Procrastination, as its name suggests, means finishing a task or a thing until the last minute. It comes from the humankind nature of laziness. We always say, "I'll do it tommorrow". But, if we rely everything on tomorrow without doing anything today, tomorrow never comes. Procrastination is, undoubtedly, a massive problem. It is the cause of immeasurable frustration. It stops us from achieving our goals. It burdens us with stress, anxiety, and an annoying combination of self-loathing and guilt. Therefore, it prevents us from exploring our full potential. The priority of getting rid of procrastination is undoubtable if we want to hit something big. Here, I will introduce how a French famous writer Victor Hugo overcame procrastination by going to the extreme:
Victor Hugo (雨果) 是法国文学史上最伟大最著名的文学家。经典代表作包括悲惨世界和巴黎圣母院。法国人为他的作品和成就感到骄傲,作为纪念,把他的肖像印在法国的纸币上。说到这里,你一定认为雨果作为这样一个文学大师一定是一个很有工作效率的人,他一定有良好的生活习惯,为那些有拖延症的人树立了良好的榜样。但是现实中的雨果并不是这样,这位伟大的法国诗人及小说家也是一位拖延症的患者。
Victor Hugo is one of the greatest and most renowned writers that France has ever produced. Among his amazing works include such classics as "Les Misérables" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". His works and accomplishments were considered to be so great that his portrait was placed on the French banknotes. From all this, you wouldn't be alone in assuming that this ultra-productive man with so many incredible works must cultivate what all of us procrastinators aspire to be and that he was the epitome of motivated productivity and procrastination's antithesis. However, this assumption, surprisingly, couldn't be further from the truth. The great French writer suffered from terrible bouts of procrastination every now and then.
In late 1829, Hugo made an agreement with his publisher: He would write a new book titled, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." Unfortunately, Hugo didn't finished it as the agreement said. Instead of writing the book, Hugo spent the whole 1930 pursuing other projects that interested him, entertaining guests, and endless partying. His publisher had enough of his endless procrastination and decided to issue him a formidable deadline---- February, 1831, which meant Hugo had less 6 months to finish the book. Despite the tight deadline, Hugo still found himself cannot even write a word. So he deviced a clever plan to combat his unkillable urge to procrastinate: He striped himself butt-naked and have his servant hide his clothes, not returning them until the appointed hour everyday. Unable to leave his room and without any distraction outside, Hugo wrote furiously until he eventually finished the book. By adopting this extreme approach, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" was published two weeks before the deadline.