SBA FORREST GUMP would you recommend this book to your classmates?why? help them in some ways, god closes one door,meanwhile he opeans another door.
have you had an experience similar to (forrest gump)? i have never gone through sent a mission to mars,rescuse chair man mao from drowning or made friend with 食人族。but yes i have,the only thing we both experience was fail in examination.
in what ways are you similar to or different from(forrest)? en..i think we are both good at mathmatics .but forrest is.better than me,he can count a lot of complex jisuan,his lectur even said that his brain is like a computer,certainly i cant dothat,but i always get high grade in math examinations. concerning the character, he is
if you were to help (forrest)solve his problem,what advice would you give? his problem:not good at schoolwork,
which part of the book do you think is the most interesting? actually,in my opinion,the most interesting part is forrest join a senetor campaign as a condidate,before he join it,he even refused to be a condidate,he said that he is an idiot....but the .. said this is the reason why he choosed forreast. this plot make me laughed,how a person dont know zhengzhi with low iq can join the senertor campaign, whats more interesting,when the jiZHE asked forrest to deliver ..,and forrest only respond one sentence i want to ..., and i never suppose that after the delivery, this sentence became very popular in america,it even was the biaoyu of the campaign.because they think its creative and.. it seams to me that this part is hamlets and let me know how ridicules in that ...
how did the book end?do you like the ending?why? the books ending is bule but the end,forrest gave up all his fortune and intend to find his grilfriend jenny,he 到处流浪,以吹口琴为生,one day he finally find her,but jenny has already married,fortunately,the little boy who come with jenny is forrests son .....,he gave the half of his fortune to him.... i
why do you like this book? first,this book 风格幽默讽刺creative