1. loom: If something unpleasant or difficult looms, it seems likely to happen soon.
2. loom 本身是以庞然大物的形状出现在前面的意思,又表示,出现在人们心目中既重大又令人惶恐不安。可以用loom来表示迫在眉睫,一触即发。这时主语一般都是些负向意义的词。如 crisis, problem, threat, danger.
Another financial crisis is coming.
As the company grows, a number of problems loom.
3. loom 常和large搭配表示问题,威胁,心病等挥之不去,萦绕心中,心病。
The Gaokao, China' college extrance exam, looms large in the life of almost every Chinese student.
4. 翻译:
As the artificial technology develops, concerns loom.
5. 场景: 相处久了,开始有矛盾。
造句: They live together for a month, the problem loom.