PLANET EARTH Seasonal Forests
No one knows why the creatures here are so small but at least they can survive on meager rations. You might call this a game of cat and moth. As winter approaches in Chile spring is arriving in the northern hemisphere. These are the deciduous seasonal forests of Homme. Dormant(休眠) throughout the winter, they now undergo one of the most magical transformations in the natural world. By late spring the landscape is wrapped in a vibrant fresh green.
Here, instead of conifers, there are broad leaved trees and that makes the character of this seasonal forest entirely different. Being broad, these leaves trap much more light than needles but they're also thin, soft and edible. And others can eat the leaf eaters. It's spring in the great broad leaved seasonal forests of Eastern Europe and Asiatic Russia.
The mandarin ducks are courting. The female mandarin nests in a tree hole and when it's time for everyone to leave she leads the way. The ducklings are only twenty four hours old. It's a long drop, and a few calls of encouragement are required. Two down seven to go. There are still two missing. All present and correct. But they won't be safe until they reach water and the forest pool is almost a mile away.