【单词】 genuine 真正的;真诚的
tempt 引诱,诱使
tease 取笑,戏弄
【喜欢的一句话】But only one reminds me of the courage and persistence it takes to stay the course in the Shadowland.
【感受与收获】通过这周学习我与语伴进行了一次英文对话,让我变的自信,能用英语说下去,我觉得我的听力能力有所 提高。
【努力方向】 在接下来我会继续努力,预习,复习,我要每天练习二十分钟听力,然后把TextA的单词记住。和语伴多练习口语对话。当然我打算开始练四级题了,我会努力滴!加油加油!
The physical education we hurriedly drove to the old city of Yuci.During the Lantern Festival we went to the city of Yuci.We visited the ancient county ,the prison and garden.Also eat a delicacy ,enjoy the festive Lantern.This is the first time I'm been out with my roommates for the Lantern Festival.I'm very happy.