3.3 Multi-Component LSM-trees(3)
Now there is a canonical size for C0 determined by the point at which the total cost of the LSM- tree, memory cost for C0 plus media/disk arm cost for the C1 component, is minimized. To arrive at this balance, we start with a large C0 component and pack the C1 component closely on disk media. If the C0 component is sufficiently large, we will have a very small I/O rate to C1. We can now decrease the size of C0, trading off expensive memory for inexpensive disk space, until the I/O rate to service C1 increases to a point where the disk arms sitting over the C1 component media are running at full rate. At this point, further savings in memory cost for C0 will result in increased media cost, as we are required to spread out the C1 component over fractionally full disks to reduce the disk arm load, and at some point as we continue to shrink C0 we will reach a minimum cost point. Now it is common in the two component LSM-tree that the canonical size we determine for C0 will still be quite expensive in terms of memory use. An alternative is to consider adopting an LSM-tree of three or more components. Conceptually, if the size of the C0 component is so large that the memory cost is a significant factor, then we consider creating another intermediate size disk based component between the two extremes. This will permit us to limit the cost of disk arms while reducing the size of the C0 component.