Dear to students who are aspiring to the career as a Product Manager
This is the article for any student who is looking for a career as a Product Manager. It will be the reference experience for you to know about Product Manager Duty. Although it is various by company and company, which don’t have any standard can be generalized all the things need to work as a Product Manager. It provides an insight view for you to watch out the life of Product Manager.
Am I able to get the Product Manager Job without any experience in this field?
When I was a Year 2 Student (a few years ago, not kidding!). I participated in different entrepreneurship Bootcamp and competition. I truly believe that I would like to be an Entrepreneur in the future. But… How should I start with? What skills should I require? How do I learn to manage the team? How to create a brilliant product for our users? All those questions come to my mind, and then I found out this role.
People always have the misconception that if I am looking for a Product Management Job. I should get an Engineer Degree. But this is not true. What Interviewers are looking for is the passion of the student in the field, instead of how much “knowledge” he/she acquired. (Self-Disclaimer: I am Mathematics Majors Student).
Why did I choose to become a Product Manager in the Future?
As I mentioned before how could I find out “Product Manager”. It is also good to know why I obsessed with looking for this career path. Although I was a Mathematics Major. I already knew I am not the Talent in this field when I was in Year 1. I love to talk with people and understand why people behave this instead of that. Communicate with others provides me the energy to grow and learn. Be a Good Product Manager, you should be an Empathic, Curiosity, Growing Mindset, Rational, etc … It matched the characteristics of the people I would like to become.
“You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.” — Sabrina Bryan”
How I Got a Job? Preparation for my interview
At the time I am searching for an internship. I go to Linkedin / Jobvite / Glassdoor to have a board search term on any internship related Product Management (Product Specialist / Product Management Intern / Product Intern / Product Assistance / 產品經理實習生 / 產品經理培訓生 / etc ...). I send out more than 20 applications in the technology industry. Turn out I got one interview opportunity among these applications.
Before you are ready for the product manager interview. Just one thing you should be reminded of. Put effort into preparing your interview material. Your effort will get the corresponding return to you.
When I am preparing the internship interview …
During the interview, it is usual that the Head of the Product Manager will be interviewing you. I was shocked when the head of the Product Manager comes to the room. (OMG, It is foreigner ~~. Not worry I prepared enough. Just go ahead). Usually, the interview will ask you to introduce yourself in the beginning and why you would like to become a Product Manager. Remember, Passion is the Key.
Here I will not cover too many interview skills here. There are tones of the interview practice questions you can search via Google. Instead of Preparing the Questions, I would prefer you to study the Company Culture, What is their Strength, their Product, Future Roadmap, etc… It will impress your Interviewer how you familiar with their company.
Apart from the understanding of the company, I recommend all of you display enthusiasm with a sincere positively. Always remember, you are not expected to have faultless knowledge, but interviewers always like to work with candidates who are eager to learn
Turn out that I got the offer in the final interview ~~
Final Reminder
Although this article is focused on the road to get the Product Management Internship offer. It also suits for all of you who are looking for different internship opportunities. When you stand in front of your future employer, show the passion, positive attitude, mindset truly. Demonstrate that you can be a good one to take up the role. Be sincere when answering the questions when your future employer asking you. Show how well you understand the company you are applying to. People can feel how much effort you put.
From another perspective, Treat yourself as a Product. You are the Product Manager of Yourself. How would you deliver a good experience to your “User”. REMEMBER! GPA will not fully take you through the whole life of your career, but Attitude and Mindset does.
/* It is personal sharing from my internship experience. Feel free to reach out to me if you are also looking for this path. (同路人) */