Turkey Day: Trump's Full Plate
① On Tuesday President Donald Trump pardoned Wishbone and Drumstick, two Minnesota-bred turkeys, before jetting off to his resort in Florida, where he is spending Thanksgiving.
② His plate will remain full for the rest of the year.
③ Congress must pass a spending bill before December 8th, or the federal government will run out of money.
④ Getting the necessary 60 Senate votes requires eight Democrats—no easy task.
⑤ Mr Trump wants a tax-reform bill on his desk by Christmas, a desire driven less by economic necessity (America's economy is growing healthily, unemployment is low and the stockmarket, as he never tires of reminding people, keeps rising) than political calculations: he does not want to end his first year in office without a signature legislative victory.
⑥ The House passed its tax-reform bill last week; the Senate, where passage remains far from assured, may hold a vote next week.
⑦ Enjoy your turkey, Mr President; prepare for weeks of indigestion ahead.
full plate: 一大堆要忙的事情
pardon /ˈpɑːd(ə)n/: vt. 赦免
tire /tʌɪə/: vi. 疲倦
assured /əˈʃʊəd/: adj. 确定的
indigestion /ɪndɪˈdʒɛstʃ(ə)n/: n. 消化不良