接着上一篇留下的问题,如何按照以1M为窗口,每次移动10Kb计算均值。我们以KY131是"0/0", 而 "DN422" 是 "1/1"的位点结果为例,我们来增加这条线
calcValueByWindow <- function(pos, value,
window_size = 1000000,
step_size = 100000){
# get the max position in the postion
max_pos <- max(pos)
# construct the window
window_start <- seq(0, max_pos + window_size,step_size)
window_end <- window_start + step_size
mean_value <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(window_start))
# select the value inside the window
for (j in seq_along(window_start)){
pos_in_window <- which(pos > window_start[j] &
pos < window_end[j])
value_in_window <- value[pos_in_window]
mean_value[j] <- mean(value_in_window)
# remove the Not A Number position
nan_pos <- is.nan(mean_value)
mean_value <- mean_value[! nan_pos]
window_pos <- ((window_start + window_end)/ 2)[!nan_pos]
df <- data.frame(pos = window_pos,
value = mean_value)
par(mfrow = c(3,4))
for (i in paste0("chr", formatC(1:12, width = 2, flag=0)) ){
freq_flt <- freq2[grepl(i,row.names(freq2)), ]
pos <- as.numeric(substring(row.names(freq_flt), 7))
snp_index <- freq_flt[,1] - freq_flt[,2]
# bin
df <- calcValueByWindow(pos = pos, value = snp_index)
plot(x = pos, y =snp_index,
ylim = c(-1,1),
pch = 20, cex = 0.2,
xlab = i,
ylab = expression(paste(Delta, " " ,"SNP index")))
lines(x = df$pos, y = df$value, col = "red")
最后再对文章总结一下。文章并不是只用了BSA的方法进行定位,他们花了几年的时间用SSR分子标记确定了候选基因可能区间,用BSA的方法在原有基础上缩小了定位区间。当然即便如此,候选基因也有上百个,作者通过BLAST的方式,对这些基因进行了注释。尽管中间还加了一些GO富集分析的内容,说这些基因富集在某个词条里,有一个是DNA metabolic processes(GO:0006259),但我觉得如果作者用clusterProfiler做富集分析,它肯定无法得到任何富集结果。他做富集分析的目的是其实下面这个描述,也就是找到和抗冻相关的基因
LOC_Os06g39740 and LOC_Os06g39750,were annotated as the function of “response to cold (GO: 0009409)”, suggesting their key roles in regulating cold tolerance in rice. "
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