- flutter 升级最新版本 使用 treeview 打包报错 This application cannot tree shake icons fonts. It has non-constant instances of IconData at the following locations
解决方法 :图标数据加载问题。 最新版本flutter sdk 存在的bug。
打包时加上 --no-tree-shake-icons
ITMS:-900000:This bundle is invaild - $message
解决方法 :苹果appstore上传自身bug,只能等苹果修复啦
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can.
- Who is the target audience?
- How do users obtain an account?
- Is this app meant for internal distribution in your own company, in the company of one target client, or in multiple target clients’ companies?
- In which countries will this app primarily be distributed?
- If this app is meant for internal distribution, will the app be accessible by both internal and external partners? Or will it be exclusive to in-house employees?
解决方法 :遇到此问题,就麻烦一些,首先检查自身的违规行为并且修复掉,需要逐条回答问题,向苹果解释app用途。
解决方法 :需要录制app基本操作视频并且上传到国外视频网站,向苹果解释app用途并附上视频链接,再次提交审核
xcode11.3, 真机调试 iOS14.2, 没有更新到最新版本的xcode,只是下载的diskimage解决方法 :清理缓存、重启xcode、重启电脑等方法都试过无果,最后更新最新版本xcode,问题解决。
6.Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access the ln, but doesn’t sufficiently explain the use of the local network information in the purpose string.
To help users make informed decisions about how their data is used, all permission request alerts need to specify how your app will use the requested information.
Next Steps
Please revise the relevant purpose string in your app’s Info.plist file to specify why your app needs access to the user's local network information.
You can modify your app's Info.plist file using the property list editor in Xcode.
解决办法:plist文件中新增权限:Privacy - Local Network Usage Description