You will be less likely to shift the burden of proof if you learn to
expect your ideas to be questioned and criticized and prepare to support
them before you express them.
Straw Man
The term straw man was coined by logicians to denote an argument without substance. The term shares its meaning with the word scarecrow, a pile
of straw stuffed in human clothing and placed in a garden or field to scare
away birds. To commit the error of straw man is to put false words in
someone else’s mouth and then expose their falsity, conveniently forgetting that the other person never said them. Suppose you are discussing with a friend whether the sale of assault weapons should be banned and the conversation goes as follows:
You: I oppose any restriction on the sale of guns. It should make no difference whether we’re talking about a pistol,a rifle, a shotgun, or an assault weapon. A gun is a gun.And a constitutional right is a constitutional right.
Your friend: You say it “should make no difference” what kind of
gun is involved. I say it should make a difference because the guns you mentioned are very different from one another. Assault weapons are unlike other kinds of guns—they are not designed for hunting, or even for self-defense, but only for killing people, often indiscriminately. That’s why they should be banned.