This morning, an ORCID workshop was held in LIS, given by two directors from ORCID. One is Laurel, who is the Executive Director, big boss in ORCID. The other is a Japanese person, Nobuko Miyairi, regional director of Asia Pacific. I asked her the specific area of asia pacific, she said from Japan to India. So much!
I spend much time to find back my password. Now my ORCID record is like that: It has been established on Nov. 2014, almost 2 years.
ORCID is founded in 2010, and started service in 2012. So I 'm a early follower. I noticed it through ResearcherID promotion, because in the late 2013, there's interoperation between the two ID systems.
She also mentioned two ID system I'm not familiar: ISNI and KUDOS(Greater Research Impact). I know ISNI is International Standard Name Identifier, KUDOS is for first time.
Now the registration number is :
China: 105,417
Singapore: 6067
No matter what the membership fee is, the point is, what you can use ORCID to do. I haven't decided yet.
Nobuko told us, now ORCID cooperate with many stakeholders:
1\Publishers, can add peer reviews in ORCID! New
3\Funders, for grant application process
4\RIMS: Research Information Management System, such as converis
5\Institutions: NIMS, Digital Library(forgot what's it)
7\National Database, for instance, VIDWAD in india
Now ORCID is a hub for research cycle
1\grant application process, you should submit your ORCID to funders
2\publish papers, you should submit your ORCID to publishers
3\after published, an DOI is created and synchronized to ORCID through CrossRef
Now the annual membership fee is :
$4000, can connect with one system
$8000, can connect with many systems
I recalled that my boss ask me to follow up, but why it was stopped long time ago? I remembered. At that time, I asked the ORCID service support that how many faculties in XMU has registered ORCID, and he told me it's about 400. It's far from the data I extracted from WoS, which is 10-20. I downloaded the annual report/log and gave to Xiaozheng, he said it's difficult to read for the format is so odd. And I guess most of the 400 members are students.
Nobuko said, I can contact her later. the email is
Other Info.
中科院:Chinese Academy of Science
SASD: Student Academic Service Department. Library was involved with various institutes in NTU.