蓝色节点:观察量。在Stereo Matching问题中是pixel intensity;
粉色节点:隐变量。在Stereo Matching中表示待求视差值,即labels;
无向边: 表示节点之间的依赖关系。根据MRF Assumption - 一个节点的状态仅取决与其相邻的节点,那么一个隐节点的标签值只和其4个相邻隐节点以及观察节点有关系。
MRF formulation
其物理意义 - sums up all the cost at each link given an image Y and some labeling X. The aim is to find a labeling for X that produces the lowest energy.
DataCost - matching cost in stereo matching.
SmoothnessCost - pairwise energy/term/potential. 用来约束两个相邻节点之间labels的关系。常用的有一下几种:
Solve the Energy Function - Loopy Belief Propagation
从Belief Propagation演变而来,原本BP是针对Tree结构的算法。当变成可以出现loop的无向图(MRF)之后,出现了LBP。不一定收敛。
LBP is a message passing algorithm.
如图,节点x1传递给x2的message包括所有incoming message,除了x2到x1的message。
node i sends a message to node j about label l. It's node i's belief about node j regarding label l. - 是节点i关于节点j取值l时候的belief。
Belief 取值为cost/penalty/probabilities 依赖于MRF energy formulation。
message passing is only performed on the hidden nodes。
Implementation of the LBP algorithm
function LoopyBeliefPropgation
initialise all messages
for t iterations
at every pixel pass messages right
at every pixel pass messages left
at every pixel pass messages up
at every pixel pass messages down
end for
find the best label at every pixel i by calculating belief
对于存在loop的无向图,message passing 理论上会是一个无限等待的过程,实现的时候可以将所有message初始化为0/1;
- message update
- message initialization
- belief
Three Different Algorithm for LBP
- sum-product
- max-product
- min-sum
1. Sum-Product
message update
其中, exp函数将Datacost/Smoothness转换为0-1之间的valid probability
the outer summation is a marginalization of the variable l';
the inner product is the joint probability of DataCost, SmoothnessCost and all the incoming messages for a given label l';
算法复杂度是: O(L^2)
all messages are initialized as 1.
a product of all incoming messages
it presents the belief that node i takes on label l. 计算每个标签的belief值,得到最大belief所对应的标签值。
2. Max-Product
sum-product计算并最大化每个节点的Belief,考察的是节点的marginal probability。But, what we are really interested in is the max joint probability -- i.e. maximum a posterior (MAP) assignment problem.
digression : 可以理解posterior为条件概率
message update
belief calculation 是相同的
3. Min-Sum
message update
message initialization
due to minimization - all messages should be initialized as 0
message normalization
in log space:
Min-Sum 算法效率最高,无exp() and all operations are addition
Sum-Product 算法中,为了避免overflow,可以使用scaling
实际上,能量最小也不一定对应了最优的结果。可以做一个实验,用ground-truth disparity来计算energy,会发现energy的值比最终LBP计算的能量值要更大。应该更多的考虑occlusion。