天
...you are the doctors. 你们就是医生
The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident 在这就职住院外科医生的7年
Will be the best and worst of your life. 也是你们一生中最美好和痛苦的7年
You will be pushed to the breaking point. 你们会被推向崩溃的边缘
Look around you. Say hello to your competition. 看看周围向竞争者打个招呼
Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. 其中8位会转到更容易的专科
Five will crack under the pressure. 5位会在压力下崩溃
Two of you will be asked to leave. 2位会被劝退
This is your starting line. This is your arena. 这里是你们的起跑线你们的竞技场
How well you play, 你们将何去何从
That's up to you. 都看你们的了
Like I said... 就像我说的
... I'm screwed. 我惨了
Ok, Martin, Robinson, Bond, Hawkins. 马丁罗宾森邦德霍金斯
Only six women out of 20. 20人中只有6位是女的
Yeah. I hear one of them's a model. 是啊我听说其中一位模特
Seriously, that's gonna help with the respect thing? 说真的这是会让我们肃然起敬吗
- You're Cristina, right?- Patton, Monroe... -你是克里斯蒂娜是吗-巴顿门罗
Which resident are you assigned to? I got Bailey. 你被分给哪位住院医生我跟贝利
The Nazi? Me too. 是纳粹吗我也是
You got the Nazi? So did i. 你们跟纳粹吗我也是
At least we'll be tortured together, right? 至少我们要一起受苦受难了
I'm George O'malley. 我是乔治·欧麦利
Uh, we met at the, uh, mixer. 我们在见面会上见过
You had on a black dress 你当时穿着黑色裙子
With a slit up the side, strappy sandals and... 裙边有开叉还有罗马凉鞋
Now you think I'm gay. 现在你们以为我是同性恋
No, I'm not gay. 不我不是同性恋
It's... it's just that, uh, you were... 只是只是你当时
You were very unforgettable. 你让人印象深刻
O'malley, Yang, Grey, Stevens. 欧麦利杨格蕾斯蒂文斯
And I'm totally forgettable. 我完全被无视了
- Bailey? - End of the hall. -贝利吗-在大厅尽头
That's the Nazi? 她就是纳粹吗
I thought the Nazi would be a guy. 我还以为纳粹是男的呢
I thought the Nazi would be a Nazi. 我以为纳粹就应该是纳粹
Maybe it's professional jealousy. Maybe she's brilliant 也许是同行间的嫉妒她太出色了
And they call her a Nazi because they're jealous. 她被叫纳粹是因为人们嫉妒她
Maybe she's nice. 也许她人很好
Let me guess. you're the model. 让我猜你就是那模特
Hi, I'm Isobel Stevens, 你好我是伊泽贝尔·斯蒂文斯
But everyone calls me Izzie. 但是大家都叫我伊兹
I have five rules. Memorize them. 我有5条规定记牢它们
Rule No.1:Don't bother sucking up. 第1条别拍马屁
I already hate you. That's not gonna change. 我讨厌你们是不会改变的
Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers, 拿好外伤科章程电话名单和呼叫机
Nurses will page you. 护士们会呼你们
You will answer every page at a run. a run! 你们必须随叫随到要用跑的
That's rule number two. 这是第2条规定
Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. 你们第一轮班现在开始持续48小时
You're interns, grunts, nobodies, [1小时] 你们是实习生小人物
Bottom of the surgical food chain. [1小时] 在外科食物链的最底层
You run labs, write orders, work every second night 你们要做实验写病历通宵值班
until you drop, and don't complain. 做到你倒下不要抱怨
On-call rooms. Attendings hog them. 待命室这里被主治医生占了
Sleep when you can where you can, 你们就在合适时间地点睡觉
which brings me to Rule Number Three 接下来是第3条规定
If i'm sleeping, 如果我在睡觉
Don't wake me unless your patient is actually dying. 别叫醒我除非你病人快死了
Rule Number Four, 第4条
The dying patient should better not be dead when i get there. 当我赶到那时病人最好还没死
Not only will you have killed someone, 这样你们不仅杀了一个人
you woke me for no good reason, 而且还平白无故地叫醒了我
Are we clear? 明白了吗
Yes? 什么问题
You said five rules. that was only four. 你说有5条规定但是只有4条
Rule Number Five 第5条
When I move, you move. 我行动你们跟着行动
Get out of my way! 别挡路
What do we got? 病人什么情况
Katie Bryce, 15-year-old, female, new onset seizures, 凯蒂·布莱斯15岁女性新发癫痫
Intermittent for the past week. 上周持续发作
IV lost en route, 中途停止过静脉注射
Started grand mal seizing as we descended. 降落后癫痫严重发作
All right, get her on her side. 好的让她侧过身来
Izzie, 10 milligrams diazepam im. 伊兹注射10毫升安定
No, no. the white lead is on the right. 不对不对白色电极应该在右边
Righty, whitey, smoke over fire. 白在右烟在上火在下[心电图电极位置口诀]
A large-bore IV. Don't let the blood hemolyze. Let's go! 大量静脉输液避免溶血动起来
A wet fish on dry land? 高危病人吗
Absolutely, Dr. Burke. 绝对是的伯克医生
Dr. Bailey, let's shotgun her. 贝利医生让我们向她"射击"吧
That means every text in the book 意思是进行各项检查
CT, CBC, Chem-7, Tox screen. 扫描血球计数生化和毒性检查
Cristina, you're on labs. 克里斯蒂娜你去做实验
George, patient work-ups. 乔治你去检查病人病情
Meredith, get Katie for a CT. 梅瑞狄斯给凯蒂做断层扫描
She's your responsibility now. 她现在归你管了
Wait. What about me? 等等那我呢
Honey, you get to do rectal exams. 亲爱的你去做直肠检查吧
What are you doing here? 你在这里干什么
Katie Bryce's labs came out clear. 凯蒂·布莱斯的检查正常
There's nothing in the results that explain her seizures. 找不出发病的原因
I just thought you wanna know 我只是想让你知道
Ok. 好的
Uh, I heard every year, the attending 恩我听说每年主治医生都会
on-call picks the best interns 挑选最好的实习医生
And lets them perform a procedure during the first shift. 让他们在第一轮班就参加手术
I'm just saying it's what I heard. 我只是这么听说的
Go away... now. 走开马上
Yeah, sounds good. 好的听上去不错
He'll be fine? You'll be fine. 他会没事吗你没事的
If you don't count the fact that 如果不提我以后不能吃培根了
my bacon days are over, sure 我肯定我好了
So bypass surgery tomorrow with Dr. Burke. 明天伯克医生做心脏搭桥手术
I hear he's good. 我听说他不错
And, after that, you can have all the 然后你就可以吃所有
bacon-flavored soy pa which you can eat 有培根风味的东西了
Mmm. kill me now. 现在杀了我算了
I wish I could, but I'm a healer. 我希望我可以但我是医生
You're lost. 你迷路了
I'm not lost. How are you feeling? 我才没有你感觉怎么样
How do you think i'm feeling? 你觉得我感觉怎么样
I'm missing my pageant. 我错过了选美比赛了
You're missing your pageant? 错过选美比赛
The spokane teen miss. 斯波坎少女皇后
I was in the top ten after the first two rounds. 前两轮之后我在前十名
This is my year. I could have won. 今年是我的机会我本可以赢的
You're so lost. what are you, like, new? 你就是迷路了你是新来的吗
Ok, so i'm just gonna insert my fingers 好的我要把手指放进去了
Into your rectum. 放进你的直肠
Out. Out. 一边去一边去
Bet you missed a lot when you first started out. 我打赌你刚开始的时也犯过很多错
I twisted my ankle in talent rehearsal. 在排练的时扭到了脚腕
I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is, like, really cool. 我还会艺术体操那个非常牛
Nobody else does it. 别人都不会
And I tripped over my ribbon. 然后我被丝带绊倒了
And I didn't get stuck with someone this clueless, 我没有和某些无能的人困在这里
And that was, like, a nurse. 那就像个护士
You and I are gonna have so much fun together. 你和我一起可有的瞧了
This shift is a marathon, not a sprint. 这轮班就像马拉松不是短跑
- Eat. - I can't. -吃点吧-我吃不下
You should eat something. 你应该吃些东西
You try eating after performing 17 做完17个直肠检查之后
rectal exams. 你倒吃吃看啊
The Nazi hates me 纳粹讨厌我了
The nazi's a resident. 纳粹只是住院医生
I have attendings hating me. 有一个主治医生已经讨厌我了
You know Meredith is inbred? 你们知道梅瑞狄斯来历吗
Like it's uncommon around here to be a doctors' parents... 父母是医生在这里很特别吗
Royally in bread. her mother is Ellis Grey. 不止如此她妈妈是爱丽丝·格蕾
Shut up. the Ellis Grey? 天啊那个爱丽丝·格蕾
- Who's ellis grey?- The Grey Method. -谁是爱丽丝·格蕾-格蕾治疗法
Where'd you go to med school, Mexico? 你在哪读的医学院啊墨西哥
She was one of the first big chick surgeons. 她是最早的女外科医生之一
She's a living legend. 她是活生生的传奇
Yeah, she won the Harper Avery twice. 她得过两次哈珀艾弗里奖
So I didn't know one thing. 我怎么什么都不知道
Talk about parental pressure. 想想看父母的压力吧
I'd kill to have Ellis Grey as a mother. 我真希望爱丽丝·格蕾是我妈
I'd kill to be Ellis Grey 真希望成为爱丽丝·格蕾
All I need is one good case. 我真想要个好的病例
Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass. 凯蒂·布莱斯真是个大麻烦
If I hadn't taken the Hippocratic Oath, 如果我没有发过希波克拉底誓言
I'd kevorkian her with my bared hands 我真想亲手掐死她
What? 怎么了
Good afternoon, interns. 下午好啊实习生们
It's posted, but I thought I'd 消息传得很快但是我想
share the good news peronally 要亲自来分享好消息
Is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. 是留给最有潜力的实习医生
As I'm running the OR today, I get to make that choice. 今天我有手术我得挑个人
- George O'malley. - me? -乔治·欧麦利-我吗
You'll scrub in for an appendectomy this afternoon. 下午你来做阑尾切除手术
Congratulations. Enjoy it. 恭喜了好好干
Did he say me? 他刚刚说的是我吗
I've seen his file. 我看过他的档案
George O'malley barely made the cut to get in this program. 乔治·欧麦利差点进不了医院实习
- He's not your guy. - He's my guy, all right. -他不是你要的人-他是的就这么定了
Every year, you pick your guy, 每年你都选一个人
And your guy suffers more than any other intern. 让他比别人承受更多痛苦
Terrorize one, and the rest fall in line. 这叫杀鸡儆猴
I get it, I respect it, 我明白我也尊重你的选择
but George O'malley's a puppy. 但乔治·欧麦利是乖乖熊
Katie Bryce, 3604? 凯蒂·布莱斯3604房
- Right there.- Thank you. -那边-谢谢
Katie, honey, mom and dad are here. 宝贝凯蒂爸妈来了
They gave her a sedative for the 因为做CT注射了镇定剂
ct scan, so she's a little groggy. 所以她轻微昏迷
Will she be all right? 她会好起来吗
Our doctor at home said that she might need an operation. 家庭医生说她可能需要手术
Is that true? 这是真的吗
What kind of operation? 什么类型的手术
She's, um... well... you know what? 她是好吧你知道
I'm not the doctor. 我不是她医生
Um, I'm a doctor, but I'm not Katie's doctor, 我是医生但不是凯蒂的医生
So I'll go get him for you. 我去叫他过来
- What?- Katie's parents have questions. -什么-凯蒂的父母有疑问
Do you talk to them, 是你去跟他们谈谈
or do I ask Burke? 还是去问伯克医生
No, Burke's off the case. 不用伯克不管这病人
Katie belongs to the new attending now, 凯蒂现在归新来的主治医生管
Dr. Shepherd.He is over there 谢博德医生他在那里
Meredith, can I talk to you for a second? 梅瑞狄斯我能跟你谈谈吗
Actually, I was... 实际上我
Dr. shepherd. 谢博德医生
Dr. Shepherd? This morning, it was Derek. 谢博德医生今早还是德里克呢
Now it's Dr. Shepherd. 现在就是谢博德医生
Dr. Shepherd. We should pretend it never happened. 我们要装作什么都没发生
What never happened? You sleeping with me, 什么没发生过是你和我上床
Or you throwing me out this morning? 还是你今早把我赶出去
Both are memories I'd like to hold onto. 但这两件事我可都想记着
No, there will be no memories. 不什么都不要记得
I'm not the girl in the bar anymore, 我不是酒吧里的女孩
and you're not the guy. 你也不是那男的
This can't exist. You get that, right? 这不现实你明白是吗
You took advantage of me, and you wanna forget about it. 你吃了我豆腐后就想甩掉我
- I did not take...- I was drunk and vulnerable and good-looking. -我没吃-我当时喝醉了人又长得帅
You took advantage. 你就想乘虚而入
Ok, I was the one who was drunk, 拜托喝醉的人是我
and you are not that good looking. 而且你也没那么帅
Maybe not today. 可能今天不怎么帅
Last night, I was good-looking. I had my red shirt on. 可昨晚我的确很帅我还穿着红衬衣
- You took advantage. - I did not take advantage. -你吃我豆腐了-我没有
Want to take advantage again? Friday night? 还在吃次吗周五晚上如何
You're an attending and I'm your intern. 你是主治医生我是你实习医生
- Stop looking at me like that.- Like what? -别那样看我-哪样
Like you've seen me naked. 就像我没穿衣服
Dr. Shepherd, this is inappropriate. 谢博德医生这很不合适
Has that ever occurred to you? 你没想过吗
Open, identify, ligate, 打开检查捆扎
remove, irrigate, close. 移出冲洗缝合
Open, identify, ligate, 打开检查捆扎
remove, irrigate, close. 移出冲洗缝合
He's gonna faint. A fainter. 他就快晕倒了
No, code brown, righ his pants. 不应该是快尿裤子了
He's about the flop sweat. 他迟早会焦虑不安
He's gonna sweat himself unsterilized. 流一身冷汗
Ten bucks, he messes up the Mcburney. 10块钱赌他会搞砸的
Fifteen, he cries. 15块赌他会哭
I'll put 20 on a total meltdown. 我出20赌他会彻底崩溃
Fifty says he pulls the whole thing off. 50块赌他会顺利完成
That's one of us down there, the first one of us. 底下是我们的一员我们中第一位
Where's your loyalty? 你们的集体意识哪去了
75 says he can't even id the appendix. 75块赌他连阑尾都找不到
I'll take that accurately 我也赌这个
Ok, O'malley, let's see what you can do. 来吧欧麦利让我们看看你的能耐
Here it comes. 开始了
- Scalpel. - Scalpel. -手术刀-手术刀
That Burke is trouble. 伯克有麻烦了
More pressure. 用点力
The human flesh is a tough shell. Dig in. 人的肌肉很坚硬切下去
- Pickups. - Pickups. -镊子-镊子
- clamp. - clamp. -夹钳-夹钳
I'm there. 我找到了
Damn, he got the peritoneum open. I'm out. 该死他把腹膜打开了我输了
I told you. he's gonna pull it off. 我早说过他会成功的
- Scalpel. - Scalpel. -手术刀-手术刀
Appendix is out. 阑尾移除
- Not bad. - Thank you. -不赖嘛-谢谢
Now all you have to do 现在你要做的
is invert the stump into the cecum 就是把残尾反转进盲肠
And simultaneously pull up on the purse strings, 同时把它拉起来打结
But be careful not to... 但是小心不要
...break them. 弄断
You ripped the cecum. You've got a bleeder. 你弄破了盲肠他已经出血了
You're filling with stool. What do you do? 粪便在往外溢你要怎么做
Think. 思考
You start the suction and you start digging 你开始抽吸在她出血过多前
For those strings before she bleeds to death. 找出那些缝线
- Give him a clamp. - bp's dropping. -给他个夹钳-血压在下降
- He's choking. - Come on, George. -他楞住了-振作点乔治
Today. pull your balls out of your back pocket. 今天把你的恐惧都抛开
Let's go. What are you waiting for? Suction. 开始行动在等什么抽吸啊
Getting too low, folks. 各位血压太低了
Dr. Burke. 伯克医生
Get out of the way. Pansy-ass idiot. 闪一边去蠢货
Get him out of here. 让他出去
Suction. clamp. 抽吸夹钳
He's 007. 他是007
- 007, yep. - A total 007. -没错007-彻底的007
- What's "007" mean? - License to kill. -007是什么意思-杀人执照
They're calling me 007, aren't they? 他们叫我007没错吧
No one's calling you 007. 没人叫你007
Right on the elevator, Murphy whispered, "007." 刚才电梯上墨菲还在旁边嘀咕007
How many times do we have to go through this? George 我们还要重复几次
Five? Ten? 5次还是10次
Give me a number, or I'm gonna hit you. 给我个数字不然我揍死你
Murphy whispered 007, everyone laughed. 墨菲一嘀咕007所有人就笑了
- He wasn't talking about you.- Are you sure? -他不是在说你-你确定吗
- Would we lie to you? - Yes. -我们会说谎吗-会
007 is a state of mind. 007是一种境界
Says the girl 这句话是从
who finished first in her class at Stanford. 斯坦福大学优等生口中说出的
Oh, man. It's 911 for Katie Bryce. 天哪凯蒂·布莱斯需要急救
I got to go. 我得走了
Maybe I should have gone into geriatrics. 或许我应该去老人病科
No one minds when you kill an old person. 弄死了老人没有人会在意的
Surgery is hot. It's the marines. 手术很性感很像军人
It's macho. It's hostile. It's hardcore. 有男子气概有挑战性很难征服
Geriatrics is for freaks who live with 老人病科是给那些和父母住一起
their mothers and never have sex. 没有性生活的怪胎呆的地方
I've got to get my own place. 我一边凉快去了
Excuse me! Excuse me! 借过借过
Took you long enough. 这么久才来
You're ok? The nurse paged me 911. 你没事吗护士说有紧急情况
I had to go all exorcist to get 我得演的逼真点
her to even pick up the phone. 才能让她拿起打电话
Wait. There's nothing wrong with you? 等等你没事吗
I'm bored. 我很无聊
You little... 你这个小
The pageant's on cable, 电视上在播选美比赛
But this crappy hospital doesn't get the channel. 但是这家烂医院没有那频道
If that cow Kylie wood is gonna walk 要是那头母牛凯丽带着我的皇冠走下来
off with my crown, I have to see it. 我必须得看
Can you call someone? 你能找人来修吗
Ok. This is an actual hospital. 好了这里是真正的医院
There are sick people here. 住的都是病人
Go to sleep and stop wasting my time. 赶快睡觉别再浪费我的时间
But I can't sleep. My head's all full. 但我睡不找脑袋满满的
That's called "thinking." Go with it. 这叫做思考边想边睡吧
What do you need? 你想干什么
Mr. Jones has junky veins, 琼斯先生的血管脆弱
and he really needs antibiotics. 需要注射抗生素
I should start a central line. 我应该做个中央静脉插管
So start one. 那就做呗
You don't know how. 你不知道怎么做
I've never done one. 我从没做过
Well, you know what that means. 你知道那意味着
Can't we just page someone else? 就不能找个其他人吗
She's the on-call resident. 她是值班医生
Ok. 好吧
Ok, I'll just... I'll wake her. 好吧我就叫醒她
Dr. Bailey, I don't mean to bother you. 贝利医生我不是有意打搅你
- Then don't. - It's Mr. Jones. -那就别叫我-是琼斯先生
- Is he dying? - No. -他快死了吗-没有
Then stop talking to me. 那就别跟我说话
What is it?! 到底什么事
Next time you wake me, 下次你想叫醒我
He better be so close to dead there's a tag on his toe. 他最好快死了脚趾头上快挂牌的时候
4-b's got post-op pneumonia. 4-b床的病人得了术后肺炎
Let's start antibiotics. 给他注射抗生素
Are you sure that's the right diagnosis? 你确定诊断正确吗
Well, I don't know. I'm only an intern. 我不清楚我只是实习医生
Why don't you go spend four years in med school 你为什么不去医学院好好学四年
And then let me know if it's the right diagnosis? 然后让我知道诊断是不是正确的
She's short of breath. She's got fever. 她呼吸急促还发烧
She's post-op. Start the antibiotics. 这是手术后遗症开始注射抗生素
God, I hate nurses. 老天我讨厌护士
I'm Alex. I'm with Jeremy. 我是阿历克斯杰里米那组的
You're with the nazi, right? 你在纳粹那组的对吧
She may not have pneumonia, you know. 她可能不是肺炎你知道
She could be splinting, or have a p.e. 可能是横膈膜炎或肺栓炎
Like I said, I hate nurses. 就像我刚才说的我讨厌护士
What did you just say? 你说什么
Did you just call me a nurse? 你说我是护士
Well, if the white cap fits. 护士帽挺配你的
Damn it, Katie. 该死的凯蒂
- Is she seeing anybody?- I don't know. -她有男朋友吗-不知道
She's hot. 她真辣
I'm friends with her. 我是她朋友
I mean, kind of friends... 算是吧
Not actually friends exactly, 其实还不算朋友
but we're tight, and we hang out. 不过我们挺合得来 还一块出去
- Really, only just today... - Dude. dude, stop talking. -不过就今天一次-哥们打住吧
What took you so long? 怎么这么久
She's having multiple grand mal seizures. 她好几次癫痫大发作
Now, how do you want to proceed? 下一步该如何处理
Dr. Grey, are you listening to me?! 格蕾医生听见我说话吗
She's got diazepam, two milligrams lorazepam. 已经注射两毫升氯羟去甲安定
I just gave the second dose. 刚才注射了第二剂
Dr. Grey, you need to tell us what you want to do. 格蕾医生你得告诉我怎么做
Dr. Grey! 格蕾医生
Ok, she's full on lorazepam? 安定注射最大量了吗
She's had four milligrams. 已经注射四毫升
You paged Dr. Bailey and Dr. Shepherd? 呼叫贝利和谢博德医生了吗
Lorazepam's not working. 安定没有起效果
Phenobarbital. Load her with phenobarbital. 苯巴比妥注射苯巴比妥
- Pheno's in. - No change. -注射了-没有效果
- You paged Dr. Shepherd. - I just told you. -呼谢博德医生了吗-刚呼过了
- Well, page him again, stat. - What do you want to do? -再呼一次现在-你准备怎么办
Dr. Grey, you need to tell us what you want to do. 格蕾医生你得告诉我们怎么做
- Heart stopped. - Code blue! -心脏停跳-蓝色警报
Code blue! Code blue! 蓝色警报蓝色警报
- Get the crash cart. - I'll get it, right away. -抢救车-我去推
Wait. 等等
- Charge the pads to 200. - Charge. Clear. -充电到200-充电完毕离手
Still v-fib. Nothing. 没有反应持续室颤
- Charging. - Nineteen seconds. -正在充电-停跳19秒
Charge them to 300. 充电到300
- 300. Anything? - 27 seconds. -300有效果吗-停跳27秒
Charge to 360. 充电到360
- Come on, Katie. - 49 seconds. -加油凯蒂-停跳49秒
It's 60 seconds, you're supposed to admin another drug. 快1分钟了你得用别种药
Charge again! 再充电
Charge again. 再充电
Anything? 有反应吗
I see sinus rhythm. 窦性心律恢复了
- Blood pressure's coming up. - All right. -血压正在回升-好了
Pressure's returning. Rate's coming back. 血压逐渐正常心率也正常了
What the hell happened? 这怎么回事
She had a seizure and her heart stopped. 她刚才癫痫发作心脏骤停
You're supposed to be monitoring her. 你该时刻监视她情况
I checked on her, and she... 我检查过可她
I got her. Just... just go. 我接手你走吧
Somebody give me her... give me her chart, please. 谁把她她病历给我
You get a 911, you page me immediately. 有紧急情况就该立刻呼我
Not in the five minutes it takes you 而不是磨蹭5分钟才到急救室
to get to the emergency, immediately. 应该立刻呼叫我
You're on my team 你是我组里的
and if somebody dies, it's my ass. 要是害死了人算在我头上
You hear me, Grey? 听见了吗格蕾
Meredith? 梅瑞狄斯
If you tell anyone, ever... 你要是敢和别人说
You said it was a seizure disorder. 之前你说是癫痫发作
Now you're saying it isn't? 现在你又说不是吗
I'm saying that I don't know. 我是说我不知道
- What do you think it could be? - I don't know. -你觉得是什么病呢-我不知道
- When will you know? - I don't have an answer for you for now. -什么时候能知道-我现在没法回答
- Katie is stable, and...- Wait one damn minute. -凯蒂目前情况稳定-给我打住
We came here because this hospital 我们来这是因为这医院
is supposed to be the best in Washington. 应该是华盛顿最好的
That's my kid in there. My kid. 那可是我的孩子我的孩子
And you have the audacity to stand here and tell me, 而你现在竟敢厚着脸皮说
"I don't know". 我不知道
Mr. Bryce... 布莱斯先生
No, I want someone else, a doctor who knows what they're doing. 不行我要换位脑子清楚的医生
You get me someone else, someone better than you. 你去找其他找个比你好的来
Mr. Bryce, I ensure you 布莱斯先生我向你保证
I am working hard on katie's case. 我正努力研究凯蒂的病情
No, you're not. If you were, 你才没有如果你努力了
you'd be able to give me some answers. 你肯定能回答我们的问题
I put you on a bypass machine, 我将你的血管连接到分流器上
which pumps blood for your heart. 让它替心脏向四肢供血
Fix your ticker, take you off the machine. 修好你的心脏再断开分流器
I'm done. Simple procedure. 就搞定了过程很简单
So I shouldn't worry? 所以我不需要担心了吗
I'm very good at what I do. 我对这种手术很擅长
It still is surgery. There are some risks. 不过这仍然是手术会有一些风险
I'll see you in the OR this afternoon, Mr. Savitch. 下午手术室见沙维奇先生
You're not gonna leave me alone with that guy, are you? 你不会把我丢给那家伙吧
Oh, I'll be outside the OR the whole time. 我会一直在手术室外看着的
No, Dr. Burke is very good. Don't worry. 伯克医生非常厉害别担心
I'll see you after. 待会见
He'll be fine, right? 他会没事吧
Tony's gonna sail through it. 托尼会熬过去的
Look, you have nothing to worry about. It's a promise. 没什么好担心的我向你们保证
Gotta go. 我得走了
- What are you doing? - I'm suturing a banana -你这是在干嘛-缝合香蕉
With the vain hope that it wakes up my brain. 但愿这能让我清醒一下
What are you smiling at, 007? 你笑什么笑007
I'm sorry. I get mean when I 'm tired. 对不起我这人累了就比较刻薄
You know what? I don't care. 我不在乎
I comforted a family, and I got to hang out in the OR today. 我安慰了病人今天还有手术做
All is well. 一帆风顺
Anybody know why we're here? So anybody... 有谁知道我们来这干嘛
Good morning. 早上好
- Morning. - Morning. -早上好-早上好
I'm gonna do something pretty rare for a surgeon. 我要做件外科医生很少做的事
I'm gonna ask interns for help. 我要向你们这些实习医生求援
I've got this kid, Katie Bryce. 我手上这孩子凯蒂·布莱斯
Right now, she's a mystery. 到现在还弄不清楚病因
She doesn't respond to our meds. 我们用的药不起作用
Labs are clean, scans are pure. 化验和扫描都没有异常
But she's having seizures-- grand mal seizures-- with no visible cause. 但她多次癫痫大发作毫无征兆
She's a ticking clock. 她时间不多了
She's gonna die if I don't make a diagnosis, 如果我再找不出病因她就会死
which is where you come in. 所以我找你们帮忙
I can't do it alone. 我一个人做不到
I need your extra minds, extra eyes. 我需要你们集思广益
I need you to play detective. 来侦破这桩疑案
I need you to find out why Katie's having seizures. 我需要你们找出凯蒂的病因
I know you're tired. You're busy. 我知道你们很累很忙
You got more work than you could possibly handle. 手头的事都做不完
I understand. So I'm gonna give you an incentive. 我理解所以我会给你们点动力
Whoever finds the answer rides with me. 谁找到答案谁就来当我助手
Katie needs surgery. 凯蒂肯定要动手术
You'll get to do what no interns get to do. 你们会参与实习生都做不到的事
Scrub in to assist on an advanced procedure. 来参与协助这次高级手术
Dr. Bailey's gonna hand you Katie's chart. 贝利医生会发给你们凯蒂的病历
The clock is ticking fast, people. 时间不多了各位
If we're gonna save Katie's life, we have to do it soon. 要救凯蒂的命我们就得抓紧
Did you just page me? 你呼我吗
Yes. 4-b's still short of breath. 4-B那床仍然呼吸短促
Give antibiotics time to work. 抗生素需要时间发挥药效
The antibiotics should have worked by now. 抗生素早就该起效了
She's old. She's freaking antient. 她老了老古董一个
She's lucky she's still breathing. 能喘气就该谢天谢地
I got a shot to scrub in downstairs 我楼下还有手术
On a patient who wasn't alive during the civil war. 那病人南北战争时还没出生呢
Don't page me again. 别再呼我了
Hey, I want in on Shepherd's surgery. 我想参与谢博德那手术
You've been the intern on Katie since the start. 你从一开始就照顾凯蒂
You want to work together? 我们合作如何
We find the answer, we have a 50-50 chance of scrubbing in. 要能找到答案我俩手术的机会各一半
I'll work with you, 和你合作没问题
but I don't want in on the surgery. You can have it. 但我不想做手术你做吧
Are you kidding? It's the biggest opportunity any intern will get. 开什么玩笑这机会千载难逢
I don't want to spend any more time with Shepherd than I have to. 我不想和谢博德在一起
What do you have against Shepherd? 你对他有什么意见
If we find the answer, the surgery's yours. 我们找到答案手术你来做
- Do you want to work together or not? - Deal. -干还是不干-成交
She doesn't have anoxia, renal failure or acidosis. 排除缺氧症肾衰竭和酸毒症
It's not a tumor, her CT's clean. 断层扫描正常所以也不是肿瘤
Are you serious not gonna tell me why you won't work with Shepherd? 不说你为什么不想和谢博德工作吗
No. What about infection? 不说会不会是感染
No, there's no white count. 不会白细胞数正常
She has no CT lesions, no fevers, 断层显示没有病变她也不发烧
Nothing in her spinal tap. 脊髓抽液也查不出异常
Just tell me. 告诉我吧
You can't comment, make a face or react in any way. 不许评论做鬼脸不许有任何反应
We had sex. 我们上过床
What about an aneurysm? 动脉瘤呢
No blood on the CT and no headaches. 断层扫描显示无出血病人也没有头疼
Ok. There's no drug use, no pregnancy, no trauma. 好吧她没吸毒没怀孕也没受外伤
Was he good? 他表现好吗
I mean, he looks like he'd be good. Was it any good? 他看起来不错实际上怎么样
We're out of answers. 我们找不到答案
What if no one comes up with anything? 要是大家都找不到那怎么办
You mean, what if she dies? 你是说要是她死了
This is gonna sound really bad, 听上去很残酷
but I really want the surgery. 但我真想做那手术
She's just never gonna get the chance to turn into a person. 她没有机会长大成人
The sum total of her existence 她一生最大的成就
will be almost winning Miss Teen Whatever. 就只是当什么选美皇后
You know what her pageant talent is? 你知道她选美时特长是什么吗
- They have talent? - Rhythmic gymnastics. -她们还有特长-艺术体操
Oh, come on. 噢不会吧
What is rhythmic gymnastics? 艺术体操是什么啊
I can't even say it. I don't know what it is. 我都不知道那是什么玩意
I think it's something with a ball and a... 我觉得是某种拿着球
What? 怎么了
Meredith, what? 梅瑞狄斯怎么了
Get up. Come on. 起来快点
The only thing that she would possibly need is an angiogram. 可能只需要做个血管造影
Oh. Oh, Dr. Shepherd, just one moment. 谢博德医生请等一下
Katie competes in beauty pageants. 凯蒂参加过选美比赛
I know that, but we have to save her life anyway. 我知道可我们还是得救她的命
She has no headaches, no neck pain, her CT is clean. 她头不疼脖子不疼断层扫描也正常
There's no medical proof of an aneurysm, 所以医学上不能证明她有动脉瘤
but what if she has an aneurysm anyway? 但如果她真的有动脉瘤呢
There are no indicators. 没有确切迹象
But she twisted her ankle a few weeks ago when she prepared for the pageant. 可几周前准备比赛时她扭了脚
- I appreciate you trying to help... - She fell. -感谢你们这么努力帮忙-她摔倒了
When she twisted her ankle, she fell. 她扭伤脚踝摔倒了
It was no big deal, not even a bump on the head. 大家都没当回事她头也没摔着
She got up, iced her ankle, and everything was fine. 她起来后冰敷就完事了
It was a fall so minor, 这伤太小了
her doctor didn't even think to mention it 她医生甚至觉得都不值一提
When I was taking her history, but she did fall. 而查她病史确实有摔倒
You know what, the chance a minor fall can burst aneurysm is 跌倒导致动脉瘤破裂的几率
One in a million, literally. 理论上只有百万分之一
- Let's go. - Where? -咱们走-去哪
To find out if Katie's one in a million. 看看凯迪是不是那百万分之一
I'll be damned. 真见鬼
There it is. 就是那
It's minute, but it's there. 很小但确实在
It's a subarachnoid hemorrhage. 蛛网膜出血
She's bleeding into her brain. 她颅内正在出血
She could have gone through her entire 她本可以安然无恙得
Life without it ever been a problem 继续生活的
- One tap in the right spot... - It exploded. -碰巧她跌倒了-动脉瘤就爆开了
Exactly 完全正确
Now I can fix it. You two did great work. 现在我要治好她你俩干的不错
Love to stay and kiss your ass, but I got to tell 很想好好表扬你俩不过现在
Katie's parents she's having a surgery. 要通知她父母要进行手术
- Katie Bryce's chart, please. - Here you go. -给我凯蒂·布莱斯的病历-给你
Dr. Shepherd, you'd said that you'd 谢博德医生你说过谁能帮忙
Pick someone to scrub in if we helped 就选去协助手术
Oh, yes, right. 对没错
I'm sorry I can't take you both. It's gonna be a full house. 抱歉不能把你们都带上手术室满员了
Meredith, I'll see you in or. 梅瑞狄斯手术室见
Good. Thank you. 很好谢谢
Cristina... 克里斯蒂娜
Wow, that was quick. 这次真迅速
His heart had too much damage for a bypass. 他心脏已经损伤太多无法搭桥
I had to let him go. 我只能让他走了
It happens, rarely, but it does happen. 很少见但发生了
The worst part of the game. 这是最坏的结果了
But I told his wife 可我告诉他妻子
I told Gloria that he would be fine. 我告诉格洛里亚他会没事的
- I promised her that...- you what? -我承诺她-什么
They have four little girls. 他们有四个小女儿
You are not promising anything. 你不能承诺任何事
This is my case. Did you hear me promise? 这是我病人你看我承诺过什么
The only one that can keep a promise like that is god, 唯一能作出承诺的只有上帝
And I haven't seen him holding a scalpel lately. 而我从没看他拿过手术刀
You never promise a patient's family a good outcome! 永远不要向病人的家人承诺有好结果
I thought... 我本以为
You are a important man to make promises to Mrs. Savitch? 你对沙维奇夫人作出承诺
You get to be the one to tell her that she's a widow. 那么你去告诉她成寡妇了
Izzie. 伊兹
- Maybe Meredith couldn't - Izzie. -或许梅瑞狄斯不该-伊兹
I'll tell him I changed my mind. 我告诉他我不去了
Don't do me any favors. It's fine. 别假装帮我我没事
Cristina... 克里斯蒂娜
You know what, you did a cutthroat thing. Deal with it. 干了坏事就得承认
Don't come to me for abslotion. 不要求我原谅你
You want to be a shark, be a shark. 要坏就坏到底
- I'm not... - Oh, yes you are. -我没有-你当然有
Only it makes you feel all bad in your warm, gooey places. 你只觉得良心不安而已
No, screw you. 去死吧你
I don't get picked for surgery cause I slept with my boss 我没因为和上司上床而被选中
And I didn't get into med school cause 有位有名的老妈
I have a famous mother. 上医学院
Some of us have to earn what we get. 我们就得自食其力
Gloria, there were complications in the surgery. 格洛里亚手术时有些并发症
Tony's heart had a lot of damage. 托尼的心脏损伤严重
We tried to take him off bypass, but... 我们本想搭桥可是
There wasn't anything we could have done. 我们已经尽力了
What are you talking about? 你到底在说什么
Tony died. 托尼去世了
He's dead. 他死了
Gloria... 格洛里亚
- I am so sorry. - Thank you. -我很抱歉-谢谢
Please... 求你
Go away. 走开
I promised I'd make her look cool. 我保证会把她剃得很酷
Apparently being a bald beauty queen is the worst thing 变成光头选美皇后
That happened in the history of the world. 显然是史上最糟的事了
Did you choose me for the surgery because I slept with you? 因为我和你上床才选的我吗
Yes. 是的
I'm kidding. 开玩笑的
I'm not gonna scrub in for surgery. 我不会去协助你手术的
You should ask cristina. She really wants it. 你应该让克里斯蒂娜去她很想去
You're Katie's doctor. And on your first day, 凯蒂的医生是你上班第一天
With little training, you helped save her life. 训练很少的情况下你就救了她的命
You earned the right to follow her case through the finish 你有权全程参加这病例
You shouldn't let the fact that we had sex 你不该让上床的事
Get in the way of you taking your shot. 影响你自己的机会
I wish I wanted to be a chef 我真希望我是位厨师
Or a ski instructor or a kindergarten teacher. 或者滑雪教师或者幼儿园老师
You know, I would have been a really good postal worker. 我宁愿是位很棒的邮递员
I'm dependable. 我很可靠
You know, my parents tell everyone that 我父母告诉人们
They made up their son a surgeon 他们把儿子培养成外科医生
As if it's a big accomplishment. 就像大功告成一样
Superhero or something. 超级英雄之类的
If they could see me now. 如果他们看到我这样
When I told my mother I wanted to go to medical school, 我跟我妈妈说想读医学院时
She tried to talk me out of it. 她劝我不要去
Said I didn't have what it takes to be a surgeon, 说我不具备外科医生的素质
That I'd never make it. 我永远无法胜任
So the way I see it, 所以在我看来
Superhero sounds pretty damn good. 超级英雄听起来一点都不好
We're gonna survive this, right? 我们会挺过去的对吗
She's still short of breath. 她依旧呼吸困难
Did you get an ABG or a chest film? 看过动脉血气分析或胸片吗
Oh, yes, sir, I did. 是的看过了
And what did you see? 有什么结论
I had a lot of patients last night. 我昨晚负责很多病人
Name the common causes of post-op fever. 说出术后发热的常见原因
From your head, not from a book. 用脑子想别找书
Don't look it up. Learn it. It should be in your head. 别查书这些都该记在脑子里
Name the common causes of post-op fever. 说出术后发热的常见原因
Uh... The common causes of post... 术后发热的常见
Can anybody name the common causes of post-op fever? 有人能说出术后发热的常见起因吗
Wind, water, wound, walking, weird drugs. 肺炎尿道炎伤口感染血栓药理作用
The five w's. 五个W
Most of the time, it's wind, splinting or pneumonia. 最大的可能是肺隔膜炎或肺炎
Pneumonia's easy to assume, 一般会判定为肺炎
Especially if you're too busy to do the test. 特别是没时间做检测时
What do you think's wrong with 4-b? 那你认为4-b床病人是哪种情况
The fourth w, walking. 第四个W血栓
I think she's a prime candidate for a pulmonary embolus. 她很有可能是肺动脉栓塞
How would you diagnose? 通过什么可以确诊
Spiral ct, vq scan, 螺旋CT肺通气扫描
Provide o2, dose with heparin 耗氧量肝磷脂的用量
And consult for an ivc filter. 以及下腔静脉滤结果
Do exactly as she says, 按她说的去检查
Then tell your resident that I want you off this case. 告诉你组长这位病人你不用管了
I'd know you anywhere. You're the speeding image of your mother. 我知道你你身上能看到你妈的影子
Welcome to the game. 欢迎参加竞赛
All right, everybody. It's a beautiful night to save lives. 各位如此良宵正适合救人性命
Let's have some fun. 咱们开始吧
I can't think of any one reason why I want to be a surgeon 我想不出任何我要做医生的理由
But I can think of 1,000 reasons why I should quit. 但是我能想出一千个理由不做医生
They make it hard on purpose. 每个决定都如此艰难
There are lives in our hands. 生死在我们手中
There comes a moment when it's more than just a game... 到了某个关头就不再是竞赛
And you either take that step forward 你要不跨出那一步
Or turn around and walk away. 就是调头离开
I could quit, but here's the thing 我可以退出可现况是
I love the playing field. 我爱这片竞技场
- It was a good surgery. - Yeah. -干的不错-谢谢
We don't have to do that thing 我们没必要这样
Where I say something and then you say something, 我说点什么你说点什么
And then somebody cries, and there's a moment. 然后有人哭了有那么一个时机
- Yuck. - Good. -真肉麻-很好
You should get some sleep. You look like crap. 你应该睡一会你看起来糟透了
I look better than you. 比你好多了
That's not possible. 那不可能
That was amazing. 太惊人了
You practice on cadavers, 你用尸体练习
You observe 不停地观察
And you think you know what you're gonna feel like 自以为知道站在手术台前
Standing over that table, but... 是个什么感觉但是
That was such a high. 那实在太爽了
I don't know why anybody does drugs. 真不明白为什么还有人会吸毒
I should, uh, go do this. 我还要继续关注这病例
You should. 确实
I'll see you around. 回头见
See you around. 回头见
See you. 再见
So... 于是
I made it through my first shift. 我熬过了头一天的工作
We all did. 我们都熬过了
The other interns are all good people. 其他的实习生都是好人
You'd like them... 你会喜欢他们
I think. 我是这么认为
I don't know, maybe. 不知道可能吧
I like them. 至少我喜欢他们
Oh, and I changed my mind. 我改主意了
I'm not gonna sell the house. I'm gonna keep it. 我决定不卖房子我要留着
I'll have to get a couple of roommates, but 我要找几个室友但
it's home, you know? 那还是家明白吗
Are you the doctor? 你是医生吗
I'm not your doctor, but I am a doctor. 我不是你的医生不过我是医生
What's your name? 你叫什么
It's me, mom. Meredith. 是我妈梅瑞狄斯
All right. 好吧
I used to be a doctor, I think. 觉得过去我也是医生
You were a doctor, mom. 你曾经也是医生妈妈
You were a surgeon. 你是外科医生


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