When a visitor first experiences a place, the urban form can provide clues to raise the level of anticipation. There is a similarity to hearing music, when a weak beat of one note of a new chord is introduced before the previous chord is resolved. Gordon Cullen stated the underlying goal is to "arouse the curiosity as to what scene will meet our eyes upon reaching the end of the street." The aspect of counterpoint between the known and unknown can create excitement, mystery, and the desire to explore further into the depths of the city.
当游客第一次体验一个地方时,城市形态可以提供线索来提高预期水平。就像听音乐,在前奏结束之前会引入一个新和弦的音符弱拍。Gordon Cullen表示,其根本目标是“引起人们对到达街道尽头的景象的好奇心。”已知和未知之间的对比可以创造兴奋、神秘的气氛,以及对城市进行进一步探索的欲望。
Responding to the need to attract those who are unfamiliar with urban ways, cities may create hermetically sealed, safe environments that lack this stimulation. In contrast, many medieval cities have the power to arouse curiosity about what scene will meet one's eyes as one moves forward, sometimes surprising one's expectations, yet providing a feeling of safety for the first-time visitor.
Gordon Cullen identifies two forms of anticipation experienced when exploring the urban fabric. The first is associated with the element of surprise as one turns a corner feeling that something special lies ahead. The second is the experience of compression and release; for instance, entering a compressed antechamber with a limited view, and proceeding forward to be released into an expansive space containing a figural object that is disposed axially or asymmetrically.
Gordon Cullen在探索城市肌理时提出了两种预期的形式。第一种与令人惊奇的元素有关,当他在街角拐弯时,感觉前方会有什么特别的东西。第二是压抑和舒展的对比经验; 例如,进入具有有限视野的压抑前室,并向前行进以释放到一个舒展的空间中,这个空间可能沿轴线对称或不对称展现。