A Our management team is dedicated to delivering operational excellence and improved profitability. In the coming year we will focus our marketing on professional, young adults who represent the high value segment of the market and who - according to independent research– are most likely to adopt our more advanced mobile data products. Customer retention is central to our strategy and we have been successful in reversing the customer loss of recent years by loyalty and upgrade schemes. A restructuring programme, resulting from changing marketing conditions, has seen our workforce scaled down to 6,100 people.
致力于Be dedicated to doing sth
在新的一年里in the coming year
聚焦市场于focus our marketing on...
高价值的部分High value segment
采用我们移动数据产品adopt our mobile data products
顾客维系 customer retention
逆转客户的流失revise the customer loss
缩减劳动力规模scale down the workforce