Problems with Modifiers (有歧义的修饰语)
Dangling Modifiers (摇摆不定的修饰语)
A modifier "dangles" when its implied subject differs from the specific subject of the clause that follows it .(当一个修饰语所暗示的主语与主句中的主语不一致时,称之为摇摆的修饰语。)
1a. In order to contain the epidemic the area was sealed off.
In order to contain the epidemic所暗示的主语是某人,某机构,但主句的主语是the area。
2a. Resuming negotiations after a break of several days, the same issues confronted both the union and the company.
Resuming negotiations after a break of several days所暗示的主语应该是the union and the company,而主句的主语是the same issues 。
1b. In order for us to contain the epidemic, the area was sealed off.
1c. In order to contain the epidemic, the city sealed off the area.
2b. When the union and the company resumed negotiations, the same issues confronted them.
2c. Resuming negotiations after a break of several days, the union and the company confronted the same issues.
In order to start the motor, it is essential that the retroflex cam connecting rod be disengaged.
Misplaced Modifiers (放置不当的修饰语)
A second problem with modifiers is that sometimes they seem to modify two things, or the wrong thing. One kind of ambiguous modifier can refer either forward or back: (有时候一个修饰语可能用于修饰多个对象,从而导致歧义。一种情况是一个修饰语即可以修饰前文的内容,又可以修饰后文的内容。)
1a. Overextending oneself in strenuous physical activity too frequently results in a variety of physical ailments.
too frequently即可以修饰Overextending ,又可以修饰results in。相应的,存在两种修订的方法:
1b. Overextending oneself too frequently in strenuous exercise. . . .
1c. Overextending oneself in physical exercise results too frequently in a variety of physical ailments
2a. We failed entirely to understand the complexities of the problem.
entirely即可以修饰failed, 也可以修饰understand:
2b. We entirely failed to understand. . . .
2c. We failed to understand entirely. . . .
A second ambiguity occurs when a modifier at the end of a clause or sentence can modify either a neighboring or a more distant phrase: (另一种情况是句末修饰语即可以修饰临近的对象又可以修饰远端的对象。)
1a. Scientists have learned that their observations are as necessarily subjective as those in any other field in recent years.
1b. In recent years, scientists have learned that. . . .
1c. Scientists have learned that in recent years, their observations. . . .
In these cases, we can also use a resumptive modifier to clarify what a modifier is supposed to modify. (有时候,可以通过重复使用同一个修饰语用于指明被修饰的对象。)
1a. Perhaps there are relationships among the components of the process that would dictate one order rather than another.
到底是relationships,components,process 在dictate 。。。。。。
1b. Perhaps there are relationships among the components of the process, relationships that would dictate one order rather than another.
Pronoun Reference (代词指代不明)
A long sentence can also create problems with pronoun reference. If there is the slightest chance that a pronoun will confuse your reader, don't hesitate to repeat the antecedent. And if you can conveniently make one of your nouns plural and another singular, you can use singular and plural pronouns to distinguish what you're referring to. (长句子的代词很可能引入指代歧义。如果存在这种情况,则要毫不犹豫的重复使用前文出现过的词消除歧义。当然,如果能够将多的名词用单复数加以区别,则可以通过单复数的代词消除歧义。)
1a. Physicians must never forget that their patients are vitally concerned about their treatment and their prognosis, but that they are often unwilling to ask for fear of what they will say.
1b. A physician must never forget that her patients are vitally concerned about their treatment and their prognosis, but that they are often unwilling to ask for fear of what she will say.