[读外刊]英语笔记365 Day 2-4

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#英语笔记365   #外刊阅读


Day4 读华尔街日报-[违反新冠病毒疫情防控政策的人在网上激起众怒]

Day3 读纽约时报-[关于新冠病毒疫情的真相: 分析特朗普的谎言套路]

Day2 读时代杂志-[为什么蝗灾正在威胁着非洲及更广地区的农作物]

Day 4  2020年3月29

From [The Wall Street Journal] 华尔街日报 

Title: Coronavirus Rule Breakers Draw Public Ire Online



Those who test the limits of quarantines and social distancing are drawing a fierce backlash online. 




An Ohio man on spring break in Miami has become the subject of a tsunami of social media vitriol for insisting the coronavirus wouldn’t stop him from partying.

Track down 追踪

And in the Philippines, police got help from Facebook users as they [tracked down] a man who escaped from quarantine.



Virtual vigilantes are using the internet to name and shame people they believe are putting others at risk by reckless leisure travel, unnecessary socializing and violating rules of quarantine.


The [groundswell] of anger reacting to the video led to Mr. Sluder apologizing on his Instagram account on Sunday.


Whip out 

Shot 拍摄,注射  shot a video, flu shot 

Mr. Albrektson [whipped out] his phone, shot a video of the scene and posted it on Twitter, tagging city police.

"The 20 percent who aren’t listening to government health advice are risking the lives of the 80 percent that do."

Scathing 尖酸的,刻薄的  scathing review

Yelp 美国的大众点评网

Upset residents took to social media to criticize the pub, and its Yelp page was bombarded with so many scathing reviews that the website disabled new posts.

Takeout 外带,非堂食

The pub is open only for takeout.

Slander 诽谤

Backlash 批评

Mr. Griffins said he was surprised at the online [backlash].


A police director in the Philippines asked his thousands of Facebook followers for tips on the [whereabouts] of Felix Alejo, who had run away from mandatory isolation earlier that afternoon.

Shirk 逃避,躲避

Tip off 通风报信

They tipped off for the sake of public health. 

Dox 恶意曝光他人个人信息 韦氏词典的解释 to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge.

Online harassment is particularly severe, with lawbreakers doxed—a practice in which the target’s personal details are exposed online.


Privacy experts warn that such tactics can have consequences, such as misidentification. [Doxing], in particular, could lead to [retaliation], aggression or depression.

Day 3  2020年3月28       

        昨晚读了一篇短文 英国首相新冠检测呈阳性,目前在家隔离并处理国家事务,就学了两个词:Reuters(路透社) ;Downing Street 唐宁街,英国首相官邸所在街道

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus and is self isolating but will still lead the government's response to the outbreak.

From [The New York Times]

【Coronavirus Fact Check: Analyzing the Patterns in Trump's Falsehoods】

Ventilator 呼吸机

"I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators," he said, alluding to a request by Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York.

The state would “likely have a shortfall of 15,783 ventilators during peak demand

per capita 人均

In terms of raw numbers, the United States has tested more people for the coronavirus than Italy and South Korea but still lags behind in tests [per capita].

Falsehood 谎言,谬论  tenet 信条 spin to  转,扭转

These [falsehoods], like dozens of others from the president since January, demonstrate some core [tenets] of how Mr. Trump has tried to [spin] his response to the coronavirus epidemic to his advantage.

Dismiss    dismissive 轻蔑的

Play down 降低,贬低 Playing down the severity of the pandemic

Tally 账目  account

When the tally had again increased tenfold to over 1,200, the president argued that too was “very few cases” compared to other countries.

Germ  微生物,病菌  gem 宝石

细菌  bacterium, germ, virus

病菌  germ, pathogenic bacteria, harmful bacteria

菌     bacteria, bacterium, fungus, mushroom, germ, mold

核     nucleus, pit, stone, germ

霉     mold, mildew, fungus, germ, bacterium, must (from google dictionary)

Mortality 死亡   vaccine 疫苗  cure  解药   V 治愈

The [mortality] rate for coronavirus, however, is 10 times that of the flu and no [vaccine] or [cure] exists yet for the coronavirus


The president has also dispensed a steady stream of optimism when discussing countermeasures against the virus.


Insurer 保险公司

Premature 过早的 仓促的 prematurely

On the flip side, 在另一方面

Tumble 跌落

Flaw 瑕疵 some of the test kits were flawed.

Impeach 控告  The House impeached him.  

Snuck up 悄然进入,偷偷摸摸

At times, Mr. Trump has marveled at the scale of the pandemic, arguing that “nobody would ever believe a thing like that’s possible” and that it [“snuck up] on us.”

Day 2  2020年3月27日

From TIME [Why a Plague of Locusts Is Threatening Crops in Africa and Beyond]


Locusts 蝗虫  devour 吞食,耗尽  famine 饥荒  at the risk of 处于危险

the Horn of Africa 非洲之角  非洲东北部地区(亚丁湾南部非洲的最东边的区域)

    Over the past few months, massive swarms of [locusts] have [devoured] crops across the Horn of Africa and the Middle East, leaving an estimated 20 million people at risk of [famine].

Hatch 孵化   hatch eggs;unprecedented 空前的

     The first generation's eggs are starting to [hatch], and now even bigger swarms are forming, threatening countries from the Democratic Republic of Congo (刚果) to Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, and India, "representing an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods",  says the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Dense swarms

dense 密集的,swarm一大群,这里就是形容非常多的蝗虫

   Desert locusts are usually solitary creatures, but when weather conditions are right, their populations explode. That explosion can create dense swarms that can travel great distances–more than 90 miles in a day–in search of food.

Moist 湿润的 humid,damp

   Warm weather and unusually heavy rains in the Horn of Africa at the end of 2019 provided the [moist] soil necessary for hatching eggs. From there, the insects spread rapidly, resulting in one of the worst outbreaks the region has seen in more than 70 years.

Resort to 寻求--,诉诸于-

Spray 喷雾,喷洒

Handheld spray pumps 手持喷雾器

Scarce 缺乏的

Clang 铛,敲

   Some swarms have been so thick in parts of Kenya that they have prevented planes from taking off. Governments have [resorted to] widespread aerial spraying of pesticides when available; in poorer regions, where aircraft are scarce, soldiers battle the swarms with [handheld spray pumps], while farmers attempt to drive them away by clanging pots and pans.

Hinder 阻碍

    Scientists in Kenya hope a new computer-assisted tracking program that combines satellite data with weather-mapping software will help predict the swarms' next destination, buying regional authorities enough time to prepare a response. But coronavirus-related travel restrictions have [hindered] relief efforts as well as response mechanisms. The locusts have no such travel limitations.

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